Инструкция для Kraft KF-SLN70101MWF

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Установка и регулировка положения стиральной машины 


Не ставьте машину на ковер или ковровые по-

крытия. мягкое покрытие пола (ковер, покрытие на 
полиуретановой основе и др.) способствует вибра-
ции и ухудшению вентиляции машины! 

Пол должен быть ровным, прочным и не иметь 


- Установите машину по уровню строго горизон-

тально на ровном и прочном полу. 

- Слегка ослабьте контргайки на ножках ключом.
- отрегулируйте положение машины путем отвинчивания/завинчивания ножек. 
- Снова затяните контргайки ключом. 

После установки стиральной машины необходимо обязательно проверить 

горизонтальность ее положения и устойчивость. Для этого нужно надавить на 
каждый угол машины и убедиться, что она ни на одном из углов не качается! 

Подсоединение к водопроводной сети

для подсоединения стиральной машины к водопроводу используйте только но-

вые, цельные шланги, входящие в комплект поставки. запрещается использовать 
шланги, бывшие в употреблении. Наливной шланг с уплотнением находится в ба-
рабане стиральной машины. машина подключается только к сети холодного водо-
снабжения через кран подачи воды с резьбовым патрубком 3/4 дюйма.

давление воды: мин. 0,05 мПа (0,5 бар), макс. 1 мПа (10 бар). 

- Убедитесь, что шланг не перекручен и не пережат. 
- Проверьте герметичность соединения наливного шланга и крана. 
- Регулярно проверяйте состояние наливного шланга!

Подключение к канализации 

Сливной шланг находится сзади стиральной машины. закрепите сливной шланг 

таким образом, чтобы он был неподвижен во время работы стиральной машины.

Сливной шланг должен находиться на высоте от 60 до 100 см от уровня пола. 

При несоблюдении этого требования машина не будет работать.


Перед первым включением необходимо выровнять стиральную машину 

по уровню в разных плоскостях и снять транспортировочные блокировки. 


Неправильная установка по уровню, а в особенности неустойчивое положение 

стиральной машины, может стать причиной вибраций при работе машины. 

Не разрешайте без надзора пользоваться прибором детям и лицам с ограничен-

ными физическими, мануальными и умственными способностями, не имеющим 
опыта и умения, до тех пор, пока они не будут обучены и ознакомлены с инструк-
цией по эксплуатации прибора. 


Перед утилизацией стиральную машину следует для безопасности 

привести в полную негодность. Предварительно следует вынуть штекер 
из гнезда электросети, а затем отрезать кабель питания. В дальней-
шем следует действовать в соответствии с местными предписаниями, 
касающимися утилизации отходов и мусора. 


- освободите машину от упаковочных материалов. Снимите защитную пленку 

с дисплея (при наличии).


Чтобы не повредить машину, не перемещайте её, взявшись за лоток, дверцу 

или уплотнитель!

- Удалите блокировочные болты 

и приспособления, предохраняю-
щие машину на время транспор-
тировки (сохраните их на случай 
переезда или перевозки стираль-
ной машины). 

- отвинтите при помощи ключа 

4 блокировочных болта. Выньте ре-
зиново-пластиковые распорки вме-
сте с прокладками и болтами. 

- закройте отверстия заглушками, 

которые прилагаются в комплекте.


Перед включением стиральной машины необходимо обязательно снять все 

транспортировочные блокировки! 



Install Washing Machine 

Install Washing Machine

3.Ensure the positioning status of washing machine. Loosen the lock nut with spanner

   and turn the leg with hand until it closely contacts with the floor. Press the leg with one 

   hand and fasten the nut closely to the cabinet with the other hand.

4.After being locked properly, press four corners again to make sure that they has been 

   adjusted properly. If it is still unstable, it has to repeat Steps 2 and 3.





Connect inlet pipe

Connect the inlet pipe as indicated in the figure.

For the model which has hot valve , please connect 

the hot vale to hot water tap. Energy will decrease 

automatically for some program.



Install inlet pipe

1.Connect the elbow to tap and fasten it 


2.Connect the other end of inlet pipe to the inlet 

   valve at the backside of washing machine and 

   fasten the pipe tightly clockwise.

Notes: after connection, if there is any leakage 

with hose, then repeat the steps to connect inlet

pipe. The most common type of tap shall be 

used to supply water. If tap is square or too big, 

then standard tap shall be changed.


Place outlet hose

There are two ways to place the end of outlet hose:

1.Put it beside the water trough.



Unpacking the washing machine

Unpack your washing machine and check if there is any damage during the transportation. 

Also make sure that all the items (as shown in Page 5) in the attached bag are received. 

If there is any damage to the washing machine during the transportation, or any item is 

missing, please contact the local dealer immediately.

Dispose the packing materials

The packing materials of this machine may be dangerous to kids. Please dispose them 

properly and avoid easy touch by kids. Please dispose the related packing materials 

according to the relevant local regulations. Please do no throw the packing materials 

away together with the other daily living rubbishes. 

Remove transport bolts

Before using this washing machine, transport bolts 

must be removed from the backside of

this machine. Please take the following steps to 

remove the bolts:

1.Loosen all bolts with spanner and then remove them.

2.Stop the holes with transport hole plugs.

3.Keep the transport bolts properly for future use.

Select the location

Before installing the washing machine, the location characterized as follows shall be


-   Rigid, dry, and level surface (if not level, please make it level with reference to the

    following figure “Adjust Leg”)

-   Avoid direct sunlight

-   Sufficient ventilation

-   Room temperature is above 0 C


-   Keep far away from the heat resources such as coal or gas.

Make sure that the washing machine will not stand on power cord.

Do not install the washing machine on the carpet floor.

Adjust Leg

1.When positioning the washing machine, please 

   first check if the legs are closely attached to the 

   cabinet. If not, please turn them to their original 

   positions with hand or spanner and tighten the 

   nuts with spanner.

2.After positioning the washing machine, press 

   four corners on top cover of washing machine 

   in sequence. If the washing machine is not 

   stable when being pressed, this leg shall be 


5.Put a solid cylinder (e.g. pop cans) oppositely on the top cover of the washing machine from in 
the left, right, front and back directions. If the cylinder keeps stable, the washing machine is
 positioned level. If it rolls, the washing machineis positioned unlevel. The rolling direction is the 
direction of lower ground surface.Then, the two legs in this direction shall be raised at the same time
 until the washing machine is level. Steps 1~3 are repeated to make the bottom legs closely against 
the ground and the nuts shall be locked tightly.      



Install Washing Machine 

Install Washing Machine

3.Ensure the positioning status of washing machine. Loosen the lock nut with spanner

   and turn the leg with hand until it closely contacts with the floor. Press the leg with one 

   hand and fasten the nut closely to the cabinet with the other hand.

4.After being locked properly, press four corners again to make sure that they has been 

   adjusted properly. If it is still unstable, it has to repeat Steps 2 and 3.





Connect inlet pipe

Connect the inlet pipe as indicated in the figure.

For the model which has hot valve , please connect 

the hot vale to hot water tap. Energy will decrease 

automatically for some program.



Install inlet pipe

1.Connect the elbow to tap and fasten it 


2.Connect the other end of inlet pipe to the inlet 

   valve at the backside of washing machine and 

   fasten the pipe tightly clockwise.

Notes: after connection, if there is any leakage 

with hose, then repeat the steps to connect inlet

pipe. The most common type of tap shall be 

used to supply water. If tap is square or too big, 

then standard tap shall be changed.


Place outlet hose

There are two ways to place the end of outlet hose:

1.Put it beside the water trough.



Unpacking the washing machine

Unpack your washing machine and check if there is any damage during the transportation. 

Also make sure that all the items (as shown in Page 5) in the attached bag are received. 

If there is any damage to the washing machine during the transportation, or any item is 

missing, please contact the local dealer immediately.

Dispose the packing materials

The packing materials of this machine may be dangerous to kids. Please dispose them 

properly and avoid easy touch by kids. Please dispose the related packing materials 

according to the relevant local regulations. Please do no throw the packing materials 

away together with the other daily living rubbishes. 

Remove transport bolts

Before using this washing machine, transport bolts 

must be removed from the backside of

this machine. Please take the following steps to 

remove the bolts:

1.Loosen all bolts with spanner and then remove them.

2.Stop the holes with transport hole plugs.

3.Keep the transport bolts properly for future use.

Select the location

Before installing the washing machine, the location characterized as follows shall be


-   Rigid, dry, and level surface (if not level, please make it level with reference to the

    following figure “Adjust Leg”)

-   Avoid direct sunlight

-   Sufficient ventilation

-   Room temperature is above 0 C


-   Keep far away from the heat resources such as coal or gas.

Make sure that the washing machine will not stand on power cord.

Do not install the washing machine on the carpet floor.

Adjust Leg

1.When positioning the washing machine, please 

   first check if the legs are closely attached to the 

   cabinet. If not, please turn them to their original 

   positions with hand or spanner and tighten the 

   nuts with spanner.

2.After positioning the washing machine, press 

   four corners on top cover of washing machine 

   in sequence. If the washing machine is not 

   stable when being pressed, this leg shall be 


5.Put a solid cylinder (e.g. pop cans) oppositely on the top cover of the washing machine from in 
the left, right, front and back directions. If the cylinder keeps stable, the washing machine is
 positioned level. If it rolls, the washing machineis positioned unlevel. The rolling direction is the 
direction of lower ground surface.Then, the two legs in this direction shall be raised at the same time
 until the washing machine is level. Steps 1~3 are repeated to make the bottom legs closely against 
the ground and the nuts shall be locked tightly.      



Install Washing Machine 

Install Washing Machine

3.Ensure the positioning status of washing machine. Loosen the lock nut with spanner

   and turn the leg with hand until it closely contacts with the floor. Press the leg with one 

   hand and fasten the nut closely to the cabinet with the other hand.

4.After being locked properly, press four corners again to make sure that they has been 

   adjusted properly. If it is still unstable, it has to repeat Steps 2 and 3.





Connect inlet pipe

Connect the inlet pipe as indicated in the figure.

For the model which has hot valve , please connect 

the hot vale to hot water tap. Energy will decrease 

automatically for some program.



Install inlet pipe

1.Connect the elbow to tap and fasten it 


2.Connect the other end of inlet pipe to the inlet 

   valve at the backside of washing machine and 

   fasten the pipe tightly clockwise.

Notes: after connection, if there is any leakage 

with hose, then repeat the steps to connect inlet

pipe. The most common type of tap shall be 

used to supply water. If tap is square or too big, 

then standard tap shall be changed.


Place outlet hose

There are two ways to place the end of outlet hose:

1.Put it beside the water trough.



Unpacking the washing machine

Unpack your washing machine and check if there is any damage during the transportation. 

Also make sure that all the items (as shown in Page 5) in the attached bag are received. 

If there is any damage to the washing machine during the transportation, or any item is 

missing, please contact the local dealer immediately.

Dispose the packing materials

The packing materials of this machine may be dangerous to kids. Please dispose them 

properly and avoid easy touch by kids. Please dispose the related packing materials 

according to the relevant local regulations. Please do no throw the packing materials 

away together with the other daily living rubbishes. 

Remove transport bolts

Before using this washing machine, transport bolts 

must be removed from the backside of

this machine. Please take the following steps to 

remove the bolts:

1.Loosen all bolts with spanner and then remove them.

2.Stop the holes with transport hole plugs.

3.Keep the transport bolts properly for future use.

Select the location

Before installing the washing machine, the location characterized as follows shall be


-   Rigid, dry, and level surface (if not level, please make it level with reference to the

    following figure “Adjust Leg”)

-   Avoid direct sunlight

-   Sufficient ventilation

-   Room temperature is above 0 C


-   Keep far away from the heat resources such as coal or gas.

Make sure that the washing machine will not stand on power cord.

Do not install the washing machine on the carpet floor.

Adjust Leg

1.When positioning the washing machine, please 

   first check if the legs are closely attached to the 

   cabinet. If not, please turn them to their original 

   positions with hand or spanner and tighten the 

   nuts with spanner.

2.After positioning the washing machine, press 

   four corners on top cover of washing machine 

   in sequence. If the washing machine is not 

   stable when being pressed, this leg shall be 


5.Put a solid cylinder (e.g. pop cans) oppositely on the top cover of the washing machine from in 
the left, right, front and back directions. If the cylinder keeps stable, the washing machine is
 positioned level. If it rolls, the washing machineis positioned unlevel. The rolling direction is the 
direction of lower ground surface.Then, the two legs in this direction shall be raised at the same time
 until the washing machine is level. Steps 1~3 are repeated to make the bottom legs closely against 
the ground and the nuts shall be locked tightly.      



Install Washing Machine 

Install Washing Machine

3.Ensure the positioning status of washing machine. Loosen the lock nut with spanner

   and turn the leg with hand until it closely contacts with the floor. Press the leg with one 

   hand and fasten the nut closely to the cabinet with the other hand.

4.After being locked properly, press four corners again to make sure that they has been 

   adjusted properly. If it is still unstable, it has to repeat Steps 2 and 3.





Connect inlet pipe

Connect the inlet pipe as indicated in the figure.

For the model which has hot valve , please connect 

the hot vale to hot water tap. Energy will decrease 

automatically for some program.



Install inlet pipe

1.Connect the elbow to tap and fasten it 


2.Connect the other end of inlet pipe to the inlet 

   valve at the backside of washing machine and 

   fasten the pipe tightly clockwise.

Notes: after connection, if there is any leakage 

with hose, then repeat the steps to connect inlet

pipe. The most common type of tap shall be 

used to supply water. If tap is square or too big, 

then standard tap shall be changed.


Place outlet hose

There are two ways to place the end of outlet hose:

1.Put it beside the water trough.



Unpacking the washing machine

Unpack your washing machine and check if there is any damage during the transportation. 

Also make sure that all the items (as shown in Page 5) in the attached bag are received. 

If there is any damage to the washing machine during the transportation, or any item is 

missing, please contact the local dealer immediately.

Dispose the packing materials

The packing materials of this machine may be dangerous to kids. Please dispose them 

properly and avoid easy touch by kids. Please dispose the related packing materials 

according to the relevant local regulations. Please do no throw the packing materials 

away together with the other daily living rubbishes. 

Remove transport bolts

Before using this washing machine, transport bolts 

must be removed from the backside of

this machine. Please take the following steps to 

remove the bolts:

1.Loosen all bolts with spanner and then remove them.

2.Stop the holes with transport hole plugs.

3.Keep the transport bolts properly for future use.

Select the location

Before installing the washing machine, the location characterized as follows shall be


-   Rigid, dry, and level surface (if not level, please make it level with reference to the

    following figure “Adjust Leg”)

-   Avoid direct sunlight

-   Sufficient ventilation

-   Room temperature is above 0 C


-   Keep far away from the heat resources such as coal or gas.

Make sure that the washing machine will not stand on power cord.

Do not install the washing machine on the carpet floor.

Adjust Leg

1.When positioning the washing machine, please 

   first check if the legs are closely attached to the 

   cabinet. If not, please turn them to their original 

   positions with hand or spanner and tighten the 

   nuts with spanner.

2.After positioning the washing machine, press 

   four corners on top cover of washing machine 

   in sequence. If the washing machine is not 

   stable when being pressed, this leg shall be 


5.Put a solid cylinder (e.g. pop cans) oppositely on the top cover of the washing machine from in 
the left, right, front and back directions. If the cylinder keeps stable, the washing machine is
 positioned level. If it rolls, the washing machineis positioned unlevel. The rolling direction is the 
direction of lower ground surface.Then, the two legs in this direction shall be raised at the same time
 until the washing machine is level. Steps 1~3 are repeated to make the bottom legs closely against 
the ground and the nuts shall be locked tightly.      

Оглавление инструкции
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    Надежно! Выгодно! Доступно! Safe! Reliable! Affordable! СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE model: KF-SL60802MWB model: KF-SLN70101MWF www.kraftltd.com Телефон службы поддержки клиентов: 8-800-200-79-97 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ user guide
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Прежде чем включить стиральную машину, внимательно ознакомьтесь с настоящей инструкцией по ее эксплуатации! Coдержание УВАЖАЕМЫЙ ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ! Поздравляем Вас с приобретением изделия торговой марки
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Общая информация Уважаемый Покупатель! С сегодняшнего дня стирка станет более легкой, чем когда-либо. Стиральная машина KRAFT сочетает очень простое обслуживание с отличными результатами стирки. После того, как Вы прочитаете инструкцию по
  • Страница 4 из 25
    Install Washing Machine - Rigid, dry, and level surface (if not level, please make it level with reference to the ll Washing Machine following figure “Adjust Leg”) СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ - Avoid direct sunlight AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE - Sufficient ventilation 3.Ensure
  • Страница 5 из 25
    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Для слива воды непосредственно в канализацию сливной шланг машины устаInstall Washing Machine навливается выше колена стока (сифона) в канализационную трубу с внутренним Install Washing Machine диаметром не менее 40 мм во
  • Страница 6 из 25
    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Описание панели управления 5 2 3 4 1 СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Программатор позволяет выбрать один из 8 режимов стирки: • Быстрая-стирка: стирка при соответствующем выборе температуры воды — 20, 40 °С, холодная. •
  • Страница 7 из 25
    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ 3. Загрузите в отделение II моющее средство для основной стирки. При использовании порошкообразных СМС без шторки, при использовании жидких СМС со шторкой. 4. Загрузите средства для спецобработки в отделение (при необходимости). - Выберите
  • Страница 8 из 25
    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE ВНИМАНИЕ! После отключения звуковой сигнал не будет активирован до отмены функции отключения. ТАБЛИЦА ПРОГРАММ СТИРКИ Интенсивная 6,0 стирка (хлопок) Отжим 6,0 Макс. скорость отжима (об/мин) KF-SLN70101MWF Температура
  • Страница 9 из 25
    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE САМОДИАГНОСТИКА Cтиральная машина имеет систему внутренней диагностики, которая в случае возникновения мелких неисправностей, связанных с неправильной эксплуатацией, помогает определить место неполадок и их причины. Обнаружение ошибки
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ Модель KRAFT Цвет KF-SL60802MWB KF-SLN70101MWF Белый Белый Характеристики Напряжение питания/частота тока, В/Гц 220-240/50 220-240/50 Максимальная загрузка сухого белья, КГ 6 7 Номинальная
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ 20 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ • user guide автоматической стиральной машины KRAFT модели ___________________ Продан __________________________________________ (наименование и адрес торгового предприятия)
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ Владелец, его адрес_ ________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Телефон владельца _______________________________ Причина отказа
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Автоматическая стиральная машина KRAFT модель_______________________________________________ Владелец, его адрес_ ________________________________
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Safety Precautions - If the supply cord is damaged,it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. - The new hose-sets supplied with the appliance are
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Install Washing Machine Overview Overview of Washing ofOverview Washing Machine of Machine Washing Machine Component Component power Component ashed. machine. Detergent Detergent Drawer Drawer Detergent Drawer e forces.If
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    Connect inlet pipe Connect the inlet pipe as indicated in the figure. For the model which has hot valve , please connect the hot vale to hot water tap. Energy will decrease automatically for some program. СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Max.100cm 2.Connect it to the branch drain
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    Install Washing Machine СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE ! WARNING 1.This machine must be earthed properly. If there is any short circuit, earthing can reduce the danger of electrical shock. This machine is equipped with power cord, which includes plug, earthing wire at earthing
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    Operate Washing Machine СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Color: white and colorful colors shall be identified. All new colorful articles shall be washed in a separate way. Size: the articles of different sizes are washed together to increase the washing effects. Sensitivity: soft
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE View of Control Panel Operate Washing Machine СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Washing Clothes at first time Before washing clothes at first time, the washing machine shall be operated in one round of the whole procedures
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ First, turn the rotary switch to select the corresponding procedures according to the types of textiles. Second, select the proper temperature according to the dirtiness. Generally, the higher the temperature is, the more the power is consumed.
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    Maintenance СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Maintenance Maintenance Before your maintenance starts, please do pull out the power plug or disconnect power Maintenance СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Maintenance maybe different with the parameters in above
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    Maintenance СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Maintenance Pull out the power plug to avoid electrical shock before washing. After using the washing machine, pull out the power cord and close the door tightly to avoid
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Appendix Remove thethe problems Remove problems Appendix Care Lable Status of Corresponding Indicators Temp.20 Temp.40 Temp.60 Temp.90 Description Solution Reason Flash Off Off Off Door is not closed properly. Door lock
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    СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА АВТОМАТ AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE Product Fiche Rated capacity: 6kg (KF-SL60802MWL) / 7kg (KF-SLN70101MWF) Energy efficiency class: A+ EU Ecolabel: N/A Energy consumption 169 kwt per year (KF-SL60802MWL) / 196 kwt per year
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