Инструкция для Loewe Spheros R 37 Full-HD+, Spheros R 32 HD+

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Доступность: Бесплатно как и все руководства на сайте. Без регистрации и SMS.
Дополнительно: Чтение инструкции онлайн
background image

- 30

Additional page selection possibilities

1st possibility:


overview page 100


2nd possibility:

Directly enter the page number.

3rd possibility:


The page includes 3-digit page numbers.

mark desired page number.


to call the page


4th possibility:


The page consists of several pages. This is shown by
the selection possibility in the last line.

 Page through sub-pages.

Call TOP table


The table can only be called for stations with the TOP
operating system.



TOP table


mark topic area,

select topic column,

 select topic,


 to call the page.


Your TV set supports the two operating systems TOP Text and FLOF.
Up to 2,000 pages are stored so that you have quick access.

Starting and ending Teletext

Switching Teletext on / off.

Page selection with the coloured buttons

Red button:

back to the previously viewed page.

Green button:

 on to next page.

Yellow button:

to next topic.

Blue button:

to next range of topics.

The coloured bars (for TOP) or the coloured text (for FLOF)
in the second to last line indicate which coloured buttons
you can use to page through topic areas and topics.

Teletext page displays

0 AV:

 Stop self changing pages.


 Enlarge page (press several times).

PIP button:

 Show / hide TV picture.


T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      

1 1 0 / 1 1 2

   K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     

5 0 0

W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               

1 7 0  

  G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    

5 3 0

S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

2 0 0 / 6 0 0

   L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      

6 6 6

T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

3 0 0 / 4 0 0

   W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    

7 0 0

Page selection

P o l i t i k :   D i e   n e u e n   G e s e t z e s e n t w ü r f e  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   

1 2 0

W i r d   a u c h   d e r   N a h v e r k e h r   t e u r e r ?  .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   

1 2 1

A u s t r a l i e n :   K e i n e   Z u g e s t ä n d n i s s e   .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   

1 2 2

T o t e   b e i   Z u g u n g l ü c k   i n   S c h w e d e n    .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   

5 3 2

T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    

2 0 4

F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    

2 1 3

F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     

2 0 4

    1 0 0       1 0 0        

A R D t e x t

                    D o       0 7 .   0 9 .   0 6                 1 4   :   1 4   :   4 2

ARD Text



I n h a l t                                          

t a g e s s c h a u

1 3 : 0 0  

A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 2

1 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u



T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      

1 1 0 / 1 1 2

   K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     

5 0 0

W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               

1 7 0

  G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    

5 3 0

S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

2 0 0 / 6 0 0

   L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      

6 6 6

T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

3 0 0 / 4 0 0

   W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    

7 0 0




T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    

2 0 4

F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    

2 1 3

F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     

2 0 4



I n h a l t                                          

t a g e s s c h a u

1 3 : 0 0  

A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 2

1 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u


Tagesschau . . .  



Kultur . . . . . . . . . . 


Wetter. . . . . . . . .

 . .   170 

Gesellschaft . . . . . 


Sport. . . . . . . . .  


  Lotto/Toto. . . . . . .   


TV Guide. . . . . .  



Wirtschaft. . . . . . . 


Page selection

Politik: Die neuen Gesetzesentwürfe. . . . . . . . . .  


Wird auch der Nahverkehr teurer?. . . . . . . . . . . .  


Australien: Keine Zugeständnisse . . . . . . . . . . .   


Tote bei Zugunglück in Schweden . . . . . . . . . . .  


Tennis: Auftaktmatch wurde abgebrochen  . . .   


Formel 1: Neues Reglement für Motoren. . . . . . .  


Fussball: Heimsieg für den Meister . . . . . . . . . . . 


  100   100    


      Do  07.09.06     14:14:42

ARD Text






13:00   ARD-Mittagsmagazin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  312

14:00   Tagesschau


T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      

1 1 0 / 1 1 2

   K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     

5 0 0

W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               

1 7 0

  G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    

5 3 0

S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

2 0 0 / 6 0 0

   L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      

6 6 6

T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

3 0 0 / 4 0 0

   W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    

7 0 0


W i r d   a u c h   d e r   N a h v e r k e h r   t e u r e r ?  .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   

1 2 1

A u s t r a l i e n :   K e i n e   Z u g e s t ä n d n i s s e   .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   

1 2 2

T o t e   b e i   Z u g u n g l ü c k   i n   S c h w e d e n    .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   

5 3 2

T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    

2 0 4

F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    

2 1 3

F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     

2 0 4



I n h a l t                                          

t a g e s s c h a u

1 3 : 0 0  

A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 2

1 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u




TOP table

ARD Text


Sport 1
TV Guide
ARD heute
ARD morgen
weitere ...





T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

3 0 0 / 4 0 0

   W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    

7 0 0



I n h a l t                                          

t a g e s s c h a u

1  2  3  4  5

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 61
    Operating Instructions TV Spheros R 37 Full-HD+ 233–32958.020 Spheros R 32 HD+
  • Страница 2 из 61
    Contents Remote Control – TV Functions ............................................................... 3 Control unit front side of the device ....................................................... 4 Connections rear side of the device ........................................................ 5
  • Страница 3 из 61
    Remote Control – TV Functions (Page 18).............................................................. Sound off/on (Page 50)..................... LED display for current operating mode Switch on/off – to standby mode ..................................................(page 11) (Page 10; page 50)
  • Страница 4 из 61
    Control unit front side of the device Button M: Call the menu in the menu: up/down  On/Off button: Switch on from the standby mode Switch off from the standby mode Button – : Station down in the menu: to the left  Button R: Radio on/off (1 (back to TV mode) Switch on the radio from the standby
  • Страница 5 из 61
    Connections rear side of the device Factory settings: AV1: DVD player AV2: DVD recorder You can change this during the initial installation (page 11) or in the connection wizard (page 35). Before you connect other devices or make any changes, please start the connection wizard (page 35) and the
  • Страница 6 из 61
    Welcome Thank you! About this operating manual At Loewe, we combine the highest standards of technology, design and user friendliness. This applies equally for TV, video and accessories. For many questions concerning the technology you will find an answer in the index of your TV set. If your
  • Страница 7 из 61
    Welcome Operating convenience with wizards This TV set offers user prompting with wizards that take you through the settings step-by-step. You can return to the previous step or exit the wizard at any time. The wizards in overview Initial installation The initial installation wizard helps you with
  • Страница 8 из 61
    For your safety For your own safety and to prevent unnecessary damage to your device, read and comply with the following safety instructions: Proper use and environmental conditions This TV set is designed exclusively for reception and reproduction of video and audio signals and is designed for
  • Страница 9 из 61
    For your safety Environmental protection Repairs and accessories Energy consumption Your TV set is equipped with an eco-standby power supply. In the standby mode, the power consumption drops to low power (see technical data on page 54). If you want to save even more energy then switch the device
  • Страница 10 из 61
    Initial installation Installing the TV set Connecting the TV set First prepare the chosen installation solution for your TV set. See the installation instructions of the table stand supplied. See Accessories (page 55) for other installation possibilities. Connecting to the mains Connect the TV set
  • Страница 11 из 61
    Initial installation Turning the set on/off First installation wizard Switching the TV set to standby mode First installation after switching on for the first time This wizard starts automatically after the set is switched on for the first time, however it can also be called later manually in the
  • Страница 12 из 61
    Initial installation Explanations of the setting possibilities: Location Select the country for country-specific pre-settings. of TV set Antenna Antenna/cable (analogue): selection DVB-T: DVB-C: DVB-S (line 1): DVB-S (line 2): analogue stations via cable/antenna digital, terrestrial stations
  • Страница 13 из 61
    Initial installation Operating convenience Positioning/aligning DVB-T antenna General information on menu operation If you are receiving one or more DVB-T stations with picture and sound interference then you should change the installation location and alignment of the antenna. Ask your dealer to
  • Страница 14 из 61
    Operating convenience The info display The index in the TV set The info display shows a content-based info text for each menu item at the top edge of the screen to help you in making the settings. In conjunction with the index it creates a convenient control system. You can start all wizards and
  • Страница 15 из 61
    Operating convenience TV menu – Overview diagram TV menu Picture Picture adjustment Contrast Colour intensity Colour temperature Brightness Sharpness Digital Noise Control (DNC) more... Image+ Picture format Move picture up/down (3 Auto format Film quality improvement (DMM) Sound New
  • Страница 16 из 61
    Daily operation Select station With the station list ž In normal TV operation, without further displays, no favourites selected: With the keys P+ and P– on the remote control P+/P– station up/down. The station display with sound identification is displayed briefly. ž If favourites are selected, the
  • Страница 17 из 61
    Daily operation With the favourites lists You can save and call your favourite stations in 6 favourites lists (e.g. for multiple users). Each favourites list can contain up to 99 stations. After initial installation, 10 stations from the station list are already stored in the first list. Change the
  • Страница 18 из 61
    Daily operation Adjusting the sound Explanations of the sound settings: Switching sound off/on Sound off; Sound on: Press button again or set volume V+. Setting the volume V+/V– volume louder / quieter. The volume bar will be shown briefly if no other menu is displayed. Setting the sound mode Call
  • Страница 19 из 61
    Daily operation Adjusting the picture TV menu Picture (personal values, TV digital) Picture adjustment Standard values (TV digital) Call TV menu. TV menu Picture Picture adjustment INFO Sound Recording Connections END Settings ... Select Picture, go to the menu line below. TV menu Picture
  • Страница 20 из 61
    Daily operation Button functions The Panorama picture format can be switched between proportionally correct and format filling reproduction. Dark margins are visible on the right and left of the picture in proportionally correct reproduction. Switching over: Keep the M button on the set pressed, at
  • Страница 21 из 61
    Daily operation Status display ž In normal TV mode, without other displays: END: Show / hide status display.   'DV(UVWH                   ‫ۿ‬۲'LJLWDO‫   ܃‬   7RVNDQD    /DQJXDJHVRXQGVHOHFWLRQ ۫  $ODUPWLPH        
  • Страница 22 из 61
    Managing stations TV stations Various options for managing stations are available via the TV menu. For example the description for TV stations. For radio stations the same applies, except that the radio menu is called in radio mode (see also page 34). ž Station management is not possible if a
  • Страница 23 из 61
    Managing stations Search/update station – manual search Change, delete, move, rename, restore stations Call TV menu. ž Change stations can also be called via the station list (page 16). Select Settings, go to the menu line below. Call TV menu. Select Stations, go to the menu line below.
  • Страница 24 из 61
    Managing stations Put together – change favourites lists Rename station ž DVB stations for which the station name is also broadcast cannot be renamed. In this case, the Rename function is hidden. Blue button: Activates Rename station. Under the 1st letter of the name you will see a line indicating
  • Страница 25 из 61
    Managing stations Move / change order of stations in the favourites list Add station to favourites list ž Favourites list (right column) must be selected. If not, change the list with . Go to the left column (all stations). mark station to be moved. P+/P– Scroll in the pages of the station
  • Страница 26 из 61
    Picture in Picture Picture in Picture (PIP) Select the PIP picture The concurrent display of two different images is referred to as Picture in Picture. ž The frame is green, if not, press the green button. ž A concurrent representation of two HDTV signals is not possible. ž A concurrent
  • Страница 27 из 61
    Picture in Picture Configure Picture in Picture (PIP) mode Change position of the PIP In the PIP menu, you can set the PIP type (split screen or small PIP) and the position of the small picture. ž Other than the status line, which may possibly be displayed, no other display is shown on the screen:
  • Страница 28 из 61
    Electronic Programme Guide Electronic Programme Guide – EPG Adjusting the programme list EPG stands for Electronic Programme Guide and provides you with on-screen programme details. With the system, as with a printed programme guide, you can learn about the current programme. In addition programmes
  • Страница 29 из 61
    Electronic Programme Guide Calling additional information about the programmes ž Brief information about many programmes is displayed below the programme list of the broadcasts. You can call detailed information with the TEXT button if this function is offered by the TEXT icon in the lower left.
  • Страница 30 из 61
    Teletext Teletext Additional page selection possibilities Your TV set supports the two operating systems TOP Text and FLOF. Up to 2,000 pages are stored so that you have quick access. 1st possibility: Call overview page 100. Starting and ending Teletext 2nd possibility: Directly enter the page
  • Страница 31 из 61
    Teletext Programming timer recordings via Teletext ž Teletext is started, if not, press the TEXT button. Call the programme pages of the current station. Change preset page numbers, see this page. Green button: Go to the appropriate page. Select the desired programme, OK to programme the
  • Страница 32 из 61
    DVB Conditional Access Module (CA module) In order to receive coded digital stations, a Conditional Access Module (CA module) and a Smart Card must be inserted in the CI slot of your TV set (see page 5). The CA module and the Smart Card are not part of the TV set's scope of delivery. They are
  • Страница 33 из 61
    DVB Software update TV base software and DVB software You can update your TV’s TV-Basic and DVB software. The latest software versions are broadcast by satellite (only Astra1 at the moment) or can be installed in your set with a USB stick. Please contact your dealer for a software update via USB
  • Страница 34 из 61
    Radio Radio mode Setting the sound mode You can only receive radio stations via DVB. If you do not have DVB radio reception then you can play audio from an external device via the TV set using the audio/AV inputs. Radio mode on/off Call Sound mode. Other settings as for TV mode (see page 18).
  • Страница 35 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Device connection wizard AV equipment selection Connecting additional devices to the TV set The device connection wizard serves to connect new devices to the TV set or make wiring changes. Connection wizard Specify all new AV devices to be connected and all connection
  • Страница 36 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Explanations of important settings Signal type The signal type of the devices that can be connected can vary greatly. If you are not sure, leave the setting for Signal on Automamtic CVBS/YC (e.g. for DVD Player/Recorder) or Autom.-VHS/SVHS (e.g. video recorder),
  • Страница 37 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Connecting devices to the HDMI (DVI) connections and playback Connecting devices to the PC IN connection and playback The HDMI connections (High Definition Multimedia Interface) permit digital video and audio transmission via a connection cable from a player, e.g.
  • Страница 38 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Connecting the audio signal from the PC or from the SetTopBox Analogue audio signal: Connect the analogue audio signal from the PC or the SetTopBox via stereo cable to the AUDIO IN2 jack on the TV set. The sound is played via the speakers connected to the TV set or a
  • Страница 39 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Sound components wizard The sound components wizard helps you to configure the components used to play the TV sound. Depending on what you want to use, active speakers, speaker systems and analogue and digital HiFi/AV amplifiers can be configured. The sound components
  • Страница 40 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Speaker system Loewe Individual Sound on the Dolby Digital Decoder of the TV set Connecting Before connecting any devices ensure that they are switched off or unplug their mains plug. Setup The arrangement of speakers and TV set can look like the illustration below:
  • Страница 41 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Connecting other speaker systems or active speakers to the Dolby Digital Decoder If you want to use another similar speaker system or active speakers, you can connect these to the AUDIO LINK interface of the TV set with an adapter cable. The adapter cable is available
  • Страница 42 из 61
    Operating additional equipment If you want to set new sound components or change them: Select Configuration/modification, OK calls the selection, whether complete, partial or new set-up. Sound components wizard Please specify here whether you want to completely reconfigure a speakers system or
  • Страница 43 из 61
    Operating additional equipment OK continue to set the Distance to left front speaker. OK continue to Subwoofer phase. ž Measure the distances from your sitting position to the front, surround, and centre speakers respectively. The Dolby Digital Decoder calculates the delay times for the speaker
  • Страница 44 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Connecting audio amplifiers Connecting digital audio amplifiers The sound components wizard permits configuration of different audio amplifiers (stereo amplifiers, surround amplifiers, analogue or digital) with different digital audio formats (Dolby Digital, dts,
  • Страница 45 из 61
    Operating additional equipment Assignment of the digital audio input Your TV set can assign an AV input to the digital audio input socket AUDIO DIGITAL IN. When switching over to this AV input, the digital audio signal at the AUDIO DIGITAL IN input is passed on to the integrated Dolby Digital
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    Operating additional equipment The direct way to record You can programme timer recordings via the integrated Digital Recorder or connected recorders on the TV set. The recording wizard is integrated at several places for programming a recording. Further information about recording with the Digital
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    Operating additional equipment Timer recording with external devices Programming the timer with the timer overview A timer recording can also be programmed manually. Recorder with Digital Link Plus If you use an externally connected recorder with Digital Link Plus or a similar system, the TV set
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    Operating additional equipment PhotoViewer You can view photos in the standard JPEG format stored on a USB stick or a memory card in a card reader. You can also collect photos in a slide show. Viewing photos ž The photo overview is displayed. Folder_1 Connecting Plug a card reader (with a USB
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    Operating additional equipment Open folder ž Folders will only be displayed if they were created on the memory card / USB stick. Calling the PhotoViewer menu In the PhotoViewer menu you can make picture settings and select the memory medium. ž The photo overview is displayed. mark a folder in
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    Operating additional equipment Operating Loewe equipment Using the remote control for a DVD player Press the DVD button, the display above it will light for approx. 5 seconds. Using the remote control for a recorder Press the REC button, the display above it will light for approx. 5 seconds. Using
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    Operating additional equipment Rotating the TV set Your TV set has a connection for a rotating stand control. If the set is mounted on a motorised stand, you can use the remote control to adjust it to your seating location accordingly. Call TV menu. ž A motor unit is connected. ž In normal TV mode,
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    Troubleshooting Problem Possible cause Remedy All menus are displayed in the wrong language. The menu language was set incorrectly. Set the menu language: Press the INFO button in TV mode (Index). Mark the first key word and call it with OK. Then select the language and confirm it with OK. In the
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    Troubleshooting Problem Possible cause Remedy Digital Link Plus does not work. a) EURO-AV cable is not fully wired (pin 10 not wired). b) Some recorders can only adopt stations during the initial installation of the TV set. a) Replace the EURO-AV cable. With Teletext various character sets are
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    Technical data General data Type Article number Dimensions for device without stand (W x H x D) in cm Dimensions for device with stand (W x H x D) in cm Weight for device without stand (approx.) in kg Weight for device with stand (approx.) in kg Display Picture diagonal in cm/picture format
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    Accessories Accessories Setup possibilities Loewe Individual Sound: Your TV set can be extended perfectly with the Individual Sound speaker system. Numerous speaker combination possibilities with standard speakers, staellite speakers and a subwoofer can be implemented. Loewe DVD recorder: The DVD
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    Glossary A Active antenna: An antenna with its own power supply or amplification that can improve reception in areas with poor reception. AV socket: Socket for audio and video signals. AV sources: Audio/video source. AVS: Audio/video sockets on the TV set (cinch and Mini-DIN). B Band: Designation
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    Glossary F FLOF: Full Level One Facilities. Teletext system in which designations and numbers of the jump destinations are transmitted separately for every page on the bottom line. This guides the reader to related topics for example. An information about which pages exist and which pages have
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    Glossary Signal input groups: The signal sources are divided into different groups depending on the applied signal. All signal input groups with their corresponding signal types and the possible inputs are listed below. TV analogue: Signal type: FBAS, YC, RGB-SD (480i/576i), Component-SD
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    Index A Active speakers 41 Adjusting the picture 19 Adjusting the sound 18 Alarm 15 Assist+ 7, 20 $XGLRDPSOLÀHUV44 Auto format 19 AV audio signal 18 AV selection 17 B Batteries 10 Brightness 19 Button functions 20 C CA module 32 Card reader 48 Change favourites lists 24 Add station 25 Delete
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    Service Loewe Austria GmbH Parkring 10 1010 Wien, Österreich Tel.: +43 - 810/0810-24 (zum Ortstarif) E-Mail loewe@loewe.co.at International Dynamics Australasia Pty Ltd. 129 Palmer Street Richmond 3121, Victoria, Australia Tel. +61 - 3 - 94 29 08 22 Fax +61 - 3 - 94 29 08 33 Email
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