Инструкция для BEHRINGER ULTRA-DI PRO DI4000

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ULTRA-DI PRO DI4000 User Manual

This configuration can be used with a keyboard, DJ-mixer, headphone output, 

drum kit or any (stereo or mono) line source. In all cases where you want to run 

long lines, for instance to the FOH (Front Of House) desk. The signal can be linked 

through to another amplifier, if the keyboard player/ DJ/etc. wants to have a 

monitor connected independent of the foldback mix. The ULTRA-DI PRO acts as 

both a ground isolator and an unbalanced to balanced converter. 

2.3  Converting a microphone signal



Fig. 2.3: Connecting a microphone 

Sometimes all that’s available (especially when all other mics are in use) is an 

unbalanced high impedance microphone with an unbalanced jack. With the 

ULTRA-DI PRO long cable runs to the console can be established without fear 

of picking up noise and hum. Just plug the jack into the input and connect the 

output to the console’s mic input.

2.4  Tapping a signal from a power 

amplifier output

When no line out is available it is possible to connect an amplifier output directly 

to the DI4000 (for example, recording direct from a guitar amplifier, TV-speaker, 

etc). It is possible to connect the output, i.e. an extra speaker output, of up to 

3000 Watts to the ULTRA-DI PRO without fear of overloading. Pay attention to the 

two -20 dB buttons on the ULTRA-DI PRO! Both must be depressed if an amplifier 

output is connected to the DI4000 input.



+red or positive post

-black or negative post

-20 / -40 dB!

Fig. 2.4: Connection to an amplifier output


Always make sure the GROUND LIFT is on (no ground link) 
when connecting to speaker terminals. This prevents accidental 
short‑circuiting of the amplifier output. Also make sure the tip of the 
input jack is connected to the red terminal and that the metal housing 
of the DI4000 has no contact with other equipment.

3.  Installation

Your BEHRINGER ULTRA-DI PRO was carefully packed in the factory and 

the packaging was designed to protect the unit from rough handling. 

Nevertheless, we recommend that you carefully examine the packaging and its 

contents for any signs of physical damage, which may have occurred in transit.


If the unit is damaged, please do not return it to us, but notify your 
dealer and the shipping company immediately, otherwise claims for 
damage or replacement may not be granted. Shipping claims must be 
made by the consignee.

3.1  Rack mounting

The BEHRINGER ULTRA-DI PRO fits into one standard 19" rack unit of space. 

Please allow at least an additional 4" depth for the connectors on the back panel. 


Be sure that there is enough air space around the unit for cooling and 
please do not place the ULTRA‑DI PRO on high temperature devices such 
as power amplifiers etc. to avoid overheating.

3.2  Mains connection 

The mains connection of the ULTRA-DI PRO is made by using a mains cable 

and a standard IEC receptacle. It meets all of the international safety 

certification requirements.


Please make sure that all units have a proper ground connection. 
For your own safety, it is advisable not to remove the ground 
connection within the units or at the supply, or fail to make this 
connection at all. 

Before you switch on the unit, check that it is configured to match your AC 

mains voltage requirements. If it does not comply, then it is necessary to switch 

the operating voltage to the correct supply requirements BEFORE turning on 

the unit, otherwise the unit could be severely damaged. You will find this 

combined fuse holder/voltage selector at the back, adjacent to the IEC receptacle. 

IMPORTANT: This does not apply for general export models which are 

built for one operating voltage only. 

The AC voltage selection is defined by the position of the fuse holder. If you 

intend to change the operating voltage, remove the fuse holder and twist it 

by 180 degrees before you reinsert it. Matching the two markers shows the 

selected voltage.


If the unit is switched to another operating voltage, the fuse rating 
must be changed. See the technical specifications in the appendix.

A safety fuse protects the unit from serious defects. If the fuse blows, this is a 

warning sign and always indicates that the circuit is overloaded. The fault must 

always be repaired before the fuse is replaced. If the safety fuse is faulty and 

needs replacing after the unit is repaired, please make sure that you replace it 

only with the identical type and rating. NEVER use fuses of different ratings or 

cover faulty fuses with aluminium foil. This can cause fire and electric shocks and 

will endanger your life and the lives of others.

3.3  Audio connections

As standard, the BEHRINGER ULTRA-DI PRO is installed with transformer-

balanced outputs. This transformer features automatic hum and noise 

reduction for balanced signals and thus allows for trouble-free operation, 

even at high operating levels. Externally induced mains hum etc. will be 

effectively suppressed. 


Please ensure that only qualified persons install and operate the 
ULTRA‑DI PRO. During installation and operation the user must have 
sufficient electrical contact to earth. Electrostatic charges might affect 
the operation of the ULTRA‑DI PRO!