Инструкция для INDESIT K6G52S/R

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How To Use Your Appliance

The various features of cooker are controlled through the
knobs and buttons located on the control panel.

Control Knobs for the Gas Burners on the Hob (N)
The position of the gas burner controlled by each one of the

knobs is shown by a solid ring 

.  To light one of the burners,

hold a lighted match or lighter near the burner and, at the
same time, press down and turn the corresponding knob

counter clockwise to the maximum 


 setting. Each burner

can be operated at its maximum, minimum or intermediate

power. Shown on the knob are the different symbols for off 

(the knob is on this setting when the symbol corresponds
with the reference mark on the control panel), for maximum


 and minimum 



To obtain these settings, turn the knob counter clockwise
with respect to the off position. To turn off the burner, turn the

knob clockwise until it stops (corresponding again with the 


Electronic Ignition for the Gas Hob
Some of the models are provided with instant electronic light-
ing of the hob gas burners; these models are identified by
the presence of a lighting device (see detail  C). This device
operates when a slight pressure is applied to the “T



marked with


 symbol. To light a specific burner just press

the button labelled “T” while pushing the corresponding knob
all the way in and turning it counter-clockwise until it lights.
For immediate lighting, first press the button and then
turn the knob


Should the burner flames accidentally go

out, turn off the control knob and wait at least 1 minute
before trying to relight.

Models with Flame Failure Device for Hob Burners
These models are identified by the presence of a flame de-
tection device (see detail H).
Important: Since the top burners are equipped with a safety
device, after lighting the burner keep the knob pressed in
for about 3 seconds
 to allow the gas to pass until the safety
thermocouple is heated.

Attention: The first time you use the oven we recommend
that you set the thermostat on the highest setting and leave
the oven on for about a half of an hour with nothing in it.
Then, open the oven door and let the room air. The odour
that is often detected during this initial use is due to the
evaporation of substances used to protect the oven dur-
ing storage and until it is installed.

Attention: Only use the bottom shelf of the oven when
using the rotisserie to cook (where present). For all other
types of cooking, never use the bottom shelf and never
place anything on the bottom of the oven when it is in
operation because this could damage the enamel. Always
place your cookware (dishes, aluminium foil, etc. etc.) on
the grate provided with the appliance inserted especially
along the oven guides.

Attention: to use the oven in manual mode without the
cooking control timer, match the indicator on the control

panel with the 

 symbol on the timer knob.

The Oven Control Knobs
This multi-function oven combines the advantages of tra-
ditional convection ovens with those of the more modern
fan assisted models in a single appliance.
It is an extremely versatile appliance that allows you to
choose easily and safely between 5 different cooking
modes. The various features offered by the oven are se-
lected by means of selector knob “L” and thermostat “M
situated on the control panel.

Notice: The first time you use your appliance, we recom-
mend that you set the thermostat to the highest setting
and leave the oven on for about half an hour with nothing
in it, with the oven door shut. Then, open the oven door
and let the room air. The odour that is often detected dur-
ing this initial use is due to the evaporation of substances
used to protect the oven during storage and until it is in-

Notice: Place the dripping pan provided on the bottom
shelf of the oven to prevent any sauce and/or grease from
dripping onto the bottom of the oven only when grilling
food or when using the rotisserie (only available on cer-
tain models). For all other types of cooking, never use the
bottom shelf and never place anything on the bottom of
the oven when it is in operation because this could dam-
age the enamel. Always place your cookware (dishes, alu-
minium foil, etc. etc.) on the grid provided with the appli-
ance inserted especially along the oven guides

Attention: to use the oven in manual mode without the
cooking control timer, match the indicator on the control

panel with the 

 symbol on the timer knob.

“Defrosting” Mode 
Position of thermostat knob “M”: any

The fan located on the bottom of the oven makes the air
circulate at room temperature around the food. This is
recommended for the defrosting of all types of food, but in
particular for delicate types of food which do not require
heat, such as for example: ice cream cakes, cream or
custard desserts, fruit cakes. By using the fan, the
defrosting time is approximately halved. In the case of
meat, fish and bread, it is possible to accelerate the
process using the “multi-cooking” mode and setting the
temperature to 80° - 100°C.

Convection Mode 
Position of thermostat knob “M”: between 60°C and Max.
On this setting, the top and bottom heating elements come
on. This is the classic, traditional type of oven which has
been perfected, with exceptional heat distribution and re-
duced energy consumption. The convection oven is still
unequalled when it comes to cooking dishes made up of
several ingredients, e.g. cabbage with ribs, Spanish style
cod, Ancona style stockfish, tender veal strips with rice,
etc. Excellent results are achieved when preparing veal
or beef-based dishes as well (braised meats, stew, gou-
lash, wild game, ham etc.) which need to cook slowly and

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 41
    Cucina Installazione e uso Cooker Installation and use Êóõoííaÿ ïëèòà Óñòàíîâêà è ïîëüçîâàíèå K6G52S/R
  • Страница 2 из 41
    Cucina con forno multifunzione 5 programmi Istruzioni per l'installazione e l'uso 3 Cooker with electric multifunction oven 5 programms Instructions for installation and use 14 Ïëèòà ñ ìíîãîôóíêöèîíàëüíîé äóõîâêîé Èíñòðóêöèè ïî óñòàíîâêå è èñïîëüçîâàíèþ 26
  • Страница 3 из 41
    Avvertenze Per garantire l’efficienza e la sicurezza di questo elettrodomestico: • rivolgetevi esclusivamente a centri di assistenza tecnica autorizzati • richiedete sempre l’utilizzo di parti di ricambio originali 1 Questo apparecchio è stato concepito per un uso di tipo non professionale
  • Страница 4 из 41
    Istruzioni per l’installazione Le istruzioni che seguono sono rivolte all’installatore qualificato affinchè compia le operazioni di installazione regolazione e manutenzione tecnica nel modo più corretto e secondo le norme in vigore. Importante: qualsiasi intervento di regolazione, manutenzione etc.
  • Страница 5 из 41
    c) Allorchè la cucina venga installata sotto un pensile, quest’ultimo dovrà mantenere una distanza minima dal piano di 700 mm (millimetri). I mobili adiacenti alla cappa dovranno mantenere una distanza minima dal piano di 420 mm. come da Fig. C e D. 420 mm. Min. min. 650 mm. with hood min. 700 mm.
  • Страница 6 из 41
    • verificare poi che ruotando rapidamente il rubinetto dalla posizione di massimo a quella di minimo, non si abbiano spegnimenti del bruciatore. d) Regolazione aria primaria dei bruciatori del piano: I bruciatori non necessitano di alcuna regolazione dell’aria primaria. Attenzione Al termine
  • Страница 7 из 41
    Caratteristiche tecniche Tensioni e frequenza di alimentazione: vedi targhetta caratteristiche Dimensioni utili del forno: larghezza cm. 43.5 profondità cm. 40 Bruciatori: adattabili a tutti i tipi di gas indicati nella terghetta caratteristiche altezza cm. 32 Volume utile del forno: litri 56
  • Страница 8 из 41
    Istruzioni per l’uso La selezione delle varie funzioni presenti nella cucina avviene agendo sui dispositivi ed organi di comando posti sul cruscotto della stessa. Attenzione: Utilizzare il primo ripiano dal basso, posizionandoci la leccarda in dotazione per raccogliere sughi e/ o grassi, solamente
  • Страница 9 из 41
    Forno Ventilato Posizione manopola termostato “M”: Tra 60°C e Max. Si attivano gli elementi riscaldanti ed entra in funzione la ventola. Poichè il calore è costante ed uniforme in tutto il forno, l’aria cuoce e rosola il cibo in modo uniforme in tutti i punti. Potete cuocere contemporaneamente
  • Страница 10 из 41
    Al fine di ottenere il massimo rendimento è utile ricordare quanto segue: • utilizzare recipienti adeguati a ciascun bruciatore (vedere tabella) alfine di evitare che le fiamme fuoriescano dal fondo dei recipienti. • utilizzare solamente recipienti a fondo piatto. • al momento dell’ebollizione
  • Страница 11 из 41
    Cottura della pizza Per una buona cottura della pizza utilizzate la funzione “ventilato”: • Preriscaldare il forno per almeno 10 minuti • Utilizzare una teglia in alluminio leggero appoggiandola sulla griglia in dotazione. Utilizzando la leccarda si allungano i tempi di cottura e difficilmente si
  • Страница 12 из 41
    Consigli pratici per la cottura Posizione manopola selezione Cibo da cucinare Peso Posizione di (Kg) cottura ripiani dal basso Tempo di preriscaldamento (minuti) Posizione manopola termostato Tempo di cottura (minuti) Scongelamento Tutti i cibi surgelati Statico Anatra Arrosto di vitello o manzo
  • Страница 13 из 41
    Manutenzione ordinaria e pulizia della cucina Prima di ogni operazione disinserire elettricamente la cucina. Per una lunga durata della cucina è indispensabile eseguire frequentemente una accurata pulizia generale, tenendo presente che: · per la pulizia non utilizzare apparecchi a vapore • le parti
  • Страница 14 из 41
    Important To maintain the EFFICIENCY and SAFETY of this appliance, we recommend: • call only the Service Centers authorized by the manufacturer • always use original Spare Parts 1 This appliance is intended for nonprofessional use within the home. 2 These instructions are only for those countries
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    Installation The following instructions should be read by a qualified technician to ensure that the appliance is installed, regulated and technically serviced correctly in compliance with current regulations. Important: Disconnect the appliance from the electrical supply before performing any
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    attachment. Only use pipes and gaskets complying with current standards. The full length of the pipe must not exceed 2000 mm. Once the connection has been made, ensure that the flexible metal pipe does not touch any moving parts and is not crushed. C and D. 900 mm. 420 mm. 420 mm. Min. Min. Min.
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    c) Minimum regulation of the hob burners: • Turn the tap to minimum; • Remove the knob and adjust the regulation screw, which is positioned in or next to the tap pin, until the flame is small but steady. NB.: In the case of liquid gas, the regulation screw must be screwed in all the way. • Check
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    Technical Specifications Voltage and Frequency of Power Supply: See data plate. Inner Dimensions of the Oven: Width: 43.5 cm Depth: 40 cm Height: 32 cm Burners: Adaptable for use with all the types of gas indicated on the data plate. Inner Volume of the Oven: 56 Liters Inner Dimensions of the Food
  • Страница 19 из 41
    How To Use Your Appliance The various features of cooker are controlled through the knobs and buttons located on the control panel. panel with the symbol on the timer knob. The Oven Control Knobs This multi-function oven combines the advantages of traditional convection ovens with those of the more
  • Страница 20 из 41
    Fan Assisted Grill Position of thermostat knob “M”: between 60°C and 200°C. The top central heating element and the fan come on. This combination of features increases the effectiveness of the unidirectional thermal radiation of the heating elements through forced circulation of the air throughout
  • Страница 21 из 41
    Practical Advice on Using the Burners In order to obtain the best performance, keep in mind the following: • Use the appropriate cookware for each burner (see table) so that the flames do not extend beyond the bottom of the cookware. • Only flat bottom cookware should be used. • At the boiling
  • Страница 22 из 41
    Practical Cooking Advice When using this mode, place the grid on the 2nd or 3rd oven rack from the bottom (see cooking table) then, to prevent fat and grease from dripping onto the bottom of the oven and thus smoke from forming, place a drippingpan on the 1st rack from the bottom. Important: always
  • Страница 23 из 41
    Cooking Fish and Meat When cooking white meat, fowl and fish, use temperature settings from 180 °C to 200 °C. For red meat that should be well done on the outside while tender and juicy in the inside, it is a good idea to start with a high temperature setting (200°C-220°C) for a short time, then
  • Страница 24 из 41
    Practical Cooking Advice Selector knob Food to be cooked setting Weight (in kg) Cooking rack position from bottom Preheating time (minutes) Thermostat knob setting Cooking time (minutes) 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 15 15 15 15 15 200 200 200 180 180 65-75 70-75 70-80 15-20 30-35 Defrosting All frozen food
  • Страница 25 из 41
    Routine Maintenance and Cleaning Before each operation, disconnect the cooker from the electrical supply. To ensure that the appliance lasts a long time, it must be thoroughly cleaned frequently, keeping in mind that: · Do not use steam equipment to clean the appliance. • The enamelled parts and
  • Страница 26 из 41
    Ïðåäóïðåæäåíèÿ Äëÿ îáåñïå÷åíèÿ ýôôåêòèâíîé è áåçîïàñíîé ýêñïëóàòàöèè äàííîãî áûòîâîãî ýëåêòðîïðèáîðà: · îáðàùàéòåñü òîëüêî â óïîëíîìî÷åííûå öåíòðû òåõíè÷åñêîãî îáñëóæèâàíèÿ · âñåãäå òðåáóéòå óñòàíîâêó îðèãèíàëüíûõ çàïàñíûõ ÷àñòåé 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ïîëüçîâàòåëü íå äîëæåí
  • Страница 27 из 41
    Istruzioni per l’installazione êóõîííîé òåõíèêè ìîæåò ïîòðåáîâàòü äîïîëíèòåëüíîé âåíòèëÿöèè, íàïðèìåð, îòêðûòîå îêíî èëè áîëåå ýôôåêòèâíóþ âåíòèëÿöèþ çà ñ÷åò ïîâûøåíèÿ ìîùíîñòè ìåõàíè÷åñêîé âûòÿæêè, åñëè îíà èìååòñÿ. d) Ñæèæåííûé ãàç ïðîïàí-áóòàí òÿæåëåå âîçäóõà è ñëåäîâàòåëüíî çàñòàèâàåòñÿ âíèçó.
  • Страница 28 из 41
    8 ìì – äëÿ ñæèæåííîãî ãàçà; 13 ìì – äëÿ ìåòàíà.  ÷àñòíîñòè ïðè ïîäñîåäèíåíèè òàêèõ ãèáêèõ øëàíãîâ íåîáõîäèìî ñ îáëþäàòü ñëåäóþùèå ìåðû ïðåäîñòîðîæíîñòè: · Øëàíã íèãäå íå äîëæåí êàñàòüñÿ äåòàëåé, ðàáî÷àÿ òåìïåðàòóðà êîòîðûõ ïðåâûøàåò 50°C; · Äëèíà øëàíãà íå äîëæíà ïðåâûøàòü 1500 ìì; · Øëàíã íå
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  • Страница 38 из 41
  • Страница 39 из 41
  • Страница 40 из 41
    Merloni Elettrodomestici 05/04 - 195042283.00 Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Italy Tel +39 0732 6611 Fax +39 0732 662501 www.merloni.com
  • Страница 41 из 41