Инструкция для ARISTON MTA 1185 X

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How to Start the Appliance

How to use the refrigerator compartment ...



 After the appliance has been delivered,s tand it in 
the upright position and wait approxi mately 3 hours 
before connecting it t o the electrical outl et to guar-
antee that it operates prorerly. 

 Before placing foods tuffs in the refriger ator or freezer, 
clean the interior well  with warm water and ba king 


 After having plugg ed the appliance in, m ake sure that pilot 
lamp “A” is light. 
 Set knob ‘B’ onto a med ium position and can pl ace food in the 
fridge after only a few  hours. 
 When the freezer has reached the optimu m temperature, you 
can place frozen food in  the freezer.



The thermostat automatically regulates the temperature 
inside the appliance 

= less cold 

= colder 

It is recommended that a  medium setting be used .  
To increase the amoun t of space, optimiz e arrangement 
and improve appearance, this appliance has a “cooling 
area” located within the b ack panel of the refrig erator 
When the appliance is  operating, this panel m ay be 
covered with frost or dr oplets of water depending on 



whether the compressor i s operating or not at a set tim e.     
Do not be concerned about this!  The refrigerator is  
operating normally. 
 If the thermostat kn ob is positioned on hi gher settings 
while the refrigerator  is heavily filled and th e ambient tem-
perature is high, the ap pliance may run con tinuously, re-
sulting in the forma tion of frost on the back  cooling area. 
This will lead to an incr ease in energy consum ption. 

 To avoid this situation, just turn the thermostat knob to a 
lower setting so that the appliance defrosts auto-





Storing food in the Refrigerator Compartment 




Storage time 


Location in the Refri gerator 


Fresh meat and cleaned  fish 



(use plastic wrap or pa ck in plastic bags)  

2 or 3 days 

On any shelf 

Fresh cheese 

3 or 4 days 

On any shelf 


1 month 

In special egg tray on an y shelf 

Butter, margarine 

1 week 

On any shelf 

Cooked or precooked fo od (placer in air-tight contain-
ers and when cool store i n refrigerator) 

3 or 4 days 

On any shelf 

Sausages, salami, sandwich meats in gen eral, fresh 
pasta, custards, puddi ngs, chocolates, cre am pastries, 
bread, dry pastries, red toma toes 

3 or 4 days 

On any shelf 

Bottled products, milk, drinks, yoghurt 


On special door shelv es 

Fruit and vegetable 

In vegetable crisper  


What Should Not be Stored in the Refrigerator 

Garlic (transmits od our), onions and leek s. 
Bananas (they will turn black). 
Citrus fruits. 
Potatoes and root vege tables (store in dark,  dry places). 

- Within the refrigerator com partment, the air circulates 
naturally, with the colder air falling down because it is 
heavier. This is the reason why meat and cheeses should 
be placed above the vegetable contai ner. 
- Please follow our i nstructions carefu lly on maximum stor-
age time: any food, even the  freshest, will not remai n edi-
ble for any extended am ount of time. 
- Do not place liquids in containers without covering them 
because this will lead to a n increase in the level of  mois-
ture within the refrig erator, causing the f ormation of frost. 
- Remember to cool ho t food before stori ng otherwise the 
temperature inside th e appliance will i ncrease, causing 
the compressor to work har der and use more ener gy. 


- Contrary to popular bel ief, cooked foods are no t stored 
any longer than raw food. 
- The refrigerator com partment is equipped  with conven-
ient, removable shelv es, which can be adjusted  for    
height using the shelf guides. This al lows you to place even  
large containers and fo odstuffs in the refri gerator. 
- Be careful not to place con tainers (plastic or gl ass), food 
or other objects in dir ect contact with the cooling area of 
the back wall of the refrig erator. This could harm the food, 
in-crease energy consumptio n and facilitate the formati on 
of condensate (on food,  containers, etc.).