Инструкция для SANUS SYSTEMS Sanus VisionMount LC1A

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Adjust Monitor Position: Adjust Left / Right Swivel

CAUTION Avoid potential injuries or property damage! Remove the safety

bracket [C] only to adjust the swivel tension nut [D]. Be sure to replace the

safety bracket after adjusting the swivel tension nut. The hex hole in the safety

bracket must seat over the swivel tension nut.


Régler la position du moniteur: Régler le pivotement gauche/droite

ATTENTION Pour éviter des blessures ou dégâts éventuels! Déposer la

patte de sécurité [C] seulement pour régler l’écrou de tension de pivotement

[D]. N’oubliez pas de reposer la patte de sécurité après réglage de l’écrou

de tension de pivotement. Le trou hexagonal dans la patte de sécurité doit

reposer sur l’écrou de tension de pivotement.


Monitorposition verstellen: Schwenkbewegung links/

recht verstellen

VORSICHT Vermeiden Sie mögliche Verletzungen oder Sachbeschädigung!

Entfernen Sie die Sicherheitsklammer [C] nur, um die Spannmutter für die

Schwenkbewegung [D] zu verstellen. Setzen Sie die Sicherheitsklammer nach

dem Verstellen der Spannmutter für die Schwenkbewegung auf jeden Fall

wieder ein. Das Sechskantloch in der Sicherheitsklammer muss sich über der

Spannmutter für die Schwenkbewegung befinden.


Ajustar la posición del monitor: Ajustar el giro a izquierda / derecha

ADVERTENCIA ¡Evitar posibles lesiones o daños materiales! Retirar el

soporte de seguridad [C] sólo para ajustar la tuerca [D] de tensión de giro. No

olvidar volver a colocar en su lugar el soporte de seguridad después de haber

ajustado la tuerca de tensión de giro. El orificio hexagonal del soporte de

seguridad debe quedar asentado sobre la tuerca de tensión de giro.


Ajuste a Posição do Monitor: Ajuste o Pivô para Esquerda /Direita

ATENÇÃO Evite ferimentos pessoais ou danos de propriedade! Apenas

retire o suporte de segurança [C] para ajustar a tensão do botão de regulação

[D] do pivô. Verifique se voltou a colocar o suporte de segurança no sítio

depois de ajustar o botão de regulação do pivô. O buraco sextavado no

suporte de segurança deve estar apoiado sobre o botão de regulação do pivô.


Zet de monitor in de gewenste positie: Draaibeweging

naar links / rechts instellen

WAARSCHUWING Voorkom persoonlijk letsel of beschadiging van

eigendommen! Verwijder de veiligheidsbeugel [C] uitsluitend om de

spanmoer voor de draaibeweging [D] in te stellen. Vergeet niet om na het

instellen van de spanmoer de veiligheidsbeugel weer terug te plaatsen. Het

zeskantgat in de veiligheidsbeugel moet zich boven de spanmoer voor de

draaibeweging bevinden.


Regolazione della posizione del monitor: Regolazione rotazione


PRECAUZIONE Evitare il rischio di lesione personale o danneggiamento

dell’apparecchio! Per regolare il dado di trazione [D] di regolazione della

rotazione rimuovere solo la staffa di sicurezza [C]. Dopo aver effettuato la

regolazione del dado di tensione assicurarsi di ricollocare la staffa di sicurezza.

Il foro esagonale nella staffa di sicurezza deve collocarsi sopra il dado di

trazione di regolazione della rotazione.


Ρύθμιση της θέσης της οθόνης: Ρύθμιση αριστερής/

δεξιάς οριζόντιας περιστροφής

ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ Αποφύγετε πιθανούς τραυματισμούς ή υλικές ζημιές!

Αφαιρέστε το στήριγμα ασφαλείας [C] μόνο για να ρυθμίσετε το παξιμάδι

σύσφιξης οριζόντιας περιστροφής [D]. Μη ξεχάσετε να τοποθετήσετε ξανά το

στήριγμα ασφαλείας μετά τη ρύθμιση του παξιμαδιού σύσφιξης οριζόντιας

περιστροφής. Η εξαγωνική οπή στο στήριγμα ασφαλείας θα πρέπει να καθίσει

πάνω από το παξιμάδι σύσφιξης οριζόντιας περιστροφής.


Juster skjermens posisjon: Justere sving venstre / høyre

FORSIKTIG Unngå fare for personskade eller materielle skader!

Sikkerhetsbraketten [C] må bare fjernes for å justere sving-strammemutteren

[D]. Pass på å sette på sikkerhetsbraketten etter at svingstrammemutteren

er justert. Det sekskantede hullet i sikkerhetsbraketten må befinne seg over



Tilpas skærmposition: Tilpas venstre/højre-drejning

FORSIGTIG Undgå potentiel tilskadekomst eller tingskade! Fjern kun

sikkerhedskonsol [C] for at tilpasse spændingsmøtrikken [D] til drejning

af skærmen. Sørg for at sætte sikkerhedskonsollen tilbage på plads efter

tilpasning af spændingsmøtrikken til drejning af skærmen. Sekskantshullet

i sikkerhedskonsollen skal placeres over spændingsmøtrikken til drejning af



Justera bildskärmens läge: Justera vridningen vänster/


OBSERVERA Undvik eventuella personskador eller skador på föremål!

Ta bara bort säkerhetsshållaren för att justera ådragnings-muttern [D]

för vridning. Se till att du sätter tillbaka säkerhetshållaren efter att ha

justerat muttern. Det sexkantiga hålet i säkerhetshållaren måste sitta över



Отрегулируйте положение монитора: Отрегулируйте

поворот Влево / Вправо

ОСТОРОЖНО! збегайте травм и повреждения имущества!

Предохранительный кронштейн [C] снимайте только для регулировки

натяжной гайки шарнирного соединения [D]. После регулировки

натяжной гайки шарнирного соединения не забывайте устанавливать на

прежнее место

предохранительный кронштейн. Шестиугольное отверстие в

предохранительном кронштейне должно находиться над натяжной гайкой

шарнирного соединения.


Ustaw telewizor: Przesuw w lewo / Obrót w prawo

UWAGA Unikaj potencjalnych obrażeń i uszkodzeń! Zdejmuj wspornik

zabezpieczający [C] tylko w celu regulacji nakrętki napinającej przegubu

[D], po czym natychmiast zakładaj go z powrotem. Sześciokątny otwór

we wsporniku zabezpieczającym należy nasadzić na nakrętkę napinającą



Nastavte polohu monitoru: Nastavte natočení doleva /


POZOR Předejděte možným zraněním nebo poškození majetku!

Bezpečnostní konzolu [C] odstraňte pouze tehdy, když chcete nastavit

napínací matici pro natáčení [D]. Po nastavení napínací matice nezapomeňte

bezpečnostní konzolu znovu nasadit. Šestihranný otvor v bezpečnostní

konzole musí být nad napínací maticí pro natáčení.


Monitörün Konumunu Ayarlayın: Sola Doğru

Ayarlayın / Sağa Doğru Çevirin

DİKKAT Kişisel yaralanma veya ürünün zarar görme tehlikesine karşı

dikkatli olun! Emniyet desteğini [C] yalnızca montaj düzeneğindeki germe

somununu [D] ayarlamak için çıkarın. Montaj düzeneğindeki germe somununu

ayarladıktan sonra emniyet desteğini tekrar yerleştirin. Emniyet desteğindeki

altıgen delik montaj düzeneğindeki germe somunun üzerine yerleşmelidir.


モニターの位置調整: 調整して左旋回と右旋回します。


[C]は、首振りのテンション調整ナット [D]を調整する時だけ。取り外し


调节显示器的位置: 调整左旋转和右旋转。

警告! 请避免潜在的人员伤害或者财产损失!只有在调节旋转松紧螺母


Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 31
    LC1A (6901-170155 <00>) EN Thank you for choosing the Sanus Systems VisionMount LC1A ceiling mount. The LC1A is designed to support monitors 30 to 55 in. (76 to 140 cm), weighing up to 79 kg (175 lbs.). The LC1A is adjustable, allowing tilt +5 to -15˚, swivel ±55˚, and roll ±6˚. Merci d’avoir
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    EN CAUTION: Do not use this product for any purpose not explicitly specified by Sanus Systems. Improper installation may cause property damage or personal injury. If you do not understand these directions, or have doubts about the safety of the installation, contact Sanus Systems Customer Service
  • Страница 3 из 31
    PT ATENÇÃO: Não use o produto para nenhuma finalidade que não tenha sido explicitamente especificada pela Sanus Systems. Uma instalação inadequada poderá causar danos de propriedade ou ferimentos pessoais. Se não compreender as instruções ou se tiver dúvidas sobre a segurança da instalação, por
  • Страница 4 из 31
    NO FORSIKTIG: Bruk ikke dette produktet til andre formål enn de som spesifiseres av Sanus Systems. Feil installasjon kan føre til personskade eller materielle skader. Hvis du ikke forstår disse instruksjonene eller tviler på om installasjonen er trygg, bør du kontakte Sanus Systems Customer Service
  • Страница 5 из 31
    PL UWAGA: Nie wykorzystuj tego produktu do celów innych niż wyraźnie określone przez firmę Sanus Systems. Nieprawidłowa instalacja może spowodować zniszczenie mienia lub obrażenia ciała. Jeśli poniższe wskazówki nie są zrozumiałe lub masz wątpliwości co do bezpieczeństwa instalacji, skontaktuj się
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    7/32 in. EN Supplied Parts and Hardware Before starting assembly, verify all parts are included and undamaged. If any parts are missing or damaged, do not return the item to your dealer; contact Sanus Systems Customer Service. Never use damaged parts! FR Pièces et matériel fournis Avant de
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    [02] x 2 [01] x 1 [03] x 1 [05] x 2 [04] x 1 [06] x 1 [07] x 1 5/16 x 2 1/2 [08] x 4 5/16 [09] x 4 [11] x 2 [10] x 2 M4 x 10 mm M4 x 12 mm M5 x 12mm M6 x 12 mm M8 x 16 mm [12] x 4 [13] x 4 [14] x 4 [15] x 4 M5 x 30mm M6 x 35mm M8 x 40mm [17] x 4 [18] x 4 [19] x 4 M4 x 30mm [16] x 4 M4 [20] x 4 M5
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    1 7/32 in. OPT EN Use the smaller round holes when possible. It is acceptable to OPT use one of the round holes and one of the slotted holes, if necessary. If using the slotted hole, an 8 x 40mm (5/16 x 1.5 in.) washer is required. This washer is not provided. OPT SV Använd de mindre runda hålen
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    [07] [10] [11] OPT OPT 6901-170155 <00>
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    2 EN NOTE: The Connector [09] must line up below the Coupler [04] as shown here. OPT The placement of the extension tubes [03] and [06] may be reversed to OPT suit your application. REMARQUE : le connecteur [09] doit être aligné sous le raccord [04] comme illustré ici. FR Le positionnement des
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    [07] [33] [03], [06] [03], [06] [04] [33] [33] [03], [06] [03], [06] [33] [09] 6901-170155 <00>
  • Страница 12 из 31
    3-1 EN Attach Brackets to Monitor - for monitors with a flat back. FR Fixer les pattes au moniteur - pour les moniteurs à arrière plat. DE Konsolen an Monitor befestigen - für Monitore mit flacher Rückwand. ES Fijar los soportes al monitor - para monitores de dorso plano. PT Una os Suportes do
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    001429.eps FPM70-Brackets not level M4 M5 [12] [13] [20] [21] [27] [27] 000222.eps LRF118 - Flat 000222.eps [05] LRF118 - Flat Back Monitor [05] M6 M8 000222.e LRF118 [14] [15] [22] [28] [05] 6901-170155 <00> [23] [28] 000222.eps [05] LRF118 - Flat Back Monitor
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    3-2 EN Attach Brackets to Monitor - for monitors with a curved back or obstruction. FR Fixer les pattes au moniteur - pour les moniteurs à arrière incurvé ou en cas de gêne. DE Konsolen an Monitor befestigen - für Monitore mit gekrümmter Rückwand oder einem Hindernis. ES Fijar los soportes al
  • Страница 15 из 31
    001428.eps FPM70-Curved Back Hardware 001428.eps FPM70-Curved Back Hardware M4 M5 [16] [17] [20] [27] [21] [27] [27] [29] [27] [29] 01428.eps PM70-Curved Back Hardware 001428.eps FPM70-Curved Back Hardware [05] 001429.eps FPM70-Brackets [05] M6 M8 [19] [18] [22] [28] [30] [05] 6901-170155 <00> [23]
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    4 EN Install Vise Assemblies NOTE: Do not overtighten the nut [24]. The vise assembly [08] must rotate freely around the carriage bolt [25]. RU Установите тиски ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Не перетягивайте гайку [24]. Тиски [08] должны свободно вращаться на болте с квадратным подголовком [25]. FR Poser les
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    2x [04] [25] 001430.eps FPM70-Vise assemblies installed [24] 2x [04] 001431.eps FPM70-Detail, vise installation [25] [24] se installation 6901-170155 <00>
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    5 EN Install Arm Assembly to Monitor NOTE: Do not overtighten the fastener in the vise assemblies [08]. Tighten only enough to prevent the tubes [02] from moving. CS Připevněte k monitoru blok ramena POZNÁMKA: Upevňovací prvky ve svíracích blocích [08] neutahujte příliš. Utáhněte je pouze tak, aby
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    [02] [05] [02] [01] [05] 4x [01] [02] [02] 001438.eps FPM70-Arm Attachment Detail 001438.eps FPM70-Arm Attachment Detail 6901-170155 <00> ps 0.e 142 s 00 ow Arr 001438.eps FPM70-Arm Attachme
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    6 EN HEAVY! You will need assistance with this step. Avoid potential personal injuries or property damage! Be sure to install the safety bolts [26]. Periodic tightening may be required. étape. FR LEVAGE LOURD ! Vous aurez besoin d'aide pour exécuter cette Évitez les risques de blessures et de
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    [26] 6901-170155 <00>
  • Страница 22 из 31
    7-1 EN Adjust Monitor Position: Adjust Level FR Régler la position du moniteur: Régler l’horizontalité DE Monitorposition verstellen: Höhe verstellen ES Ajustar la posición del monitor: Ajustar el nivel PT Ajuste a Posição do Monitor: Ajuste o Nível NL Zet de monitor in de gewenste positie: Verstel
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    [A] 6901-170155 <00>
  • Страница 24 из 31
    7-2 EN Adjust Monitor Position: Adjust Up / Down Pitch NOTE: Adjust the pitch tension by tightening or loosening the tension knobs [B]. Régler la position du moniteur: Réglez l’inclinaison haut/bas NOTE: Réglez la tension d’inclinaison en serrant ou desserrant les boutons de tension [B]. FR DE
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    [B] 6901-170155 <00>
  • Страница 26 из 31
    7-3 Adjust Monitor Position: Adjust Left / Right Swivel CAUTION Avoid potential injuries or property damage! Remove the safety bracket [C] only to ­adjust the swivel tension nut [D]. Be sure to replace the safety bracket after adjusting the swivel ­tension nut. The hex hole in the safety bracket
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    [C] [D] [D] [C] 6901-170155 <00>
  • Страница 28 из 31
    8 EN Install Cable Management NOTE: Be sure to leave enough slack in the cables to allow the monitor to move freely. TR Kablo Yönetimini Kurun NOT: Monitörün serbestçe hareket edebilmesi için kabloların gergin olmamasına dikkat edin. FR Installez la goulotte de câbles NOTE : Laissez suffisamment de
  • Страница 29 из 31
    [31] 6901-170155 <00>
  • Страница 30 из 31
    EN Milestone, Inc. and its affiliated corporations and subsidiaries (collectively, “Milestone”), intend to make this manual accurate and complete. However, Milestone makes no claim that the information contained herein covers all details, conditions, or variations. Nor does it provide for every
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