Инструкция для INDESIT B 18 FNF S

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Proper installation of the appliance is essential to 
ensure the best and most efficient performance of 
your appliance.


The compressor and condenser generate heat and, 
therefore, need to be ventilated properly. Rooms with less 
than perfect ventilation are not very suited for installation of 
the appliance. Therefore, it should be installed in a room 
with an opening (window or French window) that provides 
the appropriate amount of air re-circulation. It is also 
important that the room should not be too humid.
During installation, make sure not to cover or obstruct the 
grates that allow proper ventilation of the appliance. For 
proper ventilation of the appliance, you must leave:
- a space of at least 10 cm between the top part and any 
cabinets above it;
- a space of at least 5 cm between the sides of the appliance 
and any adjacent cabinets/walls.

Away from Heat

Avoid positioning the appliance in a place where it is 
directly exposed to sunlight or near an oven, cook top or the 


The floor should be perfectly levelled; if not, you can adjust 
the feet at the front of the appliance.

 Before placing foodstuffs in the refrigerator or freezer, 
clean the interior well with warm water and baking soda.

 After having plugged the appliance in, make sure that pilot 
lamp   is light.
 Set thermostat knob  onto a medium position and can place 
food in the fridge after only a few hours.
 When the freezer has reached the optimum temperature, 
you can place frozen food in the freezer.


Before making the electrical connection, check that the 
voltage shown on the data plate, that you will find on the 
bottom left hand side of the appliance next to the crisper, 
corresponds to that of your mains and that the socket is 
earthen in conformity with all current electrical regulations. If 
the system is not earthen, the manufacturer declines all 
liability for consequent damages or losses. Do not use 
adapters or multiple sockets.

Check the power load

The electrical socket must support the maximum power load 
of the appliance shown on the data plate (on the bottom left 
hand side of the appliance next to the crisper).

Before plugging the appliance to the mains

Set the appliance upright and wait at least 3 hours before 
plugging the appliance into the mains to ensure proper 

This appliance complies with the following   

Community Directives:

-73/23/EEC of 19.02.73 (Low Voltage) and 

subsequent amendments;

-89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic

Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;

-2002/96/EC (WEEE).                                .



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Installation and Setting up



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