Инструкция для INDESIT B 18 FNF

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Using the freezer to its full potential

Âîïðåêè îáùåèçâåñòíîìó ìíåíèþ ïîìíèòå, ÷òî 

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Íå ñòàâüòå â õîëîäèëüíèê æèäêîñòè â åìêîñòÿõ 

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 Ñèñòåìà îõëàæäåíèÿ Full No Frost (FNF)  îòëè÷àåòñÿ 
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Easy space net  ýòî íîâûé âçãëÿä íà õðàíåíèå 
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ò.ï., îñâîáîäèâ ìåñòî íà ïîëêàõ.

Easy space net ìîæíî ëåãêî óñòàíàâëèâèòü íà 

óäîáíîé äëÿ âàñ âûñîòå â õîëîäèëüíèêå, äëÿ ýòîãî 
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ñåòêó âíèç.

For the preparation of food to be frozen, please consult a 
specialized manual.
- Food that has be thawed, even partially, must not be re-
frozen: you must cook it in order to consume it (within 24 
hours) or to freeze it once again.
- When freezing fresh foods, remember that they should not 
touch other previously frozen or deep frozen foods. Place the 
food that you wish to freeze in the top compartment where 
the temperature will fall below       -1 8°C, which is ideal for 
freezing food properly. Remember that proper conservation 
depends on the speed of freezing.
- During the freezing process, avoid opening the door of the 
- Freeze only the quantities (in kg) shown on the data plate 
situated inside the refrigerator compartment.
- For the best conservation and defrosting, remember to 
freeze small portions; this will ensure rapid and uniform 
freezing. Mark package with a description of the contents 
and the date it was frozen.

 In the case of power failure or 

breakdown, do not open the freezer door. This will help 
maintain the temperature inside the freezer ensuring that 
foods are conserved for at least 17 hours.
- Do not store full bottles in the freezer since they could 
explode when they freeze. (Remember that liquids increase 
in volume when frozen).

-If the room temperature remains below 14°C for an 
extended period of time the freezer will not reach the 
temperatures required for storage, and storage life will be 
shorter. In this case, frozen foodstuffs should be used within 
a relatively short period of time. 


 In order to freeze and then thaw foods optimally, it is 

recommended that you divide food into small portions so 
that they freeze quickly and uniformly. The packages 
should be clearly marked with the content and the date 
they were frozen.

Super Mode: 

this mode assures continuous compressor 

operation up to achievement of low temperatures, necessary 
for quick food freezing. After food freezing, the appliance 
should be switched over to a normal operation mode.
In order to frost some quantity of fresh produce/food (no 
more than half of the maximum pointed out on the door-plate/ 
name board inside your refrigerator), put the produce in the 
evaporator/freezing section (* ***) and switch on mode of 
operation “


” for 24 hours.

  In  order to frost maximum (for your refrigerator) quantity of   
fresh produce you should switch on mode of operation 


” 24 hours before produce laying. Put the produce in 

the evaporator/freezing section (* ***) and switch off mode of  
operation “


” in 24 hours.

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òåìíîì, ñóõîì ìåñòå).