Инструкция для Bort BAB-18Ix2-DK

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Cordless drill/driver

This tool is intended for drilling in wood, metal, ceramic and 
plastic; tools with electronic speed control and left/right rotation 
are also suitable for screwdriving and thread cutting





1  Switch for on/off and speed control
2  Switch for changing direction of rotation
3 Keyless 


4  Ring for torque control
5  Switch for selecting mechanical speed


WARNING! Read all instructions. Failure to follow all instruc-
tions listed below may result in electric shock, 


 re and/or seri-

ous injury. 

•  Ensure the switch is in the off position before inserting bat-

tery pack. Inserting the battery pack into power tools that 
have the switch on invites accidents.

•  Recharge only with the charger speci


 ed by the manufac-

turer. A charger that is suitable for one type of battery pack 
may create a risk of 


 re when used with another battery 


•  Use power tools only with speci


 cally designated battery 

packs. Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of 
injury and 



•  Avoid damage that can be caused by screws, nails and 

other elements in your workpiece; remove them before you 
start working

•  Always check that the supply voltage is the same as the 

voltage indicated on the nameplate of the charger (charg-
ers with a rating of 230V or 240V can also be connected to 
a 220V supply)

•  In case of electrical or mechanical malfunction, immediate-

ly switch off the tool or unplug charger from power source

•  SBM Group can assure 


 awless functioning of the tool only 

when original accessories are used

•  Use only accessories with an allowable speed matching at 

least the highest no-load speed of the tool

•  This tool should not be used by people under the age of 16 


•  Be careful not to drill or drive into areas where electrical 

wires may be contacted

•  Ensure that switch 

 is in the middle (locking) position 

before making any adjustments or changing accessories 
as well as when carrying or storing the tool

•  Do not touch the contacts in the charger
•  Do not expose tool/charger/battery to rain
•  Never charge battery outdoors
•  Store tool/charger/battery in locations where temperature 

will not exceed 40 °C or drop below 0 °C

•  Batteries will explode in 


 re, so do not burn battery for any 


•  When damaged, and under extreme usage and tempera-

ture conditions, batteries may start to leak

-  if liquid comes into contact with the skin, wash quickly with 

soap and water, then with lemon juice or vinegar

-  if liquid gets into the eyes, 


 ush eyes with clean water for 

a minimum of 10 minutes and seek immediately medical 

•  When battery is not in tool or charger, it should be kept 

away from metal objects such as nails, screws, keys etc. to 
prevent short-circuit

•  Do not use charger when damaged; take it to one of the of-


 cially registered SBM Group Service Stations for a safety 


•  Do not use battery when damaged; it should be replaced 


•  Do not disassemble charger or battery
•  Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries with 

the charger

•  Normally when starting to charge the discharged battery, 

red and green LEDs of the battery charger are on. When 
the battery is fully charged only green LED is on. If no LEDs 
are on while the charger is on, do not use the battery and 
the charger and take them to the service center. 

•  When using your tool continuously, the batteries in your 

battery pack will become hot. You should let a hot battery 
pack cool down for approximately 30 minutes before at-
tempting to recharge.

•  In case of long storage, store the battery in fully charged 


•  Do not connect the blue (= neutral) or brown (= live) wire in 

the cord of the charger to the earth terminal of the plug

•  If for any reason the old plug is cut off the cord of the charg-

er, it must be disposed of safely and not left unattended

To ensure longer service life and proper perform-
ance of the battery, take the following actions when 
you start using new battery: 

1.  Use the new battery, without recharging it, till its complete 


2.  Then charge the battery for 3-5 hours.
3. Repeat abovementioned actions (1 and 2) 3-5 times to 

reach the nominal battery capacity.


Make sure that the machine is not live when carry-
ing out maintenance work on the motor. 

Regularly clean the machine housing with a soft cloth, prefer-
ably after each use. Keep the ventilation slots free from dust 
and dirt.If the dirt does not come off use a soft cloth moistened 
with soapy water. Never use solvents such as petrol, alcohol, 
ammonia water, etc. These solvents may damage the plastic 
The machine requires no additional lubrication.
Should a fault occur, e.g. after wear of a part, please contact 
your local SBM Group dealer.


In order to prevent the machine from damage during transport, 
it is delivered in a sturdy packaging. Most of the packaging 
materials can be recycled. Take these materials to the appro-
priate recycling locations. Take your unwanted machines to 
your local SBM Group dealer. Here they will be disposed of in 
an environmentally safe way.
Li-Ion batteries can be recycled. Deliver them to a disposal 
site for chemical waste so that they can be recycled or dis-
posed of in an environmentally friendly manner.


Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 45
    BAB-18Ix2-DK 98298284 Bedienungsanleitung..........................8 Инструкция по эксплуатации .........22 User’s Manual ....................................9 Қолданысы бойынша нұсқама .......23 Mode d’emploi ................................. 10 Інструкція з експлуатації ................24
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    7  NN "I  NJO 4 3  /•N   NN  NN  NN  I   LH 5 2 1 3
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    DE Deutsch Akku-Bohrschrauber • - EINLEITUNG Dieses Werkzeug ist bestimmt zum Bohren in Holz, Metall, Ziegel, Gestein, Keramik und Kunststoff; Werkzeuge mit elektronischer Drehzahlregulierung und Rechts-/ Linkslauf sind auch geeignet zum Schrauben und Gewindeschneiden TECHNISCHE DATEN 1 2 3 4 5 • 1
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    English Cordless drill/driver INTENDED USE This tool is intended for drilling in wood, metal, ceramic and plastic; tools with electronic speed control and left/right rotation are also suitable for screwdriving and thread cutting TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 PRODUCT ELEMENTS 2 1 2 3 4 5 Switch for
  • Страница 10 из 45
    Français Perceuse/visseuse sans fil FR INTRODUCTION Cet outil est conçu pour le perçage dans le bois, le métal, la céramique et les matières plastiques; les outils avec réglage électronique de la vitesse et rotation à droite/à gauche sont également appropiés pour le vissage et le filetage
  • Страница 11 из 45
    ES Español • • Taladro/atornillador sin cable - INTRODUCCIÓN - Esta herramienta ha sida proyectada para taladrar en madera, metal, cerámica y material sintético; las herramientas con regulación electrónica de la velocidad y de giro a derechas e izquierdas son también adecuadas para atornillar y
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    PT Português Aparafusadora/ berbequim sem fio INTRODUÇÃO PT A ferramenta é determinada para furar em madeira, metal, cerâmica e plástico; ferramentas com regulação electrónica da velocidade e marcha a direita/esquerda também são apropriadas para aparafusar e cortar roscas CARACTERISTICAS TECNICAS 1
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    IT Italiano Trapano avvitatore a batteria INTRODUZIONE L’utensile è idoneo per l’esecuzione di forature nel legname, nel metallo, nella ceramica e nelle materie plastiche; utensili con regolazione elettronica della velocità e funzionamente reversibile sono adatte anche per avvitare e per tagliare
  • Страница 14 из 45
    • - Oplaadbare boor-/ schroefmachine INTRODUKTIE NL • Deze machine is bestemd voor het boren in hout, metaal, keramiek en kunststof; machines met elektronische toerentalregeling en rechts-/linksdraaien zijn ook geschikt voor het in- en uitdraaien van schroeven en het snijden van schroefdraad •
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    • Akkubore-skruemaskine INLEDNING Værktøjet er beregnet til boring i træ, metal, keramik og kunststof; værktøj med elektronisk regulering af omdrejningstal og højre-/venstreløb er også egnet til skruearbejde og gevindskæring TEKNISKE SPECIFIKATIONER 1 VÆRKTØJSELEMENTER 2 1 2 3 4 5 Afbryder til
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    • Sladdlös borrmaskin/ skruvdragare INTRODUKTION Maskinen är avsedd för slagborrning i tegel, betong och sten samt för borrning i trä, metall, keramik och plast; maskiner med elektronisk varvtalsreglering och höger-/ vänstergång är även lämpliga för skruvdragning och gängskärning • • • • om du får
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    • • Oppladbar drill/ skrutrekker INTRODUKSJON • • Bruk ikke laderen når den er skadet; ta den med til et autorisert SBM Group serviceverksted for en sikkerhetssjekk Bruk ikke batteriet når de er skadet; de må byttes ut umiddelbart Demontere ikke lader eller batteriet Forsøk ikke å lade opp
  • Страница 18 из 45
    • - Akkuruuvinväännin/ porakone ESITTELY Laite on tarkoitettu poraamiseen puuhun, metalliin, keramiikkaan ja muoviin; elektronisella nopeussäädöllä ja suunnanvaihdolla varustetut laitteet soveltuvat myös ruuvinvääntöön ja kierteitykseen TEKNISET TIEDOT 1 TYÖKALUN OSAT 2 1 2 3 4 5 Nopeussäätimen
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    - Akutrell-kruvikeeraja SISSEJUHATUS Tööriist on ette nähtud puidu, metalli, keraamiliste ja plastmaterjalide puurimiseks; elektrooniliselt reguleeritavad ning pärija vastupäeva pöörlemise funktsiooniga seadmed sobivad ka kruvide keeramiseks ja keermete lõikamiseks TEHNILISED ANDMED 1 • • • • • •
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    • • Akumulatoraskrūvgriezis/ Akumulatora skrūvgriezis/ urbjmašīna rbjmašīna • • - IEVADS Šis instruments ir paredzēts urbšanai kokā, metālā, keramikas izstrādājumos un plastmasā; instrumenta modeļi ar elektronisko ātruma regulēšanas sistēmu un darbvārpstas griešanās virziena pārslēgšanu ir
  • Страница 21 из 45
    - Akumuliatorinis gręžtuvas-suktuvas ĮVADAS Šis įrankis skirtas medienai, metalui, keramikai bei plastmasei gręžti; modeliai su elektroniniu sūkių valdymo įtaisu bei reverso funkcija tinka ir varžtams sukti bei sriegti. TECHNINIAI DUOMENYS 1 • • • • • • PRIETAISO ELEMENTAI 2 1 2 3 4 5 Įjungimo ir
  • Страница 22 из 45
    • • Дрель-шуруповерт аккумуляторная НАЗНАЧЕНИЕ Дрель-шуруповерт аккумуляторная предназначена для сверления отверстий в различных материалах, а также – завинчивания и вывинчивания винтов и шурупов при сборочных работах. • • • ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ 1 • - УСТРОЙСТВО 2 - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Выключатель
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    • Аккумуляторлы бұрғы-бұрауыш • • ҚЫЗМЕТІ Аккумуляторлы бұрғы-бұрауыш əр түрлі материалдарды бұрғылап тесуге, сондай-ақ құрастыру жұмыстары кезінде бұрандалар мен бұрамашегелерді бұрап бекітуге жəне босатуға арналған. • - ТЕХНИКАЛЫҚ СИПАТТАМАЛАРЫ 1 ҚҰРЫЛҒЫ 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ажыратқыш Айналу
  • Страница 24 из 45
    • • Дриль-шуруповерт акумуляторний • • ПРИЗНАЧЕННЯ • ТЕХНІЧНІ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ 1 • - Дриль-шуруповерт акумуляторний призначений для свердління отворів у різних матеріалах, а також - загвинчування та вигвинчування гвинтів і шурупів при роботах з складання. БУДОВА 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Вимикач Перемикач
  • Страница 25 из 45
    • • Akumulatorowa wiertarkowkrętarka WSTĘP Narzędzie to przeznaczone jest do wiercenia w drewnie, metalu, ceramice i tworzywach sztucznych; elektronicznie regulacje prędkości wiertarki z prawym i lewym biegiem doskonale sprawdzają się również jako wkrętarki oraz gwinciarki PARAMETRY TECHNICZNE 1
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    • • Akumulátorový vrtací šroubovák - ÚVOD • TECHNICKÉ ÚDAJE 1 • • • Nářadí je určen k vrtání do dřeva, kovu, keramiky a umělé hmoty; nářadíe s elektronickou regulací rychlosti a chodem vpravo/vlevo jsou také vhodné k šroubování a řezání závitů PRVKY PŘÍSTROJE 2 1 2 3 4 5 Vypínač a regulátor
  • Страница 27 из 45
    • - Akumulatorska bušilica/ uvrtač UPUTSTVO Alat je namenjen bušenju drveta, metala, keramike i plastike; alat sa automatskim regulisanjem obrtnog momenta i levim i desnim smerom obrtanja je takođe namenjen uvrtanju šrafova TEHNIČKI PODACI 1 • • • • • DELOVI ALATKE 2 Pri oštećenju i kod ekstremnog
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    • • Akkumulátoros fúró/ csavarozó - BEVEZETÉS A készülék fában, fémekben, kerámiákban és müanyagokban végzett fúrásra szolgál; az elektronikus sebességszabályozóval és forgásirányátkapcsolóval felszerelt készülékek csavarok be- és kihajtására, valamint menetvágásra is alkalmazhatók • TECHNIKAI
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    • • Maşină de găurit/ şurubelniţă cu acumulatori INTRODUCERE Această sculă este concepută pentru efectuarea de găuriri în lemn, metal, ceramică şi mase plastice; sculele cu control electronic de viteza şi rotaţie reversibilă sunt de asemenea adecvate pentru înşurubare şi filetare CARACTERISTICI
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    Sl Slovenski Akumulatorski vrtalnik/ vijačnik UVOD To orodje je namenjen za vrtanje v les, kovino, keramiko in plastiko; orodje z elektronsko regulacijo števila vrtljajev in levo/desno smerjo vrtenja je primerno tudi za privijanje in vrezovanje navojev • • • • LASTNOSTI 1 ORODJA DELI 2 1 2 3 4 5 •
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    HR BOS Hrvatski Akumulatorski izvijač UVOD • • Ovaj je alat predviđen za bušenje drva, metala, keramike i plastike; uređaj s elektroničkim reguliranjem broja okretaja i hodom desno/lijevo prikladan je i za uvijanje vijaka i narezivanje navoja • TEHNIČKI PODACI 1 • • • DIJELOVI ALATA 2 1 Prekidač za
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    • • Επαναφορτιζόμενο δραπανοκατσάβιδο - ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ Το εργαλείο προορίζεται για τρύπημα σε ξύλο, σε μέταλλα, σε κεραμικά και πλαστικά υλικά -αμφίστροφα (δεξιοαριστερόστροφα) εργαλεία με ηλεκτρονική ρύθμιση ταχύτητας είναι επίσης κατάλληλα για βίδωμα και για άνοιγμα σπειρωμάτων • • ΤΕΧΝΙΚΑ
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    - Akülü delme/ vidalama makinesi GİRİŞ Bu alet, tahta, metal, seramik ve plastik malzemedeki delme işleri için geliştirilmiştir; elektronik hız kontrolü ve sağ/sol dönüşlü aletler vidalama ve diş açma işlerine de uygundur • • • • • TEKNİK VERİLER 1 bataryalardan çıkan sıvı gözünüze kaçarsa, hemen
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    AE 34
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    Exploded view BAB-18Ix2-DK 4 8 10 26 13 27 14 36
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    Spare parts list BAB-18Ix2-DK No. Part Name 4 Gear box assy 8 Gear motor 10 Electric motor 13 Switch 14 Reversing switch reverse 28 Charger (pos. 26, 27) 37
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    DE KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG Wir erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, daß dieses Produkt mit den folgenden Normen oder normativen Dokumenten übereinstimmt: EN 55014-1:2006; EN 55014-2: 1997/+A1:2001/+A2:2008 gemäß den Bestimmungen der Richtlinien 2006/42/ЕG, 2006/95/ЕG, 2004/108/ЕGС.
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    SE DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD Vi intygar och ansvarar för, att denna produkt överensstämmer med följande norm och dokument: EN 550141:2006; EN 55014-2: 1997/+A1:2001/+A2:2008 enl. bestämmelser och riktlinjerna 2006/42/EWG, 2006/95/ EWG, 2004/108/EWG. LJUD/VIBRATION Ljudtrycksnivån som uppmätts
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    UA ЗАЯВА ПРО ВІДПОВІДНІСТЬ Ми з повною відповідальністю заявляємо, що справжній виріб відповідає наступним стандартам і нормативним документам: EN 55014-1:2006; EN 55014-2: 1997/+A1:2001/+A2:2008 - згідно із правилами: 2006/42/EEC, 2006/95/EEC, 2004/108/EEC. ШУМ І ВІБРАЦІЯ За результатами вимірів
  • Страница 41 из 45
    SI IZJAVA O USTREZNOSTI Odgovorno izjavljamo, da je ta izdelek v skladu z naslednjimi standardi ali standardnimi dokumenti: EN 550141:2006; EN 55014-2: 1997/+A1:2001/+A2:2008 v skladu s predpisi navodil 2006/42/EEC, 2006/95/EEC, 2004/108/ EEC. HRUP/VIBRACIJA Izmerjeno v skladu s predpisom EN 60 745
  • Страница 42 из 45
    DE HINWEISE ZUM UMWELTSCHUTZ Alt-Elektrogeräte sind Wertstoffe, sie gehören daher nicht in den Hausmüll! Wir möchten Sie daher bitten, uns mit Ihrem aktiven Beitrag bei der Ressourcenschonung und beim Umweltschutz zu unterstützen und dieses Gerät bei den-falls vorhandeneingerichteten
  • Страница 43 из 45
    RU УКАЗАНИЯ ПО ЗАЩИТЕ ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫ Старые электроприборы подлежат вторичной переработке и поэтому не могут быть утилизированы с бытовыми отходами! Поэтому мы хотели бы попросить Вас активно поддержать нас в деле экономии ресурсов и защиты окружающей среды и сдать этот прибор в приемный пункт
  • Страница 44 из 45
    Boзможны изменения Мoжливi змiни
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