Инструкция для CITIZEN SR-135T

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SR8D1A-E.RTF     SIZE : 140x75mm     SCALE 2:1       2003/8/22 


E4 - 


b. Whenever the key is operated, the calculator discriminates the 

above priorities and holds the data and operation keys pending 
as required. 


  This pending action is possible up to 6 times, and 15 levels or 

more pending become error. 


c. [ ( ] key is accepted only immediately after [CE], [+], [

], [x], [





], [ 



], [=], [ ( ] keys can not accepted in all other cases. 

When this key is accepted, the displayed data is cleared to 0.

When [ ( ] key is first accepted, the special display “( )” 



  When a parenthesis expression is completed [ ) ] and [=] key or 

When it is cleared by the [ON/C] key, etc. or when errors are 
generated, the special display “(    )” goes out. 


d. If it is within the allowable range of pending, [ ( ] can be input 

into any place in an expression as many times  as desired. 
However, if the key is pressed continuously 16 times or more, it 
becomes error. 


From a viewpoint of numerical expression when the 
corresponding “ ) ” key is not pressed, the operation is not 
executed even if the “ ( ” key is pressed. On the other hand, 
When the “ ( ” key is pressed and the “ = ” key is the pressed 
without pressing the corresponding “ ) ” key, the operation is 
also completed according to the priority. 

(10) [X


M], [MR], [M+] Memory calculation 


a. The memory register “M” used by these keys is a completely 

independent single memory. 


b. Display data is added to “M” (memory register) by [M+] key. If 

data overflows at this time, the proceeding data is hold. 


c. Display data is stored in “M” by [X


M] key. 


d. Contents of “M” is displayed by [MR] key. 


e. When any data except for 0 is stored in “M”, the special display 

“M” illuminates. 












  :  1. Exponent select key. 


2. This key display a rounded value : 3.141592654.   


[ ]



 : Calculation 


a. When any arithmetic functions constant mode has been set, the 

displayed number is converted from a percentage to a decimal. 







[6] [1] [ • ] [5] [SHIFT] [%]   




b. When [=] key is pressed after [%] following arithmetic function 

will be executed. 

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 19
    SR-135T Scientific Calculator FEATURES.........................................................................2 THE KEYBOARD AND OPERATING CONTROLS ............2 DISPLAY ..........................................................................10 CALCULATION
  • Страница 2 из 19
    FEATURES (1) Normal operations. Four operation (+, −, x, ÷), xy, y x , auto-constant, parenthesis, percentage. (2) Memory calculation (XÆM, MR, M+). (3) General mathematical function: Trigonometric (3) Arctrigonometric (3) Logarithmic (2) Exponential (2) Square Power Square Root Cube Root Root (4)
  • Страница 3 из 19
    x! (2) [ CE] : 1. Clear entry key. 2. Factorial function (x!). x! = n x (n−1) x (n−2) x (n−3) x .....x 2 x 1 (3) [OFF] : Power off key. (4) [SHIFT] : This is the key for specifying the second function. When this key is pressed, the special display “SHIFT” lights. When this key press twice
  • Страница 4 из 19
    b. Whenever the key is operated, the calculator discriminates the above priorities and holds the data and operation keys pending as required. This pending action is possible up to 6 times, and 15 levels or more pending become error. c. [ ( ] key is accepted only immediately after [CE], [+], [−],
  • Страница 5 из 19
    CALCULATION EXAMPLE KEY OPERATION WHAT IS 30% OF 450? WHAT PERCENTAGE OF 600 IS 120? (120÷600x100=20) WHAT 25% OF 400 IS AN EXTRA? (400+(400x25/100) =500) WHAT 25% 0F 400 IS A DISCOUNT? (400−(400x25/100) =300) LCD DISPLAY 450 [x] 30 [SHIFT] [%] [=] 0.3 135. 120 [÷] 600 [SHIFT] [%] [=] 6. 20. 400
  • Страница 6 из 19
    c. The range of internal operation is as shown below and if the result of the operation exceed the range, it becomes an error (overflow). Binary Number Decimal Number ___ 512 ≤ DATA Outside the operation range Binary Positive Integer 111111111 111111110 111111101 : : 10 1 0 511 510 509 : : 2 1 0 −1
  • Страница 7 из 19
    Octal Negative Integer (Complement) 1 0 1 0 777777777 777777776 111111101 : : : : 4000000001 4000000000 −1 −2 : : −536870911 −536870912 DATA ≤ −536870913 Outside the operation range (19) Hexadecimal Mode ([SHIFT], [HEX], [0] ~ [9], [A] ~ [F]). a. Data input and output are both hexadecimal integer
  • Страница 8 из 19
    Key input display [2] [÷] [3] [=] 0.666666666 FIX [SHIFT] [ SCI ] [5] 0.66667 FIX 6.66667-01 [ SCI ] FIX [SHIFT] [ SCI ] [ • ] 6.6666666-01 (21) [X↔Y] : Exchange key. Used to exchange the displayed number with the contents of an internal register. (22) [a], [b], [RÆP], [PÆR] : Coordinate
  • Страница 9 из 19
    e. (RÆP Conversion) f. (PÆR Conversion) ([x, y]Æ[r, θ]) ([r, θ]Æ[x, y]) Key operation Display Key operation Display x x θ a x θ b y b RÆP b y y r θ r r x y r a PÆR b θ (23) Statistical calculation mode ([SHIFT] SD [ ON/C ]). a. When you calculate the calculation of statistics, pressing SD [SHIFT] [
  • Страница 10 из 19
    (24) CPLX : Digit erase / Complex number mode key. When exponential portion is not specified: [ Ź ] : Upon pressing this key immediately after the value is entered, displayed value is shifted to the right and the last digit is erased. Example: Entry Display 123456 Î 123456. [ Ź ]Î 12345. [ Ź ] [ Ź
  • Страница 11 из 19
    • Special display Examples of display • Floating of -6000 1/x; FIX =7 • Same as above, engineering display • Error display CALCULATION 1. Calculation order of priority. Because there is automatic priority of operations Logic the calculations, may be performed as expressed in the equation.
  • Страница 12 из 19
    5 ÷ 4 2 x 7 + 3 x 0.5 COS60° (1) (4) Example: (2) = 4.308820344 (5) (3) (6) (7) Key Input Display [5] [÷] 5. [4] [x2] 16. .............. (1) [x] 0.3125 .............. (2) [7] [+] 2.1875 ..............(3) [3] [x] 3. [ • ] [5] [xy] 0.5 [6] [0] [cos] 0.5 ..............(4) [=] 4.308820344
  • Страница 13 из 19
    12. 5 1024 = 6. 123 x 789 = NO. Key Input Display 1. [1] [2] [3] [+] [4] [5] [6] [=] 579. 2. [7] [8] [9] [=] 1245. 3. [1] [2] [3] [−] [4] [5] [6] [=] − 333. 4. [7] [8] [9] [=] 333. 5. [1] [2] [3] [x] [4] [5] [6] [=] 56088. 6. [7] [8] [9] [=] 97047. 7. [1] [2] [3] [÷] [4] [=] 30.75 8. [4] [5] [6]
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    [7] [8] [9] [x] [4] [M+] M 3156. [1] [4] [7] [0] [M+] M 1470. [MR] M 6240. 4. Calculations with parenthesis. Parenthesis are used when it is desired to perform calculations in a first priority that usually followed for the +, −, x, ÷, xy, y x , operations. In other words the “(” “)” force those
  • Страница 15 из 19
    (2) rectangular Æ polar Key Input Display [1] [a] 1. ] [b] 1.732050808 [SHIFT] [RÆP] 2. [b] 60. y [3] [ x 6. Complex Calculation EXAMPLE KEY INPUT (5 + 4i) + (6 + 3i) = 11 + 7i [SHIFT] [CPLX] DEG 5 [a] DEG 4 [b] DEG [+] DEG 6 [a] DEG 3 [b] DEG [b] DEG [=] DEG EXAMPLE KEY INPUT 6 x (7 − 9i) x (−5 x
  • Страница 16 из 19
    5 [+/−] [a] 8 [b] DEG [=] DEG [b] DEG CPLX 8. CPLX 222. CPLX 606. 7. Statistical calculation. Example: (1) What is the average and standard deviation? Data: 55, 53, 57, 54, 51, 56, 55, 52 Key Input Display Note SD [SHIFT] [SD] 0 set statistics mode [5] [5] [DATA] 1 display the volume [5] [3] [DATA]
  • Страница 17 из 19
    [6] [0] [SHIFT] [DEL] [5] [6] [DATA] [5] [4] [x] [3] [DATA] [5] [4] [x] [3] [SHIFT] [DEL] [5] [8] [x] [3] [DATA] [5] [2] [x] [4] [DATA] [5] [5] [DATA] [5] [2] [x] [4] [SHIFT] [DEL] 1 2 5 2 5 9 10 6 [SHIFT] [SD] 0 Clear the incorrect data (60) Input the correct data (56) Input the incorrect data
  • Страница 18 из 19
    4. 5. 6. 7. children to play with batteries. Wipe off the new batteries with a dry cloth to maintain good contact. Insert the two new batteries with their flat sides (plus terminals) up. Align the upper and lower cases then snap them to close together. Tighten the screws. - E18 - SR8D1A-E.RTF SIZE
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