Инструкция для CANDY FLE0502/6X

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WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid 
touching heating elements.
• Children under 8 Year of age must be kept away from the appliance unless they are continuously 
• This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced 
physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given 
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards 
• Children must not play with the appliance.
• Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
• During use the appliance becomes hot. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements inside 
the oven.
WARNING: Accessible parts may become hot during use. Young children must be kept away.
• Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can 
scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.
• The oven must be switched off before removing the guard, after cleaning, the guard must be replaced in 
accordance with the instructions.
• Only use the temperature probe recommended for this oven.
• Do not use a steam cleaner for cleaning operations.
• WARNING: Avoid possibility of electric shock - ensure the appliance is switched off before replacing the 
• The means for disconnection must be incorporated in the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring 
• The instructions state the type of cord to be used, taking into account the temperature of the rear surface 
of the appliance.
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the 
manufacturer or its service agent.
• CAUTION: In order to avoid a hazard due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal cutout, this appliance 
must not be supplied through an external switching device, such as a timer, or connected to a circuit that 
is   regularly switched on and off by the utility.
CAUTION: Accessible parts may be hot when the grill is in use. Young children must be kept away.
• Excess spillage must be removed before cleaning. 
• During self-cleaning pyrolytic operation the surfaces may get hotter than usual and children MUST be 
kept away.



Thank you for choosing one of our products. To get the most out of your oven we recommend that you:
• Read the notes in this manual carefully: they contain important instructions on how to install, use and service this oven safely.
• Keep this booklet in a safe place for easy, future reference.
When the oven is first switched on it may give out acrid smelling fumes. This is because the bonding agent for insulating panels around the oven 
has been heated up for the first time.
This is a completely normal, if it does occur you merely have to wait for the fumes to clear before putting the food into the oven.
An oven by its very nature becomes very hot. Especially the glass of the oven door.

The parts of this appliance that may come into contact with foodstuffs 
comply with the provisions of EEC Directive 89/109.

Appliance complies with European Directives 73/23/EEC and 
89/336/EEC, replaced by 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC, and 
subsequent amendments.


When you have unpacked the oven, make sure that it has not been 
damaged in any way. If you have any doubts at all, do not use it: 
contact a professionally qualified person. Keep packing materials 
such as plastic bags, polystyrene, or nails out of the reach of children 
as they are dangerous.


•The oven must be used only for the purpose for which it was designed: it 
must only be used for cooking food. Any other use, e.g. as a form of 
heating, is an improper use of the oven and is therefore dangerous.
•The manufacturers cannot be held responsible for any damage caused 
by improper, incorrect or unreasonable use. 

When using any electrical 

appliance you must follow a few basic rules.

– Do not pull on the power cable to remove the plug from the socket.
– Do not touch the oven with wet or damp hands or feet.
– Do not use the oven unless you are wearing something on your feet.
– It is not generally a good idea to use adapters, multiple sockets for 
several plugs and cable extensions.
– If the oven breaks down or develops a fault switch it off at the mains and 
do not touch it.
•If the cable is damaged it must be replaced promptly.
When replacing the cable, follow these instructions. Remove the power 
cable and replace it with one of the H05RRF, H05VV-F, H05V2V2-F type. 
The cable must be able to bear the electrical current required by the oven. 
Cable replacement must be carried out by properly qualified technicians. 
The earthing cable (yellow-green) must be 10 mm longer than the power 
Use only an approved service centre for repairs and ensure that only 
original parts are used. If the above instructions are not adhered to the 
manufacturers cannot guarantee the safety of the oven.

Do not line the oven walls with aluminium foil or single-use 

protection available from stores. Aluminium foil or any other 
protection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, risks melting and 
deteriorating the enamel of the insides.

Оглавление инструкции
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    INDICAZIONI DI SICUREZZA • ATTENZIONE: l'apparecchio e le parti accessibili diventano calde durante l'uso. Prestare attenzione a non toccare le parti calde. • I bambini al di sotto di 8 anni dovrebbero essere tenuti a distanza se non continuamente supervisionati. • L'apparecchio può essere usato da
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    AVVERTENZE GENERALI Vi ringraziamo per aver scelto uno dei nostri prodotti, per ottenere da questo elettrodomestico le migliori prestazioni consigliamo di: • Leggere attentamente le avvertenze contenute nel presente libretto. • Conservare con cura questo libretto per ogni ulteriore consultazione.
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    La leccarda serve a raccogliere i grassi che colano durante la cottura con il grill. Deve essere utilizzata solamente con il grill, il girarrosto o il turbo girarrosto, secondo il modello. Attenzione: in tutti gli altri modi di cottura, la leccarda deve essere tolta dal forno. Non usare mai la
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    UN SOLO NUMERO TELEFONICO PER OTTENERE ASSISTENZA Qualora il problema dovesse persistere, componendo il “Numero Utile” sotto indicato, sarà messo in contatto direttamente con il ServizioAssistenza TecnicaAutorizzato che opera nella Sua zona di residenza. Attenzione, la chiamata è a pagamento; il
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    USO DEL CONTAMINUTI USO DEL TEMPORIZZATORE Per selezionare il tempo prescelto, ruotare la manopola di un giro completo, quindi ritornare con l’indice nella posizione corrispondente al tempo desiderato. Allo scadere del tempo, entrerà in azione la suoneria per alcuni secondi. 90 30 40 5 0 100 110 12
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    USO DEL PROGRAMMATORE ANALOGICO Lancetta rossa (Inizio cottura) (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 REGOLAZIONE ORA Per regolare l’orologio premere e girare in senso orario la manopola fino a leggere l’ora esatta dopodiché rilasciare la manopola FUNZIONE COME SI ATTIVA ATTENZIONE: il forno funziona
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    UTILIZZO DEL PROGRAMMATORE ELETTRONICO (Type A) 1 Luce: Timer / Modalità automatica 6 Display per temperatura o orologio 8 Manopola di selezione funzione / U COOK* AUTO 7 Bottoni di regolazione 9 Manopola di selezione programmatore Luce: 2 Attenzione! U COOK Funzione con ventola 3 Funzione con
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    ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO Manopola commutatore Temperatura proposta e regolazione (Type A) Manopola termostato FUNZIONE Accende la luce interna. Scongelamento Questa posizione permette di far circolare l’aria a temperatura ambiente intorno al cibo surgelato facendolo così scongelare in pochi minuti
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    TABELLA TEMPI DI COTTURA I tempi suggeriti nelle seguenti tabelle sono indicativi, infatti possono variare secondo la qualità, la freschezza, la dimensione e lo spessore degli alimenti e secondo il vostro gusto. Lasciare sempre riposare per alcuni minuti prima di servire, perché tutti gli alimenti
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    TABELLA TEMPI DI COTTURA Forno elettrico statico Forno elettrico ventilato Tempo Tempo TempeTempeQuantità Ripiano di cottura Pietanza ratura Ripiano di cottura ratura in minuti in minuti forno forno • Pollame, Coniglio Osservazioni Kg 1-1,3 2 60 ÷ 80 220 2 60 ÷ 70 200 Sistemare la faraona in teglia
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    SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements. • Children under 8 Year of age must be kept away from the appliance unless they are continuously supervised. • This appliance can be used by children
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    The simple shelf can take baking trays and dishes. The tray holder shelf is especially good for grilling things. Use it with the drip tray. INSTALLATION Installation is the customer’s responsibility. The manufacturers have no obligation to carry this out. If the assistance of the manufacturer is
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    USEFUL TIPS SHELF SAFETY SYSTEM SELF-CLEANING OVEN WITH CATALYTIC Special self-cleaning panels covered in a micro-porous coating are available as optional extras for all models. If they are fitted, the oven no longer needs to be cleaned by hand. The fat that is splattered onto the sides of the oven
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    USING THE MINUTE TIMER USING THE END OF COOKING TIMER To set the cooking time, turn dial one complete revolution and then position the index to the required time. When the time has lapsed, the signal will ring for a few seconds. 90 30 40 5 0 100 110 12 20 0 10 This control enables to set the
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    USE OF ANALOGUE CLOCK/PROGRAMMER Red hand (start of cooking time) (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 SETTING THE CORRECT TIME To set the correct time push and turn clockwise the knob until the clock shows the correct time. Once this is done release the control. FUNCTION MANUAL FUNCTION COOKING TIME
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    USE THE ELECTRONIC PROGRAMMER (Type A) 1. Minute Minder or Auto light 2. Lights 3. Function with fan 4. Function with VARIOFAN 5. Defrost 6. Display for Temperature or Time 7. Setting buttons 8. Function selector knob 9. Function Timer knob * according to the model WARNING ! The first operation to
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    crispness. crispy. moisture. time large * Tested in accordance with the CENELEC EN 50304. ** Tested in accordance with the CENELEC EN 50304 used for definition of energy class. 18 GB
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    TABLES OF COOKING TIMES The overall suggested cooking times set out below are intended as a rough guide only. They may in fact vary according to the quality, the freshness, the size and the thickness of the food cooked and of course cooking time is also partly a matter of taste. Let the food stand
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    TABLES OF COOKING TIMES Electric fan oven Static electric oven Shelf Time of cooking in minutes Oven temperature Shelf Time of cooking in minutes Oven temperature Kg 1-1,3 2 60 ÷ 80 220 2 60 ÷ 70 200 Kg 1,5-1,7 2 110 ÷ 120 220 2 100 ÷ 110 200 Kg 1-1,2 2 55 ÷ 65 220 2 50 ÷ 60 200 Coconut cake baked
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    INSTRUCCIONES PARA UN USO SEGURO ADVERTENCIA: El aparato y sus componentes accesibles se calientan durante el uso. Se debe tener cuidado de no tocar los elementos calefactores. • Los niños menores de 8 años deben permanecer alejados o supervisados de forma continuada por una persona adulta. • Este
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    Importante: el fabricante queda exento de cualquier responsabilidad por los posibles daños personales o materiales causados por la falta de conexión a tierra. ATENCIÓN: La tensión y frecuencia de alimentación están indicadas en la tarjeta de matrícula (en la última página). Compruebe que la
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    CONSEJOS ÚTILES Salpicaduras excesivas de grasa pueden obstruir los poros y por consiguiente impedir la autolimpieza, tal característica puedé ser restablecidá mediante un calentamiento de unos 10-20 minutos del horno vacío programándo el horno a la máxima temperatura. No usar productos abrasivos,
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    USO DEL MINUTERO USO DEL TEMPORIZADOR Con este mecanismo es posible programar la duración exacta en minutos de la cocción y, por tanto, la desconexión automática del horno (máx.120 minutos) Una vez transcurrido el tiempo seleccionado el mando alcanzará la posición de señal acústica O, a partir de
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    USO DEL PROGRAMADOR ANALÓGICO Aguja roja (inicio de la cocción) (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 AJUSTE DE LA HORA Para regular el reloj, presionar el mando y girar en sentido horario hasta leer la hora exacta, para finalizar, bastará con dejar de presionar el mando. FUNCIÓN FUNCIÓN MANUAL DURACIÓN
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    USO DEL PROGRAMADOR ELECTRONICO (Type A) Display para 6 temperatura o tiempo 1 Luz Minutero/Auto 8 Selección de función / U COOK* AUTO 7 Teclas para pulsar 9 Función temporizador Luz: 2 CUIDADO! U COOK Función con ventilador 3 4 Función con VARIOFAN Descongelación 5 1. Luz Minutero/Auto 2. Luz 3.
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    INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Mando selector Temperaturas predeterminadas y reglaje para el programador electrónico (Type A) Mando termostato FUNCIÓN Conecta la luz interior DESCONGELACIÓN Funcionamiento de la turbina de cocción que hace circular el aire dentro del espacio del horno. Ideal para realizar una
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    TABLAS DE TIEMPOS DE COCCIÓN Los tiempos sugeridos en las tablas siguientes son indicativos y pueden variar según la calidad, frescura, dimensión y espesor de los alimentos y según su gusto. Dejar siempre reposar durante unos minutos antes de servir, ya que todos los alimentos siguen cociéndose
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    TABLAS DE TIEMPOS DE COCCIÓN Horno Eléctrico Estático Tiempo de Cantidad Estante cocción en minutos Plato Horno Eléctrico Ventilado TempeTiempo de ratura Estante cocción en horno minutos Temperatura horno Observaciones • Aves, Conejo Pintada Pollo Conejo troceado Kg 1-1,3 2 60 ÷ 80 220 2 60 ÷ 70
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    VEILIGHEIDSVOORSCHRIFTEN WAARSCHUWING: Het apparaat en de bereikbare delen worden heet tijdens het gebruik. Zorg ervoor dat u de warmingselementen niet aanraakt. • Kinderen jonger dan 8 jaar niet bij het apparaat llaten mits onder continue toezicht. • Dit apparaat kan op een veilige manier worden
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    •Voor reparaties aan het apparaat dient u zich uitsluitend tot een officiële technische service te wenden, alwaar u originele onderdelen kunt bestellen. Indien al hetgeen hierboven niet in acht wordt genomen, kan de veiligheid van het apparaat niet gegarandeerd worden. •Bedek de wanden van de oven
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    NUTTIGE TIPS lege oven ongeveer 10-20 minuten op de maximum temperatuur aan te zetten. Gebruik geen bijtende middelen, metalen sponsjes, scherpe voorwerpen, ruwe doeken of chemische schoonmaakmiddelen, deze kunnen permanente schade toebrengen aan de katalytische wanden. Wij raden u aan om diepe
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    GEBRUIK VAN DE KOOKWEKKER GEBRUIK VAN DE TIMER MET UITSCHAKELFUNCTIE Con questo meccanismo è possibile programmare la durata espressa in minuti della cottura e quindi lo spegnimento automatico del forno al termine del tempo desiderato (max. 120 minuti). Allo scadere del tempo prescelto, la manopola
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    DE ANALOGE KLOK/PROGRAMMA'S GEBRUIKEN Rode wijzer (begin kooktijd) (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 DE JUISTE TIJD INSTELLEN Om de tijd in te stellen, druk dan de knop in en draai met de klok mee in tot de juiste tijd verschijnt. Laat daarna de knop los. FUNCTIE HANDMATIGE BEDIENING BAKTIJD EINDE
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    GEBRUIK VAN HET ELECTRONISCHE PROGRAMMA (Type A) 6 Display for temperatuur en tijd. 1 Kookwekker of Auto lampje 8 Functie keuze knop* / U COOK* AUTO 7 Instel toetsen 9 Tijd keuze knop Verlichting: 2 LET OP! U COOK Functie met ventilator 3 4 Functie met VARIOVAN Ontdooien 5 1. Kookwekker of Auto
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    BAKTIJDEN EN-TEMPERATUREN VOOR STATISCHE OVEN Gerecht Hoeveelheid Oven °C Niveau rooster van onderaf Baktijd 175 170 1° Niveau 1° Niveau 40-50 30 180-190 1° Niveau 20-30 Gebak Licht deeg: Soezen Taart Zandtaartdeeg: Vruchtentaart Gistdeeg: Taart Tulband Chocoladetaart 160 160 160 1° Niveau 1°
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    BAKTIJDEN EN-TEMPERATUREN VOOR GEVENTILEERDE OVEN Gerecht Hoeveelheid Oven °C Niveau rooster van onderaf Baktijd Gebak Licht deeg: Soezen Taart 175 170 2° Niveau 2° Niveau 40-50 30 Zandtaartdeeg: Appeltaart 200 2° Niveau 35 Gistdeeg: Cake Koekjes 170 180 2° Niveau 2° Niveau 35 25 Bladerdeeg:
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    SICHERHEITSVORSCHRIFTEN WARNUNG: Das Gerät und die zugänglichen Teile des Gerätes werden während des Betriebs heiß. Das Berühren der heißen Geräteteile sollte vermieden werden. • Kinder unter 8 Jahren sollten ohne Aufsicht nicht in die Nähe des Gerätes gelassen werden. • Dieses Gerät ist nicht
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    ACHTUNG: Die Spannung und die Versorgungsfrequenz sind auf dem Matrikelschild angegeben (Abbildung auf der letzten Seite). Die Mißachtung der vorgenannten Hinweise kann die Sicherheit des Gerätes beeinträchtigen. •Linieren sie die ofen wande mit aluminiumfolie. Aluminiumfolie oder jeder andere
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    EINIGE NÜTZLICHE HINWEISE Dies läßt sich jedoch sehr einfach beheben, indem der leere Backofen auf höchste Hitze eingestellt und ca. 10 bis 20 Minuten lang aufgeheizt wird. Benutzen Sie keine scheuernden oder ätzenden Mittel, auch keine Stahlwolle, Schaber oder spitzen Gegenstände. Chemische
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    MINUTENZÄHLER BENUTZUNG DES TIMERS FÜR BACKZEITENDE Um den Minutenzähler einzustellen, drehen Sie den Knopf einmal im Uhrzeigersinn um eine ganze Umdrehung bis zum Anschlag und stellen Sie diesen dann zurück auf die gewünschte Zeit. Wenn die Zeit abgelaufen ist, ertönt einige Sekunden lang ein
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    GEBRAUCH DER ANALOGEN UHR/ PROGRAMMIERER Roter Zeiger ( Backzeitbeginn) (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 EINSTELLUNG DER RICHTIGEN UHRZEIT Um die Uhr einzustellen, drücken Sie den Drehknopf und drehen Sie ihn im Uhrzeigersinn,bis die aktuelle Uhrzeit erscheint, danach Knopf loslassen. FUNKTION
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    BEDIENUNG DER ELEKTRONISCHEN PROGRAMMIEREINHEIT (Type A) 6 1 Anzeige Minutenzähler Anzeige für bzw. Anzeige AUTO 8 Temperatur bzw.Uhrzeit Wahlschalter für Betriebsarten / U COOK* 7 Einstelltasten 9 Wahlschalter Funktionen und Backzeit Anzeigen: 2 WICHTIG! U COOK Umluft mit Ventilator Umluft mit
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    BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG Kontrollknopf Backfunktion Voreingestellte Temperatur und Regelung Modell mit Elektronischer Zeitschaltuhr (Type A) Umluft mit Unterhitze Diese Funktion ist ideal für empfindlichen speisen (Souffles, kuchen) Stufe 4 1÷4 Stufe 4 1÷4 Stufe 4 1÷4 45 DE
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    GARZEITEN Die in dieser Tabelle angegebenen Garzeiten dienen als Richtwerte. Diese können je nach Qualität, Frische und Größe der zuzubereitenden Speisen sowie nach Ihrem persönlichen Geschmack variieren. Stellung der Schienen EIN RATSCHLAG: Schalten Sie den Backofen etwa 10 Minuten vor der
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    GARZEITTABELLE Konventioneller Backofen Speise Multifunktionsbackofen Garzeit Min. Temperatur °C 2 60 ÷ 70 200 2 100 ÷ 110 200 Tempera- Glttertur °C rost Menge Gltterrost Garzeit Min. 1,3 Kg. 2 60 ÷ 80 220 2 110 ÷ 120 220 Anmerkungen • Geflügel Ente/Gans Huhn 1,5 Kg. • Grillen Legen Sie das
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    CONSEILS DE SÉCURITÉ • AVERTISSEMENT: L'appareil et les parties accessibles deviennent chauds pendant l'utilisation. Des précautions doivent être prises pour éviter de toucher les éléments chauffants. • Les enfants de moins de 8 ans doivent être tenus à l'écart à moins d'être surveillés
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    La grille simple sert de support aux moules et aux plats. La grille porte-plat sert plus particulièrement à recevoir les grillades. Elle est à associer au plat récolte sauce. Grâce à leur profil spécial, les grilles restent à l'horizontale jusqu'en butée. Aucun risque de glissement ou de
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    CONSIGNES UTILES FOUR AUTONETTOYANT PAR CATALYSE GRILLES DU FOUR, NOUVEAU SYSTÈME D’ARRÊT Les panneaux autonettoyants à émail microporeux disponibles en option évite le nettoyage manuel du four. Pendant la cuisson les projections de graisse sont “absorbées” par les parois catalytiques. La graisse
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    UTILISATION DU MINUTEUR COUPE-CIRCUIT UTILISATION DU MINUTEUR SONORE Pour sélectionner le temps de cuisson tournez le bouton sur le temps désiré. Dès que le temps de cuisson est écoulé une sonneriere retentit. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à couper manuellement le four. 90 30 40 5 0 100 110 12 20 0 10
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    INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA AVISO: Durante a sua utilização, tanto o aparelho, como os componentes acessíveis do mesmo ficam muito quentes. Evite sempre tocar nos elementos de aquecimento. • Mantenha as crianças de com menos de 8 anos afastadas do aparelho, excepto se estiverem a ser supervisionadas
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    INDICAÇÕES DE CARÁCTER GERAL Obrigado por ter optado por um dos nossos produtos. Para tirar o maior proveito possível do seu forno, recomendamos que: Leia atentamente este manual de instruções de utilização; ele contém instruções importantes sobre a instalação, a utilização e a manutenção seguras
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    O tabuleiro buleiro de recolha de sucos serve para aparar o suco dos grelhados. Pode ser colocado por cima da grelha ou introduzido nas calhas. Só se utiliza com o Grelhador, o Espeto ou o Turbogrelhador. Nos outros modos de cozedura deve ser retirado do forno. Nunca utilizar este tabuleiro como
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    Quando pretender assar alimentos gordos, o ideal será utilizar tabuleiros de paredes altas e colocar um tabuleiro por baixo da grelha, para apanhar a gordura excessiva. Se as paredes interiores do forno estiverem coberta por uma camada de gordura tão espessa que o revestimento catalítico já não é
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    UTILIZAÇÃO DO PROGRAMADOR DE FIM DE COZEDURA UTILIZAÇÃO DO CONTA MINUTOS Para seleccionar o tempo desejado, rode totalmente o botão no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio e em seguida volte a rodar no sentido inverso, até ao tempo desejado. No fim do tempo seleccionado, será emitido um sinal sonoro
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    UTILIZAÇÃO RELÓGIO ANALÓGICO / PROGRAMADOR Ponteiro vermelha (hora de início de cozedura) (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 ACERTAR O RELÓGIO Para seleccione a hora correcta empurre e rode o botão no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio até o relógio indicar a hora correcta. Uma vez feita esta operação
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    UTILIZAÇÃO DO PROGRAMADOR ELECTRÓNICO (Type A) 1 Luzes: conta minutos /automático Relógio / Temperatura 6 8 Botão de selecção 1. Luzes: conta minutos /automático 2. Luzes 3. Função com ventilação 4. Função VARIOFAN 5. Descongelar 6. Relógio / Temperatura 7. Botões de regulamento 8. Botão de
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    TABELAS DE TEMPOS DE COZEDURA Os tempos sugeridos nas tabelas que se seguem revestem-se de mero carácter orientativo, podendo variar em função da qualidade, da frescura, da dimensão e da espessura dos alimentos e ainda segundo o seu gosto pessoal. Deixe sempre os alimentos cozinhados repousarem
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    TABELAS DE TEMPOS DE COZEDURA Forno eléctrico estático Forno com ventoinha eléctrico Tempo de Tempecozedura ratura em minutos do forno Tempo de Tempecozedura ratura em minutos do forno Observações Quantidade Nível Galinha Kg 1-1,3 2 60 ÷ 80 220 2 60 ÷ 70 200 Tempere a galinha com condimentos
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    ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ • ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Бытовой электроприбор и его открытые части во время работы могут нагреваться до высокой температуры. Соблюдайте осторожность, не дотрагивайтесь до них. • Дети моложе 8 лет не должны приближаться к бытовому прибору без постоянного надзора. • Данным
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    I класс защиты от поражения током. - Не покрывайте внутренние поверхности духовки алюминиевой фольгой и другими одноразовыми упаковочными материалами, которые продаются в хозяйственных магазинах. Алюминиевая фольга или другой упаковочный материал при контакте с горячей эмалированной поверхностью
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    Демонтаж и очистка металлических направляющих. 1 – Отверните фиксирующие винты, поворачивая их против часовой стрелки. 2 – Снимите металлические направляющие, потянув их на себя. 3 – Произведите очистку металлических направляющих помыв их в посудомоечной машине или очистив при помощи влажной губки.
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    90 30 40 5 0 100 110 12 20 0 10 60 70 80 Что выполняет 70 RU Для чего
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    (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 71 RU
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    72 RU
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    10 минут/кг* 10 минут/кг* *1 pound = 0,45 kilo 75 RU
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    INSTRUKCJE BEZPIECZEŃSTWA UWAGA: Podczas pracy urządzenie oraz jego elementy są gorące. Należy zachowac ostrożność i nie dotykać gorących części. • Dzieci w wieku do 8 lat nie mogą zbliżać się do urządzenia chyba że pozostaja one pod ciągłym nadzorem. • Dzieci w wieku powyżej 8 lat oraz ososby z
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    77 PL
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    Demontaż i czyszczenie drabinek 1- Odkręcić nakrętkę, przekręcając ją w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara 2- Zdjąć drabinki, pociągając w kierunku do siebie. 3- Umyć drabinki w zmywarce lub ręcznie wilgotną gąbką. Po umyciu wysuszyć. 4- Po umyciu i wysuszeniu zamontować drabinki,
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    100 110 12 30 40 5 0 70 80 60 80 PL 0 20 90 10
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    FUNKCJA CICHY USTAW. GODZ. CZAS PIECZENIA JAK URUCHOMIC? JAK WYLACZYC? CO ONA ROBI? DO CZEGO SLUZY? • Obroc lewe pokretlo w pozycje "Cichy” • Obroc pokretlo do pozycji OFF. • Wylacza dzwiek minutnika • Wylacza dzwiek minutnika • Obrocic lewe pokretlo do pozycji " Ustawienie godziny", • Ustaw
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    VARNOSTNA NAVODILA OPOZORILO: Aparat in njegovi dostopni deli se med uporabo segrejejo. Pazite, da se ne dotaknete grelcev! • Otroci, mlajši od 8 let, naj se aparatu ne približujejo nenadzorovani. • Otroci, starejši od 8 let, ter osebe z zmanjšanimi fizičnimi, zaznavnimi ali umskimi sposobnostmi
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    Na rešetko postavite različne pekače. NAMESTITEV IN PRIKLJUČITEV Ta rešetka je zelo primerna za pripravljanje jedi na žaru. Pod njo podstavite pekač za lovljenje maščobe. Posebna oblika rešetko zagotavlja, da ostanejo v vodoravnem položaju tudi če so delno izvlečene iz pečice tako ni nevarnosti, da
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    KORISTNI NASVETI Samočistilnih sten ne smete čistiti z ostrimi, grobimi in/ali najedajočimi čistili ali čistilnimi sredstvi (n.pr.: vimom, grobimi mrežicami itd.), ker s tem nepopravljivo poškodujete samočistilni premaz. Priporočamo, da pečete mastne jedi v posodah z visokim robom, ko tudi, da pri
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    UPORABA ŠTEVCA MINUT (KUHINJSKE URE) NASTAVLJANJE TRAJANJA PEČENJA Gumb zavrtite za cel krog in ga nato obrnite tako, da bo oznaka kazala želeni čas. Ko preteče nastavljeni čas, se za nekaj sekund oglasi zvone c. 90 30 40 5 0 100 110 12 20 0 10 S pomočjo tega gumba lahko nastavite ustrezen čas
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    UPORABA ANALOGNE URE/PROGRAMSKE URE Rdeči kazalec (začetek pečenja) (F) 11 12 1 10 2 3 (E) 4 8 7 6 5 NASTAVLJANJE TOČNEGA ČASA POZOR! Pečica deluje le, če je izbran ročni način upravljanja ali pa je nastavljen čas (aktivirana programska ura). Točen čas nastavite tako, da pritisnete na gumb in ga
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    UPORABA ELEKTRONSKE PROGRAMSKE URE (TIP A) Indikator: števec minut ali Automatsko Prikaz Temperature ali casa Gumb za izbiranje funkcij Tipke za nastavitve 1.Kontrolna lučka števca minut ali samodejnega delovanja 2.Luči 3.Funkcije z ventilatorjem 4.Funkcije z VARIOFAN 5.Odtaljevanje 6.Prikaz
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    FUNKCIJE (ODVISNO OD MODELA - * MODELI Z ELEKTRONSKO PROGR. URO TIPA A) Funkcije Predvide- na temp.* Gumb termost. Funkcije Za prižiganje luči v pečici Samodejno se aktivira tudi ventilator za hlajenje (modeli z ventilatorjem) ODTALJEVANJE: Okoli živila kroži zrak sobne temperature; tako se živilo
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    RAZPREDELNICE ČASOV PEČENJA Priporočeni časi pečenja, ki so navedeni v tabelah na naslednjih straneh, se lahko razlikujejo od dejanskih glede na kakovost,svežino, količino in debelino živil. Po končani peki pustite jedi po končani peki pred serviranjem vedno počivati nekaj časa, saj se kuhanje
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    RAZPREDELNICE ČASOV PEČENJA Statična električna pečica Količina Vodilo Čas Peke v Minutah Pegatka 1-1,3 Kg 2 60 ÷ 80 220 Pisčanec 1,5-1,7 Kg 2 110 ÷ 120 1-1,2 Kg 2 Pripravljeno testo Pripravljeno Torta margerita testo Pripravljeno Korenčkova torta testo Marelična pita Jed Ventilirana električna
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    IT INSTALLAZIONE INSTALLATION FR INSTALLATION GB INSTALAÇÂO PT INSTALACIÓN ES УСТАНОВKА RU INSTALLATIE NL INSTALACJA PL INSTALLATION DE VGRADNJA SI 4x3.5x25 545 IT Targhetta matricola ES Tarjeta matrícula NL Typeplaatje DE Typenschild FR Plaque signalitique PT Plata de características 545 PL
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