Инструкция для Defort DCI-305

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•  Overload protection: The inverter will automatically 

shut down when the continuous power consumption 
is over the rated Max power output.

•  Overheating protection: When the temperature sen-

sor inside the inverter reaches 65 degrees C, the 
unit will automatically shut down. In this instance, 
allow at least 15 minutes before attempting to restart 
the inverter and always disconnect appliances.

•  Low battery alarm: The alarm will sound if the input 

voltage drops below 10.5V,this is an indication that 
the battery needs to be recharged. Users should dis-
continue operation of the appliance(s) at this point, 
as the inverter will shut down shortly after the alarm 
sounds. The vehicle engine should be started to re-
charge the battery. If the low battery alarm sounds 
when the battery is fully charged follow the steps for 
solving lack of output power in the troubleshooting 

The alarm will sound if the inverter is overloaded, over-
heated or if there is an excessive voltage drop between 
the battery and inverter.


It is normal for the alarm to sound while the unit is being 
connected to, or disconnected from the power source, 
this is not indicative of a problem. 


No AC output
•  Inverter is too hot
•  Disconnect load from inverter. Operate inverter with-

out load for a few minutes. Reconnect load.

Motorised power tool won’t start
•  Excessive start up load
•  If appliance does not start, then appliance is drawing 

excessive wattage and will not work with inverter

Motorised power tool does not operate at correct 


•  purely inductive load
•  Make the load not purely inductive. Operate an in-

candescent lamp at same time as motor 

Television/Radio interference
•  Snow in picture, buzz in speaker
•  Keep inverter and antenna distant from each other. 

Use shielded antenna cable. Connect antenna to 



•  Safe: do not position the inverter near any 



ble material or in a position that may accumulate 


 ammable fumes or gases.


Rated versus actual current draw.

Most electrical equipment has labels that indicate the 
power consumption in amps or watts. Ensure the power 
consumption of the item you wish to operate is speci-


 ed at the rated watts or less. The inverter has over-

load protection so it is safe to try and operate equip-
ment rated at the speci


 ed watts or less. The inverter 

will shut down if it is overloaded. The overload must be 
removed before the inverter will restart; resistive loads 
are the easiest for the inverter to run. However larger 
resistive loads, such as, stoves and heaters usually 
require more wattage than the inverter can deliver on 
a continuous basis. Inductive loads such as, TV’s and 
stereos require more current to operate than resistive 
loads of the same wattage rating. Induction motors as 
well as some televisions may require 2-6 times their 
wattage rating to start up. The most demanding in this 
category are those that start under load such as, com-
pressors and pumps. Testing is the only de


 nitive way 

of determining if a speci


 c load can be started and how 

long it will run. The inverter is 


 tted with overload pro-

tection so will simply shut down if overloaded. To restart 
the unit after overloading remove the overload and if 
necessary turn the power switch off and then on.

Battery operating time.

With a typical vehicle battery, a minimum operating time 
of 2 to 3 hours can be expected. In most instances, 5 
to 10 hours of operating time is achievable however 
it is recommended that the operator starts the vehicle 
every 2 to 3 hours to recharge the battery system thus 
guarding against unexpected equipment shut down 
and ensuring that there is still suf


 cient power to start 

the engine. The inverter’s built in alarm will sound if 
the DC voltage drops below 10.5V. The inverter can 
be used whether or not the vehicles engine is running 
however the inverter will not operate whilst the engine 
is being turned over as battery voltage drops substan-
tially whilst the engine is being started. In most cases 
the inverter can be left connected to the battery when 
not in use as it draws very little current, however if the 
vehicle is to remain unused for several days disconnect 
the inverter from the battery.

In built protection.

Your inverter monitors the following potentially hazard-
ous conditions:
•  Low battery voltage: This condition is not harmful to 

the inverter but could damage the power source. An 
audible signal will sound when input voltage drops 
to 10,5 V. The inverter automatically shuts down 
when input voltage drops to 10.0V. When the power 
source input voltage is above 10.5V the inverter may 
be restarted.

•  Over voltage protection: The inverter will automati-

cally shut down when the input voltage exceeds 
15.5V DC 

•  Short circuit protection: The inverter will shut down. 

Remove the short circuit and the inverter will reset. 

Оглавление инструкции
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