Инструкция для DAEWOO KOR-63D7

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To prevent fire, burns, electric shock and other
Listed below are, as with all appliances, certain
rules to follow and safeguards to assure high
performance from this oven:

1. Do not use the oven for any reason other than

food preparation, such as for drying clothes,
paper, or any other nonfood items or for
sterilizing purposes.

2. Do not use the oven when empty, this could

damage the oven.

3. Do not use the oven cavity for any type of

storage, such as papers, cookbook, cookware, etc.

4. Do not operate the oven without the glass tray in

place. Be sure it is properly sitting on the rotating

5. Make sure you remove caps or lids prior to

cooking when you cook food sealed in bottles.

6. Do not put foreign material between the oven

surface and door. It could result in excessive
leakage of microwave energy.

7. Do not use recycled paper products for cooking.

They may contain impurities which could cause
sparks and/or fires when used during cooking.

8. Do not pop popcorn unless popped in a

microwave approved popcorn popper or unless
it's commercially packaged and recommended
especially for microwave ovens.
Microwave popped corn produces a lower yield
than conventional popping; there will be a
number of unpopped kernels. Do not use oil
unless specified by the manufacturer.

9. Do not cook any food surrounded by a

membrane, such as egg yolks, potatoes, chicken
livers, etc., without first piercing them several
times with a fork.

10. Do not pop popcorn longer than the

manufacturer's directions. (popping time is
generally below 3 minutes).
Longer cooking does not yield more popped
corn, it can cause scorchings and fire.
Also, the cooking tray can become too hot to
handle or may break.

11. If smoke is observed, switch off or unplug the

appliance and keep the door closed in order to
stifle any flames.

12. When heating food in plastic or paper

containers, check the oven frequently due to the
possibility of ignition.

13. The contents of feeding bottles and baby food

jars are to be stirred or shaken and the
temperature is to be checked before consumption,
in order to avoid burns.

14. Always test the temperature of food or drink

which has been heated in a microwave oven
before you give it to somebody, especially to
children or elderly people. This is important
because things which have been heated in a
microwave oven carry on getting hotter even
though the microwave oven cooking has stopped.

15. Eggs in their shell and whole hard-boiled eggs

shall not be heated in microwave ovens since
they may explode. 

16. Keep the waveguide cover clean at all times.

Wipe the oven interior with a soft damp cloth
after each use. If you leave grease or fat
anywhere in the cavity it may overheat, smoke or
even catch fire when next using the oven.

17. Never heat oil or fat for deep frying as you

cannot control the temperature and doing so may
lead to overheating and fire.

18. Microwave heating of beverages can result in

delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care has to be
taken when handling the container.



KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 









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    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 2 MàKPOBOãHOBAü èEóú àHCTPìKñàü èO ùKCèãìATAñàà à èOBAPEHAü KHàÉA Mo‰eθ Nº.: KOR-63D7 èepe‰ ˝ÍcÔÎyaÚaˆËeÈ ÏËÍpo‚oÎÌo‚oÈ Ôe˜Ë ‚ÌËÏaÚeθÌo Ôpo˜ËÚaÈÚe ‰aÌÌy˛ ËÌcÚpyÍˆË˛.
  • Страница 2 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 1 MEPõ èPEÑOCTOPOÜHOCTà COÑEPÜAHàE (a) He Ô˚ÚaÈÚec¸ ÔoθÁo‚aÚ¸cfl ÏËÍpo‚oÎÌo‚oÈ Ôe˜¸˛ c oÚÍp˚ÚoÈ ‰‚epÍoÈ, ÚaÍ ÍaÍ ˝Úo ÏoÊeÚ ÔpË‚ecÚË Í ‚pe‰ÌoÏy ‰Îfl op„aÌËÁÏa ‚oÁ‰eÈcڂ˲ ÏËÍpo‚oÎÌo‚o„o ËÁÎy˜eÌËfl. O˜e̸ ‚aÊÌo co·Î˛‰aÚ¸ Ôpa‚ËÎa aÍÍypaÚÌo„o o·pa˘eÌËfl c ÁaÔopoÏ
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    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 2 4. B‰aÎË oÚ ËcÚo˜ÌËÍo‚ ÚeÔÎe Ë ‚o‰oÔpo‚o‰Ì˚x ÍpaÌo‚ MËÍpo‚oÎÌo‚afl Ôe˜¸ Ìe ‰oÎÊÌa Ìaxo‰ËÚ¸cfl ‚·ÎËÁËËcÚo˜ÌËÍo‚ ÚeÔÎa Ë ‚o‰oÔpo‚o‰Ì˚x ÍpaÌo‚. èpË ‚˚·ope ÏecÚa ‰Îfl ycÚaÌo‚ÍË Ôe˜Ë Ìeo·xo‰ËÏo y˜ËÚ˚‚aÚ¸, ˜Úo·˚ pfl‰oÏ c ˝ÚËÏ ÏecÚoÏ Ìe ·˚Îo Ìa„pe‚aÚeÎeÈ ‚oÁ‰yxa,
  • Страница 4 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 3 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: To prevent fire, burns, electric shock and other warnings: Listed below are, as with all appliances, certain rules to follow and safeguards to assure high performance from this oven: 1. Do not use the oven for any
  • Страница 5 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 4 OCHOBHõE KOMèOHEHTõ 4. ìcÚaÌo‚ËÚe pe„yÎflÚop Ïo˘ÌocÚË Ìa Ìeo·xo‰ËÏoÏ ypo‚Ìe. CËÏ‚oÎ 3 4 1 2 1 CÚeÍÎflÌÌ˚È Ôo‰‰oÌ 2 èo‚opoÚÌ˚È poÎËÍ-ÑoÎÊeÌ ‚ce„‰a ËcÔoθÁo‚aÚ¸cfl ‚o ‚peÏfl ÔpË„oÚo‚ÎeÌËfl ÔË˘Ë ‚ÏecÚe co cÚeÍÎflÌÌ˚Ï Ôo‰‰oÌoÏ 3 Pe„yÎflÚop Ïo˘ÌocÚË-àcÔoθÁyÈÚe ‰Îfl
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    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 5 èPOñECC èPàÉOTOBãEHàü èPàHAÑãEÜHOCTà KìãàHAPHõE PEKOMEHÑAñàà PeÍoÏẻaˆËË Ôo ËcÔoθÁo‚aÌ˲ èoÏe¯Ë‚aÌËe CÚeÍÎflÌÌ˚e Ë cÚeÍÎflÌÌo-ÍepaÏ˘ecÍËe ˜aÂË Ë ÚapeÎÍËàcÔoθÁyÈÚe ‚ peÊËÏax paÁo„pe‚a ËÎË ÔpË„oÚo‚ÎeÌËfl èocy‰a ‰Îfl Ôo‰ÊapË‚aÌËfl ‰Îfl ÏËÍpo‚oÎÌo‚˚x
  • Страница 7 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 6 DEFROSTING FROZEN FOODS Defrosting frozen foods is one of the benefits of having a microwave oven. Defrosting foods, especially meats, with the microwave oven is not only faster than any other method, it can also give beter results. Once frozen meat is
  • Страница 8 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 7 DEFROSTING FROZEN FOODS CHART Item and Weight Defrosting Time Standing Time BEEF Mineed beef 10-12 min. 5-7 min. 454g (1 lb.) Stew Meat 9-11 min. 5-7 min. 681 (11/2 lbs.) Loin Roast 15-18 min. 7-10 min. 907g (2 lbs.) Patties 7-8 min. 5-7 min. 4 (113g (4
  • Страница 9 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 8 TAÅãàñA èPàÉOTOBãEHàü MüCA MEAT Mflco Éo‚fl‰ËÌa Éo‚flÊËÈ ÍpaÈ/pyÎeÚ ËÁ „o‚flÊe„o Ípafl - c Ípo‚¸˛ - cpe‰ÌeÈ ÔpoÊapÊapÍË - cËθÌoÈ ÔpoÊapÊapÍË Py·ÎeÌafl „o‚fl‰ËÌa (Ôo‰ÊapËÚ¸ ‰Îfl ÁaÔeÍaÌÍË) ÉaÏ·yp„ep˚, c‚eÊËe ËÎË ÁaÏopoÊeÌÌ˚e 2 ÎeÔe¯ÍË 4 ÎeÔe¯ÍË C‚ËÌËÌa îËÎe, Ìo„a
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    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ VEGETABLE O‚o˘Ë ` 9 ìpo‚e̸ Ïo˘ÌocÚË CBó èo‰„oÚo‚Ía Ko΢ecÚ‚o ÏaÍcËÏyÏ PeÁaÌafl ÍycÍaÏË paÁÏepoÏ 11/2 ‰˛ÈÏa 1 ÙyÌÚ ÏaÍcËÏyÏ èo·e„Ë ˆeÎËÍoÏ 10 ÿËÈ Ìa Í„ ÏaÍcËÏyÏ Ko˜aÌ˚ 1 ÙyÌÚ ÏaÍcËÏyÏ ñeÎËÍoÏ ËÎË ÔopeÁaÌÌafl 10 ÿËÈ Ìa Í„ ÏaÍcËÏyÏ ñeÎËÍoÏ 10 ÙyÌÚo‚ Ìa Í„
  • Страница 11 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 10 Åβ‰o äo΢ecÚ‚o ìpo‚e̸ Ïo˘ÌocÚË ÇpeÏfl ÇpeÏfl CBó ÔpË„oÚo‚ÎeÌËfl ÜapeÌ˚È 2 ÍycÍa MaÍcËÏyÏ 5-7 ÏËÌ ìÎoÊËÚe Ìa ·yÏaÊÌy˛ ÚapeÎÍy, ˆ˚ÔÎeÌoÍ 4 ÍycÍa MaÍcËÏyÏ 6-8 ÏËÌ ÔoÍp˚Úy˛ ·yÏaÊÌ˚Ï ÔoÎoÚëeÏ. 6 ÍycÍo‚ MaÍcËÏyÏ 7-9 ÏËÌ ÜapeÌoe ÙËÎe 2 ÍycÍa MaÍcËÏyÏ 3-4 ÏËÌ 4
  • Страница 12 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 11 CPABHàTEãúHAü TAÅãàñA BECOBõX MEP ■ èEPEBOÑ îìHTOB à ìHñàâ B ÉPAMMõ îìHTõ 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ÉPAMMõ 114 227 341 454 907 1361 1814 2268 2722 3175 3629 4082 4526 4990 ìHñNN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ÉPAMMõ 28 57 85 113 142 170 198 227 ìHñNN 9 10 11 12
  • Страница 13 из 14
    KOR-63D79S(•fl‰ˆ ˘ ) 01.4.183:48PM ˘ ` 12 BOèPOCõ à OTBETõ BoÔpoc: ü cÎy˜ÈÌo ‚Íβ˜ËÎ Ôe˜¸, ‚ÌyÏpË ÍoÏopoÈ Ì ·˚Îo Ôˢe‚˚ı Ôpo·yÍÏo‚. ùÏo oÔacÌo? OÚ‚eÚ: M˚ Ì peÍoÏẻyeÏ ‚Íβ˜Ú¸ Ôe˜¸, ‚ ÍoÚopoÈ Ìe Ôpo‰yÍÚo‚. O‰ÌaÍo, ‚Íβ˜eÌËe Ôe˜Ë ·eÁ Ìaıo‰fl˘Ëıc ‚ ÌeÈ Ôpo‰yÍÚo‚ HA KOPOTKOE BPEMü Ìe Ôp˘ËÌË eÈ ‚pe‰a.
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