Инструкция для Rondell Mocco&Latte RDF-442, Mocco&Latte RDF-446, Mocco&Latte RDF-445, Mocco&Latte RDF-440

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All R


ndell products are manufactured of high quality materials according to the 

most advanced technologies. Each article passes several stages of quality control 
before getting to your kitchen.

On condition of correct operations, R


ndell provides the following warranty for the 

cookware materials from the moment of purchasing:

•  stainless steel cookware, 25 years;
•  aluminum, 2 years;
•  bakelite and silicone accessories, 3 years.

Keep receipt and warranty card up to warranty period expiry. 

Warranty does not apply to the damages caused by the misuse of the cookware, as: 

• overheating;
•  drop of  article; 
• deliberate breakdown.

Also the warranty does not apply to the natural change of external properties of the 
article during the use:

•  mechanical damages of the inner or outer surfaces (scratches, abrasions, etc.)
•  natural change of color of the metal; 
•  stains, lime spots caused by using hard tap water.

Gold or blue hue appearing due to overheating of the cookware or cooking of certain kinds 
of food (tomatoes, lemon, vegetables, pickles, and etc.) is characteristic for the stainless still 
cookware and does not affect either its functional properties, or quality of the dishes. These 
stains can be removed by the special cleansers intended for the stainless steel cookware by 
4,5% vinegar or citric acid solution.
Visible welding spots are a result of high-quality fulfillment of corresponding production method; 
integral part of welding technology for all stainless steel cookware.

Warranty card

Article name

Date of purchase

Serial number

Signature of 

Stamp of seller

Hereby I accept the guarantee conditions and confirm that I have no claims to 
appearance or completeness of the package.

Signature of customer_________________

*  Ensure the guarantee certificate is filled out correctly: all lines of the certificate should be filled, 
the date of sale should be stated, seal on the guarantee certificate should be put




•  Read the information about your R


ndell cookware 

characteristics on packages, stickers or in booklets 

•   Before the first usage remove all stickers, wash the 

bakeware under hot water with neutral detergent 
thoroughly, rinse, then wipe dry. 

•  Never use coarse objects, metal sponges, abrasives 

and highly chlorinated detergents for cleaning.


Silicone is intended for cooking at temperatures 
under 230° С.

•   It is not recommended to use metal accessories.

•   Do not cool the bakeware under cold water, extreme 

temperature difference may cause form deformation.  

•   We recommend to use foil, parchment or to grease 

the form  before cooking - this will extend the lifetime 
of your bakeware.

•   Do not cut food with a knife right in the bakeform.  

•   Use potholders to prevent burning of your hands.

•   Do not use bakeware for cooking on a stove, use it in 

the oven only. 

•   Do not use steel cookware in microwave oven.

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warran_mocco&latte dark.indd   2

01.02.2012   11:09:10

01.02.2012   11:09:10

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    Warranty All Röndell products are manufactured of high quality materials according to the most advanced technologies. Each article passes several stages of quality control before getting to your kitchen. On condition of correct operations, Röndell provides the following warranty for the cookware
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