Инструкция для BEST IS 7388

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Depending on the model, the unit is equipped with the following commands:


See Figure 19.   Key A : switches the lights on/off. Key B : enables/disables “Automatic” function. When this
function is selected, an “A” appears on the display C, and the speed of the motor increases or decreases
depending on the smoke, odours and gas present in the kitchen. Display C : - indicates the  automatic operation
of the sensor (the letter “A” appears);- indicates the motor speed selected automatically by the sensor; indicates
the filter alarm whenever the  central segment is illuminated or flashing. Key D : decreases motor speed / Reset;
decreases motor speed to zero (stopping); in any case however, after approximately 1 minute, the hood resumes
automatic operation at the speed set by the sensor. Whenever the key is pressed during the display of filter
alarms, a RESET occurs, and the counting of the hours resumes again.  Key E : increases motor speed; in
any case however, after approximately 1 minute, the hood resumes automatic operation at the speed set by
the sensor.

Modification of sensor sensitivity: 

sensor sensitivity can be modified by operating as follows:

- stop the hood by pressing key B. – Simultaneously press keys D and E (the sensor’s sensitivity index will
appear on the display)  - Pressing keys D or E, the sensor’s sensitivity will either increase or decrease (1
: minimum sensitivity / 9: maximum sensitivity). – whenever the power supply is interrupted, the sensor will
resume operation with a sensitivity index of 5.

Warning: in order to avoid damaging the sensor, never use silicone products near the hood!

See Figure 19.   Key A : switches the lights on/off. Display C : - indicates the motor speed selected (from
1 to 4); - indicates the operation of the Timer when the number is flashing; - indicates filter alarms whenever
the central segment is illuminated or flashing. Key D : decreases motor speed  / Stop / Reset;  decreases
motor speed to zero (stopping). Whenever the key is pressing during filter alarm display, a RESET occurs, and
the counting of the hours resumes again.  Key E : enables the motor /  increases motor speed /TIMER. Pressing
this key starts the motor (at the latest speed set); pressing the key again increases motor speed, while keeping
the key pressed down for a few seconds enables the TIMER, and 5 minutes later the motor will stop (while
the number of speed setting selected will simultaneously begin flashing on the display); the Timer will remain
enabled if motor speed is changed. In order to disable the Timer, press the key again.

Controls in Fig. 20

Button A: Turns the lights on/off. If held down for about 2" when the filter alarm is active, it resets the hour counter.
Button B: Activates/deactivates the “Automatic” function. Light S – Filter alarm: When the light comes on, it indicates
that 30 h of use have elapsed; it remains on for 30". When the light S flashes, it means that about 120 h of operation
have elapsed. The filter reset is indicated only when the motor is off, both in manual and automatic mode.

Automatic operation with sensor:

When the button B is pressed, the automatic function is activated. This is indicated by the corresponding LED coming
on. When the LED B flashes, it means that the sensor is waiting for data.
Modifying sensor sensitivity:
While in manual mode and with the motor off, simultaneously press the buttons B and C. At this point, the set
sensitivity is indicated by the LED C, D or E coming on. To set the desired sensitivity press one of the buttons C, D
or E  (min, med, max). Press B again to store it.
Press button B once again to go to manual mode.

Operation as traditional hood:

If in automatic mode, press the button B to change to manual mode; the LED B goes off.
Press one of the buttons C, D or E to start the motor in 1st, 2nd or 3rd speed, respectively. Hold the same button
down for 2" to turn off the motor.

CONTROLS shown in Fig. 21



Lights OFF:

 If pressed, lights go off.


Lights ON:

 If pressed, lights go on.


OFF/- Motor:

 Speed drop until minimum speed is reached.

If pressed for 2", motor switches off.
If pressed for 2" with FILTER RESET on HOUR count reset.

ON/+ Motor:

 Starts motor and increases motor speed until top speed is reached



 Switches Sensor off and on( AUTOMATIC or MANUAL mode).In Automatic mode, LED L2 is on and L1

shows operating speed In Manual mode, LED L2 is off.

 4 LEDs

 4 GREEN LEDs. Indicate set speed


 4 LEDs 

GREEN indicates AUTOMATIC mode OFF indicates MANUAL mode RED indicates Filter Reset


 shown with Motor Off for 30": After 30h  the LED L2 becomes steady RED. After 120h  LED L2

becomes flashing RED Reset by means of P3


In manual mode, by pressing P5 and P4 together, sensitivity mode is entered. The set sensitivity is

indicated by the 4 green LEDs. By means of buttons P3(-) and P4(+) the desired sensitivity is set (fig.21/A)
By pressing P5 the sensitivity can be stored, with return to manual mode

Оглавление инструкции
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    ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This appliance is equipped with a completely automatic system (Advanced Sensor Control) capable to manage all the functions of your hood. Thanks to the ASC, the air in the kitchen is costantly clean and odour free without any manual intervention. The advanced sensor catches all
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    OPERATION Depending on the model, the unit is equipped with the following commands: AUTOMATIC OPERATION WITH SENSOR: See Figure 19. Key A : switches the lights on/off. Key B : enables/disables “Automatic” function. When this function is selected, an “A” appears on the display C, and the speed of
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    Grease filters: special attention must be given to the grease filters which must be periodically cleaned, whenever the grease filter alarm trips. For instructions of the filter Alarm, refer to the Controls paragraph. Remove the filters as shown in para. 1 and wash with neutral detergent. Charcoal
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    Stromversorgungskabel durch die entsprechende Öffnung am Bügel verlaufen sollen (Abb. 7). Die Höhe der Teleskopkonstruktion mit den vier Befestigungsschrauben C (Abb. 8) einstellen und dabei berücksichtigen, dass die Höhe der Haube 86 mm beträgt und dass der Abstand der Haube vom Kochfeld zumindest
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    Durch die nochmalige Betätigung der Taste B erfolgt die Einstellung auf den manuellen Betrieb. Betriebsweise als herkömmliche Abzugshaube: Bei automatischer Betriebsart auf die Taste B drücken. Somit erfolgt der Übergang auf die manuelle Betriebsart und die LED B erlischt. Durch Betätigung einer
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    graisse: à l'aide de la poignée, pousser l’arrêt vers l’intérieur et tirer le filtre vers le bas (Fig. 4). Pour l’assemblage, il est essentiel que: – vous ayez prévu l’alimentation électrique à l’intérieur de la structure télescopique. – Si l'appareil doit être installé en version Aspirante ou en
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    visualise l’indice de sensibilité du capteur). - En appuyant sur les touches D ou E, on augmente ou diminue l’indice de sensibilité du capteur (1 : sensibilité minimum / 9: sensibilité maximum). - en cas de coupure de l’alimentation électrique, le capteur fonctionne de nouveau avec sensibilité 5.
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    Filtres à charbon: Si l’on utilise l’appareil en version filtrante, il faut remplacer périodiquement les filtres à charbon, quand intervient l’alarme des filtres à charbon. Pour les instructions, concernant l’alarme des filtres, voir le paragraphe des Commandes. Démontage du filtre(s) à charbon:
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    elettrica attraverso l'apposito foro della staffa (Fig. 7). Regolate l'altezza della struttura telescopica tramite le quattro viti di fissaggio C (Fig. 8) tenendo conto che l'altezza della cappa è di 86 mm e che la distanza della cappa dal piano cottura deve essere minimo 650 mm. (Fig. 9). Infilare
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    P2) ON Luci: Se premuto si accendono le luci. P3) OFF/- Motore: Decrementa la velocità fino ad arrivare alla minima velocità. Se premuto per 2" viene spento il motore. Se premuto per 2" quando è attivo il RESET FILTRI azzera il conteggio ORE. P4) ON/+ Motore: Accende il motore e incrementa la
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    MONTAJE - Mediante el uso de una adecuada máscara de agujerear realizar los agujeros para fijar al techo sobre la vertical respecto a Vuestro plano de cocción; tener cuidado a todas las indicaciones para la ubicación final del aparato. Se debe tener en cuenta que uno de los ejes de la máscara debe
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    botón durante la visualización de la alarma filtros, se activa el RESET y, por consiguiente, el cálculo de las horas se repone en marcha. Botón E : acciona el motor / aumenta la velocidad del motor / TEMPORIZADOR. Pulsando el botón, se acciona el motor (a la última velocidad seleccionada);
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    PORTOGUÊS DESCRIÇÃO Este exaustor está equipado de um sistema completamente automático (Advanced Sensor Control), que controla todas as suas funções. Graças ao Advanced Sensor Control, o ar na cozinha mantém-se sempre limpo e sem cheiros e isto sem alguma intervenção do utilizador. Os sofisticados
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    introduzindo um parafuso no orifício do tubo superior, a servir de trava (Fig. 11). Fixar a capa na estrutura telescópica mediante 4 parafusos (presentes na embalagem) - Fig. 17. Através das aberturas D, montar a redução (presente na embalagem) na boca de saída de ar da capa (Fig. 17); fixar então
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    P4) ON/+ Motor: Liga o motor e aumenta a velocidade do motor até à velocidade máxima P5) ON/OFF: Activa/desactiva o Sensor( modo de funcionamento AUTOMÁTICO ou MANUAL). No modo de funcionamento Automático o Led L2 está aceso e o led L1 indica a velocidade que está em execução. No modo de
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    (afhankelijk van het land), zo glad mogelijke binnenzijde. Er wordt bovendien geadviseerd om drastische veranderingen van de doorsnede van de pijp (diameter: 150 mm) te vermijden. MONTAGE - Maak gebruik van de speciale boormal en boor de gaten voor de bevestiging aan het plafond exact op de
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    WERKING ALS EEN TRADITIONELE AFZUIGKAP : Verwijzing Afbeelding 19. Toets A : schakelt de verlichting in/ uit. Display C : - duidt de gekozen snelheid van de motor aan (van 1 tot 4); - duidt de inwerkingstelling van de Timer aan wanneer het getal knippert; duidt het filteralarm aan wanneer het
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    vervangen, wanneer het alarm “koolstoffilters” verschijnt. Voor instructies over het alarm van de filters, zie de paragraaf Bedieningselementen. Demontage koolstoffilter(s): neem ten eerste de vetfilters weg. Duw de vergrendeling naar binnen (afb. 18) en verwijder de koolstoffilter van zijn plaats.
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    1 2 3 A 4 6 5 7 8 B C
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    9 10 11 86 min 65cm E 14 12 D 13 15 A B C
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    17 16 D 18 19 20 A S A 21 B C D E 22 B C D R
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    04307092 - ISASC7388/7387s.n.
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