Инструкция для INDESIT WISE 107 S

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Enabled with




Bleaching cycle

designed to

remove the

toughest stains.

Please remember to pour the bleach into extra compartment 4

(see page 20).

This function is incompatible with the EASY IRON function.

2, 3, 4,

Rinse cycle.

Extra Rinse

Increases the

efficiency of the


Recommended when the appliance has a full load or with large

quantities of detergent.

1, 2, 3, 4, 7,

8, 9, 11, 12,

Rinse cycle.

Easy iron

This option

reduces the

amount of

creasing on

fabrics, making

them easier to


When this function is set, programmes 4, 5, 6 will end, with the

laundry left to soak (Anti-crease), and the relative button flashes:

- to conclude the cycle, press the START/RESET button or the

EASY IRON button;

- to run the draining cycle alone, set the knob to the relative

symbol       and press the START/RESET button.

This function is incompatible with the STAIN REMOVAL function.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

9, Rinse












Setting the spin cycle

If, when the appliance is switched on, the KNOB is positioned on

a programme with a spin cycle, a fixed 

 appears. Press button

 and the maximum spin speed allowed for the programme set

will be displayed, and the 

 icon flashes. Press it again and the

values lower until they reach OFF, which indicates that the spin

cycle has been excluded (press it again to go back to the

maximum value); stop on the desired speed, after approximately

2 seconds the setting is accepted: the symbol 

 remains fixed.

The spin cycle setting is enabled with all the programmes except

for 6 and the Draining cycle.

Setting the Delay Timer

Press the button 

 and you will see the word OFF on the

display, while the relative symbol flashes.

Press the button again and "1h" appears, that is, a delay of one

hour (this can reach up to 24h); stop on the "desired" delay; after

approximately 2 seconds the setting is accepted, following which,

the time for the set programme appears on the display and the

symbol   remains on.

If you now press the START/RESET button, the set "delay" appears; this decreases every hour until the start of

the cycle. In this phase, the "delay" can only be modified by decreasing it. The Delay Timer regulation is enabled

with  all  programmes.

Setting the temperature

If, when the appliance is switched on, the KNOB is positioned on a programme for which the temperature needs

to be regulated, a fixed   appears. Press button   and the maximum temperature allowed for the programme set

will be displayed and the   icon flashes. Press it again and the temperature lowers until it reaches OFF, which

indicates a cold wash cycle (press it again to go back to the maximum value); stop on the desired value, after

approximately 2 seconds the setting is accepted: the symbol   remains fixed.

The  temperature  adjustment  is  enabled  with  all  wash  programmes.


To  enable  a  function:

1. press the button corresponding to the desired function, according to the table below;

2. the function is enabled when the corresponding button is illuminated.

Note: The rapid flashing of the button indicates that the corresponding function cannot be selected for the

programme  set.

If you set a function that is incompatible with another function you selected previously, only the last one selected

will be enabled.

FUNCTION  buttons

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  • Страница 13 из 25
    Instructions for use WASHING MACHINE Contents GB English GB Installation, 14-15 Unpacking and levelling, 14 Electric and water connections, 14-15 The first wash cycle, 15 Technical details, 15 Washing machine description, 16-17 Control panel, 16 Display, 17 “MEMO” Programme, 17 Starting and
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    Installation  Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future reference. Should the appliance be sold, transferred or moved, make sure the instruction manual accompanies the washing machine to inform the new owner as to its operation and features. GB  Read these instructions carefully:
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     Do not use extensions or multiple sockets. Connecting the drain hose  The power supply cable must never be bent or dangerously compressed.  The power supply cable must only be replaced by an authorised serviceman. GB Installation 65 - 100 cm Connect the drain hose, without bending it, to a
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    Washing machine description Control panel FUNCTION GB Buttons START/RESET button START/STOP button Display Detergent dispenser Control knob TEMPERATURE button SPIN button Detergent dispenser to add detergent and fabric softener (see page 20). SPIN button to adjust the spin speed or exclude it
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    Display GB Installation In addition to being a practical tool to programme your appliance (see page 19), the display provides useful information concerning the wash cycle. Description Once you have pressed the START/RESET button to start the programme, the display will indicate the amount of time
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    Starting and Programmes Briefly: starting a programme GB 5. Add the detergent and any fabric softener (see page 20). 6. Start he programme by pressing the START/RESET button. To cancel it, keep the START/RESET button pressed for at least 2 seconds. 7. When the programme has ended, the word END is
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    Personalisations FUNCTION buttons Setting the spin cycle If, when the appliance is switched on, the KNOB is positioned on a programme for which the temperature needs to be regulated, a fixed appears. Press button and the maximum temperature allowed for the programme set will be displayed and the
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    Detergents and laundry Detergent dispenser GB Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won't necessarily make for a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the interior of your appliance and even pollute the environment. 4 1 2 3
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    Precautions and advice General safety • This appliance has been designed for nonprofessional, household use and its functions must not be changed. • Do not pull on the power supply cable to unplug the appliance from the electricity socket. Pull the plug out yourself. • Do not touch the drain water
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    Care and maintenance Cutting off the water or electricity supply GB • Turn off the water tap after every wash. This will limit the wear of your appliance's water system and also prevent leaks. • Unplug your appliance when cleaning it and during all maintenance operations. Cleaning your appliance
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    Troubleshooting Your washing machine could fail to work. Before calling for Assistance (see page 24), make sure the problem can't easily be solved by consulting the following list. The wash cycle won't start. • The appliance door is not shut properly (the word DOOR is displayed). button has not
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    Service 195041452.00 11/2003 - Xerox Business Services Before calling for Assistance: • Check whether you can solve the problem on your own (see page 23); • Restart the programme to check whether the problem has been solved; • If this is not the case, contact an authorised Technical Service Centre
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