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Your washing machine could fail to work. Before calling for Assistance 

(see page 23)

, make sure the problem

can't easily be solved by consulting the following list.


The  washing  machine  won't


The  wash  cycle  won't  start.

The washing machine fails to

load  water.

The  washing  machine

continuously  loads  and  unloads


The washing machine does not

drain or spin.

The  washing  machine  vibrates

too much during the spin cycle.

The  washing  machine  leaks.

There is too much foam.

Possible  causes/Solution:

• The appliance is not plugged into the socket, or not enough to

make  contact.

• There has been a power failure.

• The appliance door is not shut properly.

• The   button has not been pressed.

• The water tap is not turned on.

• The water inlet hose is not connected to the tap.

• The hose is bent.

• The water tap is not turned on.

• There  is  a  water  shortage.

• The water pressure is insufficient.

• The drain hose is not fitted between 65 and 100 cm from the floor

(see page 15)


• The free end of the hose is underwater 

(see page 15)


• The  wall  drainage  system  doesn't  have  a  breather  pipe.

If the problem persists even after these checks, turn off the water tap,

switch the appliance off and call for Assistance. If the dwelling is on

one of the upper floors of a building, there may be drain trap problems

causing  the  washing  machine  to  load  and  unload  water  continuously.

In order to avoid such an inconvenience, special anti-drain trap valves

are available in shops.

• The programme does not foresee the draining: some programmes

require enabling the draining manually 

(see page 17)


• The Anti-crease function is enabled 

(where available):

 This function

requires  enabling  the  draining  manually.

• The drain hose is bent 

(see page 15)


• The drain duct is clogged.

• The drum was not unblocked correctly during installation 

(see page 14)


• The washing machine is not level 

(see page 14)


• The washing machine is closed in between furniture cabinets and

the wall 

(see page 14)


• The water inlet hose is not screwed on correctly 

(see page 14)


• The detergent dispenser is obstructed (to clean it, 

see page 21)


• The drain hose is not secured properly 

(see page 15)


• The detergent is not suitable for machine washing (it should bear

the  definition  "for  washing  machines"  or  "hand  and  machine  wash",

or the like).

• You  used  too  much  detergent.


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  • Страница 13 из 25
    Instructions for use WASHING MACHINE Contents GB English GB Installation, 14-15 Unpacking and levelling, 14 Electric and water connections, 14-15 The first wash cycle, 15 Technical details, 15 Washing machine description, 16 Control panel, 16 Starting and Programmes, 17 Briefly: how to start a
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    Installation  Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future reference. Should the appliance be sold, transferred or moved, make sure the instruction manual accompanies the washing machine to inform the new owner as to its operation and features. GB  Read these instructions carefully:
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     Do not use extensions or multiple sockets. Connecting the drain hose  The power supply cable must never be bent or dangerously compressed.  The power supply cable must only be replaced by an authorised serviceman. GB Installation 65 - 100 cm Connect the drain hose, without bending it, to a
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    Washing machine description Control panel GB FUNCTION Buttons ON-OFF Button ON-OFF Led Detergent dispenser Knob Detergent dispenser: to add detergent and fabric softener (see page 19). ON/OFF led, to find out whether the washing machine is on. FUNCTION buttons: to select the functions available.
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    Starting and Programmes Briefly: starting a programme 1. Set the desired programme. 2. Load your laundry into the appliance and shut the door. 3. Add the detergent and any fabric softener (see page 19). . 4. Turn the appliance on by pressing button Type of fabric and degree of soil Programmes Cycle
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    Personalisations Functions To enable the functions, press the button corresponding to the desired function, according to the table below. GB Function Effect C omm ents Half load Reduces water cons umption during the rins e cycles . W e recommend that you use this function only with small laundry
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    Detergents and laundry Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won't necessarily make for a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the interior of your appliance and even pollute the environment. Curtains: fold curtains and place
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    Precautions and advice GB  The washing machine was designed and built in compliance with the applicable international safety regulations. The following information is provided for your safety and should consequently be read carefully. Disposal General safety • Disposing of an old washing machine:
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    Care and maintenance Cutting off the water or electricity supply • Unplug your appliance when cleaning it and during all maintenance operations. The exterior and rubber parts of your appliance can be cleaned with a soft cloth soaked in lukewarm soapy water. Do not use solvents or abrasives. To
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    Troubleshooting Your washing machine could fail to work. Before calling for Assistance (see page 23), make sure the problem can't easily be solved by consulting the following list. GB Problem Possible causes/Solution: The washing machine won't start. • The appliance is not plugged into the socket,
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    Service  Always request the assistance of authorised servicemen. Description Notify the operator of: • the type of problem; • the appliance model (Mod.); • the serial number (S/N). This information can be found on the data plate situated on the rear of the washing machine. GB Installation Before
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    195041450.00 11/2003 - Xerox Business Services GB 24
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