Инструкция для HITACHI RB40SA

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1. Mounting the NozzIe

Insert the pin located outside the nozzle into the notch
provided on the blast port, and fully turn the nozzle in
the direction indicated by the arrow in Fig. 1.
To dismount the nozzle.,folIow the above procedures
in reverse.

2. When using the Blower for dust collection

(1) Mounting the Dust Bag

Mount the dust bag on the blast port, following
the same procedure described above for mounting
of the nozzle (Fig. 2).

(2) Mounting the nozzle

Insert the pin located on the outside of the nozzle
into the notch provided on the suction port, and
fully turn the nozzle in the direction indicated by
the arrow in Fig. 3.


1. By pulling the trigger and pushing the stopper, the

switch will remain in the ON position even when the
trigger is released, promoting efficient, continuous
operation. By pulling the trigger again, the stopper is
disengaged and the switch is turned OFF when the
trigger is released.

2. On the RB40VA, the pulling force on the switch

changes the amount of blow force. The maximum
amount of blow force can be adjusted with the speed
control dial (Fig. 4).

3. An excessively large volume of dust in the dust bag

will reduce the dust collecting efficiency of the blower.
Frequently empty the dust bag to ensure maximum
dust collecting efficiency.


1. Inspecting the mounting screws

Regularly inspect all mounting screws and ensure
that they are properly tightened. Should any of the
screws be loose, retighten them immediately. Failure
to do so could result in serious hazard.

2. Inspecting the carbon brushes (Fig. 5)

The motor employs carbon brushes which are
consumable parts. Since an excessively worn carbon
brush can result in motor trouble, replace the carbon
brushes with new ones having the same carbon brush
No. shown in the figure when it becomes worn to or
near the “wear limit”. In addition, always keep carbon
brushes clean and ensue that they slide freely within
the brush holders.

3. Replacing carbon brushes

Disassemble the brush caps with a slotted-head
screwdriver. The carbon brushes can then be easily

4. Maintenance of the motor

The motor unit winding is the very “heart” of the
power tool. Exercise due care to ensure the winding
does not become damaged and/or wet with oil or

5. Service parts list

A: Item No.
B: Code No.
C: No. Used
D: Remarks


Repair, modification and inspection of Hitachi Power
Tools must be carried out by an Hitachi Authorized
Service Center.
This Parts List will be helpful if presented with the
tool to the Hitachi Authorized Service Center when
requesting repair or other maintenance.
In the operation and maintenance of power tools, the
safety regulations and standards prescribed in each
country must be observed.


Hitachi Power Tools are constantly being improved
and modified to incorporate the latest technological
Accordingly, some parts (i.e. code numbers and/or
design) may be changed without prior notice.

Due to HITACHI’s continuing program of research and
development, the specifications herein are subject to
change without prior notice.

Information concerning airborne noise and vibration
The measured values were determined according to
EN 60745 and declared in accordance with ISO 4871.

Measured A-weighted sound pressure level: 84 dB(A)
Uncertainty KpA: 3 dB(A)

Wear ear protection.

The typical weighted root mean square acceleration value
does not exceed 2.5 m/s



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  • Страница 1 из 42
    Blower Gebläse º˘ÛËÙ‹Ú·˜ Dmuchawa Fúvógép Dmychadlo Üfleyici BoÁÀyxoÀyÇÍa RB 40SA • RB 40VA Read through carefully and understand these instructions before use. Diese Anleitung vor Benutzung des Werkzeugs sorgfältig durchlesen und verstehen. ¢È·‚¿ÛÙ ÚÔÛÂÎÙÈο Î·È Î·Ù·ÓÔ‹ÛÂÙ ·˘Ù¤˜ ÙȘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜
  • Страница 2 из 42
    1 2 1 4 3 5 3 2 3 4 7 2 9 B 1 8 5 C 21 5 mm 12 mm 1 6 4 D : A
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    English Deutsch Pin Stift Πείρ ς Kołek 2 Nozzle Düse Ακρ ύσι Dysza 3 Notch Rille Εγκ πή Wcięcie 4 Blast port Gebläseöffsnung Στµι 5 Dust bag Staubsack Σάκ ς σκνης Worek na pył 6 Pin Stift Πείρ ς Kołek 7 Suction port Saugöffnung Στµι 8 Notch Rille Εγκ πή Wcięcie Pokrętło kontroli prędkości
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    English GENERAL SAFETY RULES WARNING! Read all instructions Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. The term “power tool” in all of the warnings listed below refers to your mains operated (corded) power tool or battery operated
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    English CAUTIONS WHEN USING BLOWER 1. Use only the voltage shown on the nameplate to supply power. Using a voltage higher than shown will increase the rotation speed abnormally and can cause injuries. 2. Do not put your hands or face near the blower opening during use. Doing so might lead to
  • Страница 6 из 42
    English MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING THE NOZZLE AND DUST BAG 1. Mounting the NozzIe Insert the pin located outside the nozzle into the notch provided on the blast port, and fully turn the nozzle in the direction indicated by the arrow in Fig. 1. To dismount the nozzle.,folIow the above procedures in
  • Страница 7 из 42
    Deutsch ALLGEMEINE SICHERHEITSMASSNAHMEN WARNUNG! Lesen Sie sämtliche Hinweise durch Wenn nicht sämtliche nachstehenden Anweisungen befolgt werden, kann es zu Stromschlag, Brand und/oder ernsthaften Verletzungen kommen. Der Begriff „Elektrowerkzeug“ bezieht sich in den folgenden Warnhinweisen auf
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    Deutsch d) Lagern Sie nicht benutzte Elektrowerkzeuge außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern, lassen Sie nicht zu, dass Personen das Elektrowerkzeug bedienen, die nicht mit dem Werkzeug selbst und/oder diesen Anweisungen vertraut sind. Elektrowerkzeuge in ungeschulten Händen sind gefährlich. e)
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    Deutsch 4. Wartung des Motors Die Motorwicklung ist das “Herz” des Elektrowerkzeugs. Daher ist besonders sorgfältig darauf zu achten, daß die Wicklung nicht beschädigt wird und/oder mit Öl oder Wasser in Berührung kommt. 5. Liste der Wartungsteile A: Punkt Nr. B: Code Nr. C: Verwendete Anzahl D:
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    ∂ÏÏËÓÈο °∂¡π∫Õ ª∂∆ƒ∞ ∞™º∞§∂π∞™ ¶ƒ√™√Ã∏! ¢È·‚¿ÛÙ fiϘ ÙȘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜ Αν δεν τηρηθ ύν λες ι δηγίες π υ αναέρ νται παρακάτω, ενδέεται να πρ κληθεί ηλεκτρ πληία, πυρκαγιά ή/και σ αρ ς τραυµατισµ ς.  ρ ς “ηλεκτρικ εργαλεί ” σε λες τις πρ ειδ π ιήσεις π υ αναέρ νται παρακάτω αναέρεται στ ηλεκτρικ
  • Страница 12 из 42
    ∂ÏÏËÓÈο d) e) f) g) Αυτά τα πρ ληπτικά µέτρα ασαλείας µειών υν τ ν κίνδυν να εκινήσει τ ηλεκτρικ εργαλεί κατά λάθ ς. ∞ÔıË·ÂÙ ٷ ÂÚÁ·Ï›· Ô˘ ‰ÂÓ ¯ÚËÛÈÌÔÔț٠̷ÎÚÈ¿ ·fi ·È‰È¿ Î·È ÌËÓ ·Ê‹ÓÂÙ ٷ ¿ÙÔÌ· Ô˘ ‰ÂÓ Â›Ó·È ÂÍÔÈÎÂȈ̤ӷ Ì ÙÔ ËÏÂÎÙÚÈÎfi ÂÚÁ·ÏÂ›Ô ‹ Ì ·˘Ù¤˜ ÙȘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜ Ó·
  • Страница 13 из 42
    ∂ÏÏËÓÈο ∆∂áπ∫∞ Ã∞ƒ∞∫∆∏ƒπ™∆π∫∞ Μ ντέλ Τάση (ανά περι ές)* RB40SA 550 W* Ισύς εισ δ υ Ταύτητα ωρίς  ρτί RB40VA (110V, 220V, 230V, 240V) 16000 min–1 0 – 16000 min–1 Πίεση αέρ ς 5,5 kPa 0 – 5,5 kPa 2γκ ς αέρ ς 3,8 m3 / min 0 – 3,8 m3 / min Βάρ ς (ωρίς καλώδι ) 1,7 kg * Βεαιωθείτε να ελέγετε
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  • Страница 31 из 42
    PyccÍËÈ 7. EcÎË Bê ÁaÏeÚËÎË, äÚo aÔÔapaÚ ÔÎoxo paÄoÚaeÚ ËÎË ËÁÀaeÚ ÔocÚopoÌÌËe åyÏê, ÌeÏeÀÎeÌÌo ÔpeÍpaÚËÚe íÍcÔÎyaÚaáËï Ë ÔepeÇeÀËÚe ÇêÍÎïäaÚeÎë ÔËÚaÌËÓ Ç ÇêÍÎïäeÌÌoe ÔoÎoÊeÌËe. OÄpaÚËÚecë Ôo ÔoÇoÀy ÔpoÇepÍË Ë peÏoÌÚa Í ÀËÎepy, y ÍoÚopoÖo Bê ÔpËoÄpeÎË aÔÔapaÚ, ËÎË Ç yÔoÎÌoÏoäeÌÌêÈ cepÇËcÌêÈ áeÌÚp
  • Страница 32 из 42
    PyccÍËÈ ùKCèãìATAñàü BOÂÑìXOÑìBKà 1. HaÊÏËÚe ÔycÍoÇoÈ ÇêÍÎïäaÚeÎë Ë cÚoÔop. BêÍÎïäaÚeÎë ÄyÀeÚ ocÚaÇaÚëcÓ Ç ÔoÎoÊeÌËË BKã (ON), ÀaÊe ÔpË eÖo oÚÔycÍaÌËË, oÄecÔeäËÇaÓ íÙÙeÍÚËÇÌyï, ÌeÔpepêÇÌyï paÄoÚy. èpË ÌaÊaÚËË ÔycÍoÇoÖo ÇêÍÎïäaÚeÎÓ eçe paÁ, cÚoÔop ÄyÀeÚ oÚÍÎïäeÌ Ë ÇêÍÎïäaÚeÎë ÇêÍÎïäËÚcÓ Ç ÔoÎoÊeÌËe
  • Страница 33 из 42
    32 RB40SA A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-1 15-2 15-3 16 17 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 501 B C D 323-582 1 “2, 3” ––––––– 1 323-583 1 ––––––– 1 323-573 1 323-572 1 M6 323-571 1 323-570 1 301-653 10 D4×20 305-507 3 D5×30 930-079 1 931-701 2 608-DDW 1
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    33 RB40VA A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-1 15-2 15-3 16 17 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 501 B C D 323-582 1 “2, 3” ––––––– 1 323-583 1 ––––––– 1 323-573 1 323-572 1 M6 323-571 1 323-570 1 301-653 10 D4×20 305-507 3 D5×30 930-079 1 931-701 2 608-DDW 1
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  • Страница 36 из 42
    English Magyar GARANCIA BIZONYLAT GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE 1 2 3 4 5 Model No. Serial No. Date of Purchase Customer Name and Address Dealer Name and Address (Please stamp dealer name and address) Deutsch 1 2 3 4 5 Típusszám Sorozatszám A vásárlás dátuma A Vásárló neve és címe A Kereskedő neve és címe
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    1 2 3 4 ✄ 5 36
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  • Страница 40 из 42
    English Only for EU countries Do not dispose of electric tools together with household waste material! In observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment and its implementation in accordance with national law, electric tools that have reached the end of
  • Страница 41 из 42
    Magyar English EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY EU MEGFELELŐSÉGI NYILATKOZAT We declare under our sole responsibility that this product is in conformity with standards or standardized documents EN60745, EN55014 and EN61000-3 in accordance with Council Directives 73/23/EEC, 89/336/ EEC and 98/37/EC.
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