Инструкция для Ibanez Electric Basses (2013)

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Intonation adjustment is the operation

of adjusting the location of the string at

the saddle to compensate for different

tuning. Follow the instructions of the par-

ticular bridge intonation below. Intona-

tion is properly set when the 12th fret

note and the 12th fret harmonic are exactly the same note. This is the center

point of the scale and the most accurate way of setting a standard scale length.

With the harmonic note as the standard, if the fretted note is flat, move the

bridge saddle forward toward the headstock (a) to decrease the string length. If

the fretted note is sharp, move it back away from the headstock (b) to increase

the string length intonation adjustments.

*Please note that strings can be broken when the saddle is moved, so always loosen the strings before making

any adjustments.

Intonation adjustment can be made by

adjusting the intonation screws at the

rear of the bridge clockwise to move the

saddle back and counter clockwise to

move the saddle forward.


Ibanez bass string action is set at the factory. However,

there are many reasons that an instrument's string height

can change. Instruments can be affected by changes in

temperature and moisture. High string action can make

basses difficult to play. If the string action is too low, fret

buzz or unclear notes can occur. To remedy this, follow

the instructions for the particular type of bridge installed.

In the case of string action, make sure the bass is in tune

and the truss rod is adjusted properly. Ibanez action is set to 2.0mm for the

treble side and 2.5mm for the bass side at the 12th fret. The action may also

need to be readjusted after the neck is adjusted or strings are changed to a

different gauge. Follow the instructions in the relevant bridge manual to make


To raise or lower the string action, insert the correct Allen

wrench into the screw at the saddle. To raise the saddle,

turn the wrench clockwise and to lower the saddle, turn

the wrench counter clockwise.

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    9) If you use a strap, make sure it is completely and securely attached to the strap Our congratulations and deepest thanks on making Ibanez your choice of in- buttons before playing your bass. 10)“Don’t Try This At Home.” Doing tricks and gymnastics with your bass such as strument. Ibanez
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    STRINGS NECK ENGLISH If strings become dirty, discolored, or produce a dull sound or buzz, replace the strings with new ones. For best results we recommend replacing one string at a Ibanez basses are equipped LOOSEN with adjustable truss rods. The purpose of a truss rod time, this will help to
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    INTONATION Ibanez bass string action is set at the factory. However, Intonation adjustment is the operation there are many reasons that an instrument's string height can change. Instruments can be affected by changes in of adjusting the location of the string at the saddle to compensate for
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    ENGLISH ACOUSTIC BRIDGE POSITION BASS CONTROLS On a full hollow bass, the entire bridge Pickup Balancer (on all two-pickup models.) The is moved forward or back to adjust intonation. Based on the 12th fret pickup balance control pot allows the user to blend between the front and rear pickups using
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    !  !fÄ~åÉò= !"#$%&'()*+,-./01$234567 fÄ~åÉò= !"#$%&'()*+,-./!01234564789  !"#$%&'  !" #$ #%&'()*+,-./01234#356789:;  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01  !"#$%&'()**+,$+-' NF !"#$%  !"#$%&'($)*+,-.$%/01234-56789:;  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012-3-452678"9:/  !"#$%$&'$()*+,-./.0123!0 !"4 
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    Herzlichen Glückwunsch und vielen Dank für Ihre Entscheidung für ein Instrument von Ibanez. Die Standards von Ibanez sind einzigartig. Alle Instrumente der Tonhöhe sind, ist es besser, die Saite erst wieder zu entspannen und sie dann auf die korrekte Höhe zu stimmen, als ein Überstimmen zu
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    DEUTSCH SAITEN HALS Wenn die Saiten verschmutzt oder verfärbt sind, dumpf Ibanez-Instrumente für klingen oder schnarren, ersetzen Sie die Saiten durch neue. Für beste Ergebnisse empfehlen wir, eine Saite Stahlsaiten sind mit einem einstellbaren nach der anderen auszutauschen, so dass die Halsstab
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    INTONATION Die Saitenlage oder “Action” von Ibanez-Basssaiten wird Die Einstellung der Intonation wird werksseitig eingestellt. Es gibt jedoch viele Anlässe, bei denen sich die Saitenlage des Instruments ändert. Die durchgeführt, indem die Position der Saite am Saitenreiter des Steges Instrumente
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    POSITION DES STEGS BEIM AKUSTIKBASS Bei einem vollakustischen Bass wird der Alle Modelle mit 2 Pickups: Pickup-Balanceregler gesamte Steg vor- oder zurückgeschoben, um die Intonation zu steuern. Bewegen Der Pickup-Balanceregler blendet zwischen vorderem und hinterem Pickup hin und her mit einem Sie
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    Nuestras más sinceras gracias y enhorabuena por adquirir un instrumento Ibanez. afine el instrumento. Si no está seguro de la afinación de una nota, es preferible volver a empezar, aflojar la cuerda y volver a afinar hasta el tono correcto, en lugar de arriesgarse a tensar la cuerda demasiado. Los
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    CUERDAS MÁSTIL Si las cuerdas se ensucian, se decoloran o producen un sonido apagado o un zumbido, sustitúyelas por unas nuevas. Para lograr un resultado óptimo, recomendamos Los modelos Ibanez para AFLOJAR cuerdas de acero están provistos de un alma cambiar las cuerdas de una en una a fin de
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    ACCIÓN OCTAVACIÓN La acción (distancia entre los trastes y la cuerda) del bajo La octavación es la operación de ajustar Ibanez se ajusta en fábrica. No obstante, la altura de las cuerdas de un instrumento puede variar por numerosas la posición de las cuerdas en la silleta del puente para compensar
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    POSICIÓN DEL PUENTE PARA CAJA En un bajo de caja, el puente completo se Todos los modelos de 2 pastillas: mueve hacia delante o hacia atrás para ajustar la octavación. Basándonos en el Balance de pastillas El potenciómetro de control de balance de las armónico del 12.º traste, si la nota del
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    Vous avez choisi un instrument Ibanez, nous vous remercions de ce choix et 6) Il est conseillé de remplacer régulièrement les cordes. Des cordes anciennes et sales produisent un son terne et vide et sont davantage sujettes à casser. Si les cordes sont trop tendues, vous risquez également de les
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    FRANÇAIS CORDES MANCHE Si les cordes deviennent sales, changent de couleur, produisent un son terne ou des bourdonnements, remplacez-les. Pour éviter de fortes variations de tension du manche et pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats, nous vous recommandons de remplacer les cordes une à une. Lors du
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    INTONATION La hauteur des cordes est réglée lors de la fabrication Le réglage de l’intonation consiste à des guitares basses Ibanez. Néanmoins, plusieurs facteurs peuvent provoquer la variation de hauteur des ajuster la position de la corde au niveau du sillet afin de compenser les cordes d’un
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    FRANÇAIS POSITION DU CHEVALET ACOUSTIQUE RÉGLAGES DE LA GUITARE BASSE Sur une guitare basse creuse, l’ensemble Pour tous les modèles à deux micros : du chevalet est déplacé vers l’avant ou vers l’arrière pour régler l’intonation. En Compensateur de micro Le réglage de compensation de micro vous
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    7) Non suonare il basso con corde arrugginite per evitare lesioni alle dita. Congratulazioni e grazie di cuore per avere scelto uno strumento Ibanez. Gli 8) L’estremità tagliata o spuntata di una corda di chitarra o di basso è molto aguzza; non toccarla direttamente con le dita. standard
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    CORDE MANICO ITALIANO Se le corde diventano sporche, scolorite o emettono un suono sordo o un ronzio, sostituirle con delle corde nuove. Per ottenere risultati migliori, consigliamo di I modelli Ibanez che ALLENTA montano corde in acciaio sono dotati di truss rod sostituire una corda alla volta,
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    INTONAZIONE L’action della corda del basso Ibanez è impostata in La regolazione dell’intonazione consiste fabbrica. Tuttavia, vi sono molte ragioni per le quali l’altezza della corda dello strumento può cambiare. Gli nel regolare la posizione della corda sulla selletta per compensare la diversa
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    ITALIANO POSIZIONE DEL PONTE ACUSTICO COMANDI DEL BASSO In un basso di tipo hollow, l'intonazione Modelli con due pickup: bilanciamento dei pickup viene regolata spostando l'intero ponte in avanti o indietro. Se l'intonazione della Il controllo del bilanciamento dei pickup permette di miscelare il
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    0,3 ~ 0,5 mm MODEL 4 String Basses 5 String Basses 6 String Basses 28 STRING GAUGE .045, .065, .085, .105" .045, .065, .085, .105, .130" .032, .045, .065, .085, .105, .130"
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    ATTACHMENTS  ZUBEHÖR ACCESORIOS ACCESSOIRES ACCESSORI Multi-Tool  !" Universalwerkzeug Herramienta multiusos Multi outils Strumento multiuso For PRESRIGE, PREMIUM and Grooveline • Please check the contents of the shipment first. The shipment includes Guitar, Case, Instruction Manual (this
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    STRING REPLACEMENT  SAITEN ERSETZEN REMPLACEMENT DES CORDES CAMBIO DE CUERDAS SOSTITUZIONE DI UNA CORDA ATK Install the string from the back of the instrument through the string grommets or thread through the holes in the bridge. *Note; When replacing strings, check with the dealer to make sure
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    B200, B205 (SRX) MR-4 (SR , BTB) The B200/B205 bridges allow two styles of string installation. • Slide the ball end into the ball end pocket. _OMML_OMR !"#$%&'( !)*+,-%O !"#$%& •  !"#$%&'()%*+,-./012  Bei den Stegen B200/B205 gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, Saiten aufzuziehen. Les chevalets
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    BASS BRIDGE  !"#$ _^ppJpqbd=E_ofadbF `ebs^ibq=ab=drfq^ob=_^ppb mrbkqb mlkqb=abi=_^ppl B120/B125/B126 (SR) B A A: Intonation adjustment screw B: Saddle height adjustment screw  !"#$%&!'  !"#$%& Intonations-Einstellschraube Reiterhöhen-Einstellschraube Écrou de réglage de l'intonation Vis
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    B200 / B205 (MDB, SRX) MR-2 (BTB) B B A A Acoustic bridge (AFB) MR-4 (BTB, GVB, PIB, SDB, SR) B B C B A Standard bridge (K5, GWB, ATK) TIGHT END BASS BRIDGE (Grooveline) B B C A A A 35
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    The followings complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Union. No.22, 3-CHOME, SHUMOKU-CHO, HIGASHI-KU, NAGOYA, 461-8717, JAPAN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE : J.N.WAGENAARWEG 9, 1422 AK UITHOORN, NETHERLANDS 2012 Japan SEP12918
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