Инструкция для BINATONE BS-8050 B

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Bathroom scales BS-8050

The appliance is designed for

 static human body measurement at home.

Technical specifications and features:

Max. weight: 150 kg

Deviation: 0.1 kg

Power source: 4 batteries 1.5V type AAA  


This appliance is powered by batteries, therefore during operation it is necessary to 

comply with the following safety measures:

►  If the appliance is not going to be used for a long period of time, it is recommended 

to take the batteries out of the appliance.

►  Only use the batteries as recommended by the manufacturer.


►  Only perform the weighing of children and people with limited physical abilities 

under strict supervision.

►  Do not stand on the platform with wet feet since it can be slippery. Always make 

sure that the scales are dry. 

►  While weighing, always stand in the central part of the platform in order not to 

overturn the scales or fall off.  

►  Store the appliance in the original package, in a horizontal position. 


1. Platform 

2.  LCD display with blue backlight

3.  Battery compartment

4.  4 batteries 1.5V type AAA 

5.  Rubber feet


Open the battery compartment 


 on the platform 


 and remove the insulation to 

release contacts. 


1.  Put the scales on a flat solid horizontal surface. Do not put the scales on carpets or 

other soft covering, since this will affect the measurement accuracy.

2.  To turn on the scales, stand onto the scales with your foot evenly distributing your 

weight over the platform 


 and don’t move. Wait a few seconds until the appliance 

calculates the result, which will appear on the display.

3.  If the measured weight exceeds the allowable load (150 kg), the display will show 

the indication of excess load 



4.  If 


 appears on the scales display 


, this means the battery requires 

replacement. Put the new battery in the appliance, observing polarity.


1.  Wipe the appliance with a damp lint free cloth, wiping it dry, so that there are no 

water marks on the platform 


. Do prevent water getting inside the appliance. Do 

not use hard abrasive materials and substances for cleaning.

2.  Always keep the appliance in a horizontal position in a dry, cool place. Do not store 

the appliance in places with high humidity or temperature. 


If your appliance does not operate or does not operate properly, contact an authorized 

service center for consultancy or repair.

The warranty does not cover:

-  product packing, consumables and accessories (knives, tips, etc.);

-  mechanical damages and natural wear of the product;

-  failures due to overloading, improper or careless maintenance, penetration of 

liquids, dust, insects and other foreign matters inside the product, exposure of 

plastic and other not thermal-resistant components to high temperatures, force-

majeure circumstances (accidents, fire, flooding, power grid failure, lightning stroke, 


-  damages caused by:

►  Non-fulfillment of the above-mentioned precautions and operating manuals.

►  Application in commercial purposes (application of the product beyond personal 

daily living needs).

►  Unauthorized repair or replacement of the components of the appliance, performed 

by an unauthorized person or service center.

Also the warranty doesn’t cover replaceable batteries.

Manufacturing date is specified on the appliance.

RU XX YY ZZZ code reads as:

XX – production year

YY – production month 

ZZZ – batch number

Major Importer of Binatone TM in Russia:


Address of the Company: house 7/1, Pogorelskiy per, Moscow, 119017


 Binatone Industries Ltd, Great Britain, U.K., 10th Floor, 6 Mitre 

Passage, Greenwich, London, SE 10 0ER.

Made in PRC for Binatone Industries Ltd, Great Britain.


2 years.

Exploitation period:

 3 years after the day of purchase. 


Оглавление инструкции
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    Instruction Manual BS-8050 Bathroom scales - + AAA AAA AAA AAA
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    Bathroom scales BS-8050 The appliance is designed for static human body measurement at home. Technical specifications and features: Max. weight: 150 kg Deviation: 0.1 kg Power source: 4 batteries 1.5V type AAA EN RU SAFETY MEASURES This appliance is powered by batteries, therefore during operation
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    Еденде тұратын BS-8050 электрондық таразысы EN RU UA KZ Аспаптың мақсаты: салмақтар үй шарттарындағы адамның дененiң массасының статикалық өлшеуi үшiн арналған. Негізгі сипаттамалары мен параметрлері: Ең жоғары салмақ: 150 кг Өлшеу қадамы: 0,1 кг Қуат көзі: ААА типті 1,5В қуат батареялары – 4 дана.
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    001 Если Ваш город не указан, Вам следует связаться с магазином и узнать, не открыт ли Сервис-центр недавно. Полный перечень Сервисцентров Binatone на территории СНГ и стран Балтии приведен на сайте www.binatone.ru В случае, если в Вашем городе отсутствует Сервис-центр Binatone, Вам следует
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