Инструкция для INDESIT B 18 FNF

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Safety - a good habit to get into




 Before placing your new appliance into operation please 

read these operating instructions carefully. They contain 
important information for safe use, for installation and for 
care of the appliance.


 Please keep these operating instructions for future 

reference. Pass them on to possible new owners of the 


This appliance is designed to be used indoors and under 

no circumstances should it be installed outside even if 
protected by a roof. Leaving the appliance exposed to the 
rain and whether is exceedingly dangerous.


The appliance should be used only by adults and 

exclusively for storing foodstuffs in compliance with the 
instructions provided in this manual. Under no 
circumstances should children be allowed to operate, or 
tamper with, this product.


Do not attempt to operate or handle this appliance when 

barefoot, or with wet hands or feet.


It is highly recommended that you do not operate this 

appliance by connecting it to the power supply with 
extensions or multiple socket plugs. If the refrigerator has 
been installed between two cabinets, make sure that the 
supply cord is not dangerously crimped or trapped beneath a 
heavy object.


Never pull the cable or the appliance to remove the plug 

from the socket; this is exceedingly dangerous.


Do not touch the internal cooling elements, especially if 

your hands are wet, since you could burn or hurt yourself.


Before doing any cleaning, disconnect the appliance from 

the electricity (by pulling out the plug or turning off the 
general switch in your home); it is not sufficient to place the 
set knob  “




” to cut off the power.


Before disposing of your old appliance, remember to break 

or remove the lock as a safety measure to protect children 
who might lock themselves inside the appliance when 
playing. In addition, if the appliance is a new one with a lock, 
keep the key out of the reach of small children.


If your appliance is not operating properly, read the chapter 

entitled, “Trouble Shooting”, which might help you to resolve 
the problem, before calling an after-sales service center. Do 
not attempt to repair the appliance by tampering with the 
internal components.


If the power supply cord must be replaced, please contact 

one of our Customer Service Centers. In some cases, the 
connections are made using special terminals and in others a 
special tool must be used to access the connections.


Do not use electric appliances inside the compartment for 

food storage, if these are not those recommended by the 


At the end of the functional life of your appliance 

containing cyclopentane gas in the insulation foam and gas 
R134a (tetraphtorethane) in the refrigeration circuit   the latter 
should made safe before being sent to the dump. For this 
operation, please contact your dealer or the Local 
Organization in charge of waste disposal.

The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and 
Electronic Equipment (WEEE), requires that old household 
electrical appliances must not be disposed of in the normal 
unsorted municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be 
collected separately in order to optimize the recovery  and 
recycling of the materials they contain and reduce the impact 
on human health and the environment. The crossed out 
“wheeled bin” symbol on the product reminds you of your 
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance it must be 
separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer for 
information concerning the correct disposal of their old 

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