Инструкция для Bort BLF-338

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 The warranty period for air-conditioners, electric 

fan heaters, infrared heaters, electric and water ther-
mal veils is 3 (three) years.

 The warranty period for other products is 3 (three) 

years from the date of sale of the product to the Buyer.

This warranty applies to manufacturing or construc-

tion defects of the product.

For any authorized repair or replacement of defec-

tive parts will be at discretion of the service center, to 
determent where service will take effect (Buyer’s home 
or service centre). With a period of not exceeding 45 

If for any reasons repairs require more than 45 days 

service center will notify the Buyer and new agreement 
will be drawn.  



 ed period covered repair applies only to prod-

ucts that are used for personal, family or household 
purposes not related to business activities.

 The warranty period for the component parts (parts 

that can be removed from the product without any 
tools, like boxes, shelves, grills, baskets, tools, brush-
es, tubes, hoses, and other similar components) is 3 
(three months).

 The warranty period for new components, installed 

on the product with warranty repair or paid repair, or 
purchased separately from the product is 3 (three) 
months from the date of delivery after the repair, or 
sales to the Buyer of these components. 

This warranty does not give right to compensation 

and coverage for damage that occurred as a result of 
alteration or adjustment of product, without the prior 
written consent of the manufacturer, in order to bring 
it into compliance with local or national technical stan-
dards and safety regulations in force in any country.

This warranty does not cover:

 Periodic maintenance and service products (clean-

ing, replacing 


 lters or device used as a 



 Any adaptation or any changes of use outside of 

manual, including with a view to improving and expand-
ing the scope of its normal use, as instructed by the 
product, without prior written consent.

This warranty is also void in the following cases:

 If it is fully or partially altered, deleted or removed or 

illegible serial number;

 Use of the product for other than its intended use 

and not following the instruction manual, including use 
of the product or in conjunction with an overload of 
accessories not recommended by the Seller, the or-
ganization authorized by the manufacturer, importer, 

 If any mechanical damage (chips, cracks, etc.), the 

impact on the product of excessive force, aggressive 
chemicals, high temperatures, high humidity / dust, 
concentrated vapors, was the cause of the malfunction 
of the product;

 repair / setup / installation / adaptation / start-up of 

product by non-authorized organizations / individuals;

 natural disasters (




 ood, etc.), and other causes 

beyond the control of the Seller, organization autho-
rized by the manufacturer, importer, manufacturer and 


This document does not restrict statutory rights of 

consumers; it clari


 es the obligations stipulated by law, 

this document binds the proposed agreement between 
the parties in the contract.

Carefully read the warranty and make sure it is com-

pleted correctly and has the stamp of the Seller.

In the absence of the stamp and the date of sale (or 

sales receipt with the date of sale) this warranty period 
will begin from the date of production.

Carefully check the condition of the product and its 

components, all claims about condition of the product 
and its components present it to  the Seller before pur-

Warranty service of the device will be purchased 

through the Seller, specialized service centers and 


 eld technicians who installed the device (if the device 

needed a special installation, connection or assem-

For all matters relating to the product maintenance, 

please contact a quali


 ed service center. Details of the 

service centers, authorized to carry out repairs and 
maintenance of the product is available at http://www.
sbm-group.com. For more information, please contact 
the Seller.

In case of malfunction caused by the manufacturer’s 

assembly line the solution of the problem lies with the 
organization designated by the manufacturer. In this 
case, the buyer has the right to appeal to the Seller. 
Responsibility for the malfunction caused by the 



technicians that conducted the installation of the de-
vice lies on the 


 eld technicians. In this case, please 

refer to the organization that conducted the installation 
of the device.

For installation (connection) of the product (if the 

product requires special installation, connection or as-
sembly) we recommend you contact a quali


 ed service 

center. You can use the services of any quali


 ed tech-

nicians, in this case the Seller, the Organization des-
ignated by the manufacturer, Importer, Manufacturer 
is not liable for product defects arising from improper 
installation (connection).

In order to improve the design, constructions, or man-

ufacturing techniques with its technical characteristics, 
we may do so without prior notice to the Buyer and 
shall not entail obligation to update / improve the previ-
ously released products. In order for proper installation 
and operation of the product, we urge you to carefully 
examine the operating instructions to avoid any prob-
lems. Do not make any changes to the warranty card 
(do not add or erase any information on this card). This 
warranty is valid if the warranty card contains correctly 
and clearly the full information (the name and the prod-
uct model, serial number, date of sale, a signature of 
the authorized person and stamp of the Seller).

 Service life of air conditioners, dehumidi


 ers  and 

electric heaters (convectors) is 10 (ten) years.

 Service life of electric heat guns and thermal veils is 

7 (seven) years, infrared heaters 8 (eight) years.

 Service life of other products is 5 (


 ve) years.

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 25
    BLF-338 98292763 Bedienungsanleitung User’s Manual Mode d’emploi Инструкция по эксплуатации
  • Страница 2 из 25
    1 7 )[ 8 NM  NMI "VUPTUPQ GVODUJPO LH 2 1 7 4 2 6 5 3
  • Страница 3 из 25
    3 7 OFF min max
  • Страница 4 из 25
    DE LUFTBEFEUCHTER Sehr geehrter Kunde, Wir gratulieren Ihnen zum Erwerb des Produkts der Firma BORT. Unsere Produkte sind durch fortgeschrittenes Design sowie hohe Qualität der Ausführung gekennzeichnet. Wir hoffen, dass unser Erzeugnis Ihnen als zuverlässiger Kamerad lange Jahre dienen wird.
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    ● Zur Vermeidung des Stromschlages nach dem Anschluss des Luftbefeuchters ans Stromnetz das Wasser nicht einlassen. REINIGUNG UND WARTUNG ACHTUNG! Bevor beliebige Wartungsarbeiten an diesen Produkten durchgeführt werden, ist es zu überprüfen, ob der Luftbefeuchter ausgeschaltet und vom Stromnetz
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    English HUMIDIFIER DEAR CUSTOMER! Congratulations on the purchase of BORT product, which has progressive design and high quality. We hope that our products will be your companion for many years. For the efficient and safe use of the product, please read this manual and save it for future reference.
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    WARNING! CLEANING AND CARE Do not temper or make any changes to the construction of the unit. Do not service the unit by yourself or by unauthorized personnel, as well as non-compliance with the requirements for the use and maintenance, as described in this manual. Any of the above will terminate
  • Страница 8 из 25
    HUMIDIFICATEUR D'AIR Cher client! Toutes nos félicitations après avoir acheté notre produit BORT qui se caractérise par une conception progressiste et fabrication de haute qualité. Nous espérons que nos produits seront vos compagnons pour longtemps. Pour une exploitation sûre et efficace du
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    ATTENTION! NETTOYAGE ET ENTRETIEN Ne jamais apporter à ce produit des modifications relatives à sa structure. Le produit n'est plus soumis à la garantie lorsque Vous ou toute autre personne non-autorisée effectuez des adaptations/modifications dans la structure de l'humidificateur, ainsi qu'en cas
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    ● УВЛАЖНИТЕЛЬ ВОЗДУХА УВАЖАЕМЫЙ ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ! Поздравляем Вас с приобретением продукции BORT, которая отличается прогрессивным дизайном и высоким качеством исполнения. Мы надеемся, что наша продукция станет Вашим спутником на долгие годы. Для максимально безопасного и эффективного использования
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    ● Не эксплуатируйте увлажнитель воздуха в непосредственной близости от нагревательных приборов и других источников тепла. ● Минимальное расстояние от увлажнителя воздуха до стены должно составлять не менее 10 см, а также не менее 1 метра до потолка. ● Во избежание поражения электрическим током не
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    Exploded view
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    Spare parts list No. Part Name DE 13 Potentiometer 27 Ultrasonic atomizer 29 Fan 34 Water valve float KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG Wir erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, daß dieses Produkt mit den folgenden Normen oder normativen Dokumenten übereinstimmt: EN 55011:2009, EN 55014-2:1997+A1:2001+A2:2008,
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    GB Warranty terms DE Garantiebedingungen FR Conditions de garantie RU Условия гарантии
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    DE Das vorliegende Dokument beschränkt die gesetzlich festgelegten Verbraucherrechte nicht, sonst ergänzt und präzisiert die gesetzlich vorgesehenen Verbindlichkeiten, bei denen es sich um Abkommen bzw. Vertrag handelt. Machen Sie sich mit dem Garantieschein vertraulich und überprüfen Sie, dass er
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    • wenn es notwendig ist, Lampen, Filter, Primärzellen, Akkus, Sicherungen, sowie Glas/ Porzellan/Stoff und manuell verstellte Teile und andere zusätzliche schnellverschleißende/ Umsteckteile des Produktes zu wechseln, die seinen eigenen bemessenen Lebensdauer haben, infolge ihrer natürlichen
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    GB This document does not restrict statutory rights of consumers; it clarifies the obligations stipulated by law, this document binds the proposed agreement between the parties in the contract. Carefully read the warranty and make sure it is completed correctly and has the stamp of the Seller. In
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    ● Improper connections for electricity or water supply, as well as failures (does not meet the operating parameters) of electricity or water supply system and other external networks; ● defects resulting from foreign objects inside product or liquids, (except those provided by the operating
  • Страница 19 из 25
    FR Ce document ne limite pas les droits des consommateurs prescrits par la législation, mais complète et spécifie les obligations statutaires en cadre d'un accord entre des parties ou d'un contrat. Veuillez lire attentivement la carte de garantie et s'assurer qu'elle est correctement remplie et
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    • en cas d'entreposage inadéquat du produit; • quand il faut remplacer les lampes, filtres, batteries, piles, fusibles, des pièces en verre/porcelaine/tissu qui sont déplacées manuellement, ainsi que d'autres pièces du produit supplémentaires d'usure/d'accompagnement qui ont leur propre période de
  • Страница 21 из 25
    RU Настоящий документ не ограничивает определенные законом права потребителей, но дополняет и уточняет оговоренные законом обязательства, предполагающие соглашение сторон либо договор. Внимательно ознакомьтесь с гарантийным талоном и проследите, чтобы он был правильно заполнен и имел штамп
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    • неправильного хранения изделия; • необходимости замены ламп, фильтров, элементов питания, аккумуляторов, предохранителей, а также стеклянных/фарфоровых/матерчатых и перемещаемых вручную деталей и других дополнительных быстроизнашивающихся/ сменных деталей изделия, которые имеют собственный
  • Страница 23 из 25
    GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE GARANTIESCHEIN CERTIFICAT DE GARANTIE ГАРАНТИЙНЫЙ ТАЛОН. Sello del vendedor ● Corimbo do comerciante ● Timbro commerciante ● Αντιπροσώπου ● Pieczęć sprzedawcy ● Ticarethane mührü ● Razítko prodejce ● Kereskedő bélyegzője ● Hampila comerciantului ●
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    GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE GARANTIESCHEIN CERTIFICAT DE GARANTIE ГАРАНТИЙНЫЙ ТАЛОН. Stamp dealer ● Stempel Handler ● Stempel handelaar ● Timbre marchand ● Stämpel återförsäljare ● Kauppiaan leima ● Stempel forhandler ● Stempel forhandler Terms and Conditions of the extended
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