Инструкция для Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer, MIDI Mobilizer II

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MIDI Mobilizer & MIDI Memo Recorder Advanced Guide 

Page 8 


Playing MIDI 

To play back a Memo, press the large green Play button, as shown below on the left.  MIDI data from the 
memo will be output at the MIDI Out, and an elapsed time counter will be displayed as shown in the 
middle display below.  At any time the playback can be paused by pressing the round Pause button.  
When paused, MIDI will stop being output, the counter will stop elapsing, and the display will appear as 
shown on the right.  Playback can also be stopped at any time by pressing the red Stop button. 

Note that since MIDI data is different than audio data, the sound from your MIDI device may or may not 
stop when pressing Stop or Pause.  This will depend on the type of sound selected and what data events 
were taking place.  Additionally, when resuming from Pause, any previously sustaining notes may 
retrigger, which can also sound unexpected depending on the type of sound that is selected. 


Memo Info 

Press the Info button to get more 
details on the currently selected 
Memo, and to rename or send via 
email.  This page provides the total 
number of MIDI messages (i.e., each 
note played is one message, a note 
released is another message), the 
size of the Memo in bytes (each 
message is typically three bytes, 
although Sysex messages can be 
much more), the length of the 
Memo in minutes and seconds, and 
the date and time it was created. 

Pressing the Title arrow opens a page where the Memo can be renamed (as shown on the right).  
Pressing “Send via Email” opens an email message with the current Memo attached as a Standard MIDI 
File (SMF).  This file format can be opened by most computer sequencing and recording computer 

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 13
    MIDI Mobilizer MIDI Memo Recorder Advanced Guide An in-depth guide to the features and functionality of the MIDI Mobilizer hardware and MIDI Memo Recorder application for iPhone and iPod touch Electrophonic Limited Edition
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    Line 6®, MIDI Mobilizer, MIDI Memo Recorder, AxSys, AX2, Flextone, HD147®, Vetta, Spider®, Spider Valve, POD®, POD Pro, Bass POD, Bass POD Pro, PODxt, PODxt Pro, PODxt Live, Bass PODxt, Bass PODxt Pro, Bass PODxt Live, POD X3 Live, POD X3 Pro, Echo Pro, Mod Pro, Filter Pro, M13 Stompbox Modeler,
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    Table of Contents Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 What is
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    Overview MIDI Mobilizer is a hardware MID interface that allows MIDI communication between an iPhone (or iPod touch) and the millions of hardware MIDI devices in existence. With MIDI Mobilizer, an iPhone becomes the easiest and most portable MIDI system there is. It can be used to capture musical
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    Getting Started Connecting the MIDI Mobilizer MIDI Mobilizer connects directly to the 30-pin connector of an iPhone or iPod touch. It is compatible with all current generations of iPhone and iPod touch that are using OS 3.0 or greater operating system. Although some other models of iPods (such as
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    Updating Firmware MIDI Mobilizer contains a microprocessor and programming (firmware) that handles all MIDI and iPhone communication. If this firmware is not the most current version, the MIDI Memo software can update it for you. Each time MIDI Memo is run, it checks the firmware version in the
  • Страница 7 из 13
    Basic Operation The picture on the right shows the main elements of the MIDI Memo application. The blue arrows indicate information fields and the red arrows point to buttons with the text describing the functions. More details of operation are covered in the following sections. Software Version
  • Страница 8 из 13
    Playing MIDI To play back a Memo, press the large green Play button, as shown below on the left. MIDI data from the memo will be output at the MIDI Out, and an elapsed time counter will be displayed as shown in the middle display below. At any time the playback can be paused by pressing the round
  • Страница 9 из 13
    Memos List Press the Memos button to see a list of all current Memos, as shown on the leftmost display. The currently selected Memo has a check mark to its right. If more memos exist than can fit on the screen, the list can be scrolled through by swiping upward on the screen. To select a Memo from
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    System Info Pressing the Line 6 logo reveals MIDI Memo’s “About” screen. The version of the MIDI Memo Recorder software and the version of MIDI Mobilizer’s firmware are displayed. If WiFi access for MIDI Memo sharing is enabled, the URL address is displayed on this screen. This address can be
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    Using MIDI Mobilizer with Line 6 Products Most Line 6 products with MIDI connectors can send out the stored settings via MIDI Sysex commands. The MIDI Mobilizer can be used to store these settings as a backup, so that you can later restore them, or load them into another Line 6 device. This section
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    POD 2.0, POD Pro, Bass POD, & Bass POD Pro 1. Press the MIDI button 2. Press the Save button –display should show "A" (for All) 3. Press the Save button No setup is required for receiving MIDI Sys ex data. POD xt, PODxt Pro, PODxt Live, Bass PODxt, Bass PODxt Pro & Bass PODxt Live 1. Press the Save
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