Инструкция для KORTING KHP 6313 X

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external motor.



 Take care when the cooker hood is operating simultaneously 

with an open fireplace or burner that depend on the air in the 

environment and are supplied by other than electrical energy, as 

the cooker hood removes the air from the environment which a 

burner or fireplace need for combustion. The negative pressure 

in the environment must not exceed 4Pa (4x10-5 bar). Provide 

adequate ventilation in the environment for a safe operation of 

the cooker hood. Follow the local laws applicable for external air 


Before connecting the model to the electricity network:

- Control the data plate (positioned inside the appliance) to as-

certain that the voltage and power correspond to the network 

and the socket is suitable. If in doubt ask a qualified electrician.

- If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced with 

another cable or a special assembly, which may be obtained direct 

from the manufacturer or from the Technical Assistance Centre.

- This device must be connected to the supply network through 

either a plug fused 3A or hardwired to a 2 fase spur protected by 

3A fuse.

2.  Warning!

In certain circumstances electrical appliances may be a 

danger hazard.

A)  Do not check the status of the filters while the cooker hood 

is operating.

B)  Do not touch bulbs or adjacent areas, during or straight 

after prolonged use of the lighting installation.

C)  Flambè cooking is prohibited underneath the cooker hood.

D)  Avoid free flame, as it is damaging for the filters and a fire 


E)  Constantly check food frying to avoid that the overheated 

oil may become a fire hazard.

F)  Disconnect the electrical plug prior to any maintenance.

G)  This appliance is not intended for use by young children 

or infirm persons without supervision.

H)  Young children should be supervised to ensure they do 

not play with the appliance.

I)   There shall be adequate ventilation of the room when the 

rangehood is used at the same time as appliances burning 

gas or other fuels.

L)  There is a risk of fire if cleaning is not carried out in accord-

ance with the instructions.

This appliance conforms to the European Directive EC/2002/96, 

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By making 

sure that this appliance is disposed of in a suitable manner, the 

user is helping to prevent potential damage to the environment 

or to public health.

The symbol on the product or on the accompanying pa-

perwork indicates that the appliance should not be treated 

as domestic waste, but should be delivered to a suitable 

electric and electronic appliance recycling collection point. Follow 

local guidelines when disposing of waste. For more information 

on the treatment, re-use and recycling of this product, please 

contact your local authority, domestic waste collection service or 

the shop where the appliance was purchased.


•  Assembly and electrical connections must be carried out by 

specialised personnel.

•  Wear protective gloves before proceeding with the instal



•  Electric Connection:

- The appliance has been manufactured as a class II, therefore no 

earth cable is necessary. The plug must be easily accessible after 

the installation of the appliance. If the appliance is equipped 

with power cord without plug, a suitably dimensioned omnipolar 

switch with 3 mm minimum opening between contacts must be 

fitted between the appliance and the electricity supply in compli-

ance with the load and current regulations.

- The connection to the mains is carried out as follows:








If the hob is electric, gas, or induction, the minimum distance 

between the same and the lower part of the hood must be at 


65 cm

. If a connection tube composed of two parts is used, 

the upper part must be placed outside the lower part. Do not 

connect the cooker hood exhaust to the same conductor used 

to circulate hot air or for evacuating fumes from other appliances 

generated by other than an electrical source.Before proceeding 

with the assembly operations, remove the anti-grease filter(s) 

(Fig.5) so that the unit is easier to handle.

-  In the case of assembly of the appliance in the suction version 

prepare the hole for evacuation of the air.


We recommend the use of an air exhaust tube which has the 

same diameter as the air exhaust outlet hole. If a pipe with a 

smaller diameter is used, the efficiency of the product may be 

reduced and its operation may become noisier.

 Warning! Plastic spacer fitting. 

This product may also be supplied with a plastic spacer 


, which 

should be fitted before the hood is installed (Fig. 2a).

Fix the spacer to the hood using screws 


 (Fig. 2a).

To assemble the unit correctly, align the front panel of the hood 

with the wall cabinet and decide on the distance necessary to fill 

in any space remaining between the hood and the wall.

Once the distance has been established, use a cutter to remove 

the excess plastic (Fig. 2a).

•  Installation:

The following instruction should be followed to carry out the 

correct installation of the cooker hood.

1) Mounting of the cooker hood on the lower side of the cup-


2)  Selection of the version (extraction or filtration).

•  Fitting the cooker hood to the lower part of a wall cabinet:

This type of appliance must be fitted inside a cabinet or inside 

another type of support structure. To fix it in place, use 4 screws 

which are suitable for the type of cabinet, making holes in ac-

cordance with the diagram shown in (fig. 1). To fit the appliance 

correctly, align the front panel of the cooker hood with the cabinet 

door and adjust spacer 


 using screws 


 (fig. 2), then ensure the 

appliance meets the cabinet at the rear. 

•  Extraction through an outside wall:

The appliance expels the fumes through an outside wall or a duct. 

It is necessary to buy a telescopic pipe in accordance with the 

standards in use (inflammable) and connect it to flange 



•  Recirculation:

To transform the cooker hood from the extraction version to the 

re circulating one ask your supplier for an activated carbon filter. 

The filter must be fitted to the extracting group cooker hood in 

the centre of the fan grille by twisting it by 90 degrees until it is 

gripped securely (Fig.6). For this operation remove the anti-grease 



 (Fig.5). The clean air is returned into the room through 

a connecting tube passing inside the cupboard and connected 

to the ring 





We recommend that the cooker hood is switched on before 

any food is cooked. We also recommend that the appliance is 

left running for 15 minutes after the food is cooked, in order to 

thoroughly eliminate all contaminated air. The effective perfor-

mance of the cooker hood depends on constant maintenance; the 

anti-grease filter and the active carbon filter both require special 


•  The anti-grease filter

 is responsible retaining the grease parti-

Оглавление инструкции
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    ITALIANO ISTRUZIONI PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I GENERALITÀ Leggere attentamente il contenuto del presente libretto in quanto fornisce importanti indicazioni riguardanti la sicurezza di installazione, d’uso e di manutenzione. Conservare il libretto per ogni ulteriore consultazione. L’apparecchio è stato
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    rimuovere i pannelli G (Fig.5). L’aria viene rimessa nell’ambiente attraverso un tubo di connessione passante attraverso il mobile e collegato all’anello di raccordo B (Fig.4). USO E MANUTENZIONE • Si raccomanda di mettere in funzione l’apparecchio prima di procedere alla cottura di un qualsiasi
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    F) Vor jeglichen Wartungsarbeiten unbedingt den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose entfernen. G) Das Gerät sollte nicht von kleinen Kindern oder Personen benutzt werden, welche Beaufsichtigung benötigen. H) Kleine Kinder sollten beaufsichtigt werden, um sicherzugehen, dass sie nicht mit dem Gerät
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    dass diese gut getrocknet sind. • Die Haube muss häufig sowohl Innen als auch Außen gereinigt werden; dazu verwendet man ein mit denaturiertem Alkohol befeuchtetes Tuch oder ein neutrales nicht scheuerndes Reinigungsmittel. • Die Beleuchtungsanlage ist für den Gebrauch während des Kochvorgangs
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    ración o reciclaje de este producto, llame a la oficina local encargada, al servicio de recolección de desechos domésticos o al negocio en el cual ha comprado el producto. INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA INSTALACIÓN • Las operaciones de montaje y conexión eléctrica deben ser efectuadas por personal
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    B2 = botón PRIMERA VELOCIDAD B3 = botón SEGUNDA VELOCIDAD B4 = botón TERCERA VELOCIDAD • comandi: (fig.7) slider la simbología es la siguiente: Esta campana posee un microinterruptor que permite activar las velocidades del motor a través de la apertura del carro telescópico. Si el carro telescópico
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    réduction pourrait diminuer les performances du produit et augmenter le niveau sonore. Attention! montage de l’entretoise en plastique. Cet article peut être livré avec une entretoise en plastique O qu’il faut monter avant d’installer la hotte (fig.2a). Fixez l’entretoise à la hotte à l’aide des
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    external motor. SAFETY PRECAUTION 1. Take care when the cooker hood is operating simultaneously with an open fireplace or burner that depend on the air in the environment and are supplied by other than electrical energy, as the cooker hood removes the air from the environment which a burner or
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    cles suspended in the air, therefore it is subject to clogging with variable frequency according to the use of the appliance. - To prevent the danger of possible fires, at least every 2 months one must wash the anti-grease filters by hand using non-abrasive neutral liquid detergents or in the
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    Dit apparaat is voorzien van het keurmerk Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), zoals vastgesteld door de Europese Norm 2002/96/EC. Door te zorgen dat de afvalverwijdering van dit product correct wordt uitgevoerd, werkt de gebruiker mee aan het voorkomen van potentiële negatieve
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    zich te houden aan de voorgestelde instructies. • Vervanging van de halogeenlampen (Afb. 9). Om de halogeenlampen B te vervangen moet men het glaasje C verwijderen door een voorwerp als hefboom in de daarvoor bestemde spleten te steken.Vervang met lampen van hetzelfde type. Opgelet: raak de lampen
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    indução, a distância mínima entre o mesmo e a parte mais baixa do exaustor deverá ser de no mínimo 65 cm. Tendo que ser usado um tubo de conexão composto de duas ou mais partes, a parte superior deve ficar externamente àquela inferior. Não conectar a descarga da coifa a um duto pelo qual circule ar
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    DECLINA-SE DE QUALQUER RESPONSABILIDADE POR EVENTUAIS DANOS PROVOCADOS PELA INOBSERVÂNCIA DAS ADVERTÊNCIAS ACIMA. ČESKY CZ se obrátíte na příslušný místní úřad, sběrnou službu domovního odpadu nebo obchod, ve kterém jste výrobek zakoupili. NÁVOD K INSTALACI • Operace spojené s montáží a elektrická
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    Vzduch je opět vypouštěn do prostředí spojovací hadicí, procházející skřínkou a spojenou se spojovacím prstencem B (Obr.4). POUŽITÍ A ÚDRŽBA • Doporučujeme uvést zařízení do činnosti ještě před zahájením přípravy jakéhokoli jídla. Doporučujeme ponechat zařízení v činnosti i po dobu 15 minut po
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    uden overvågning. H) Hold øje med børnene for at sikre, at de ikke leger med apparatet. I) Når emhætten anvendes samtidigt med apparater, der bruger gas eller andre brændstoffer, skal rummet have tilstrækkelig udluftning. L) Hvis rengøring ikke udføres i overensstemmelse med anvisningerne, kan det
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    Vćr opmćrksom: rřr ikke ved pćren med bare hćnder. Mikroafbryder (fig.9). Vær opmærksom! Emhætten er udstyret med en mikroafbryder, der gør det muligt at aktivere funktioner (lys og motorhastighed) gennem åbningen i den teleskopiske ramme. Hvis den teleskopiske ramme er lukket, kan hverken lys
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    (Kuva 5): näin laitetta on helpompi käsitellä. - Jos asennetaan imevä hellakupu on ensin tehtävä ilmanpoistoaukko. • Suositellaan käyttämään ilmanpoistoputkea, jonka halkaisija vastaa ilman ulostuloaukon mittoja. Pienentävien sovituskappaleiden käyttö voi alentaa tuotteen toimintatulosta ja lisätä
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    σε έκδοση απορρόφησης (εκκένωση αέρα προς το εξωτερικό Εικ. 1B), διήθησης (ανακύκλωση αέρα στο εσωτερικό Εικ. 1A) ή με εξωτερικό κινητήρα (Εικ. 1C). ΥΠΟΔΕΙΞΕΙΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ 1. Προσοχή σε περίπτωση που λειτουργούν ταυτόχρονα απορροφητήρας απορρόφησης και καυστήρας ή μια εστία που εξαρτούνται από τον
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    απορρόφησης στο εσωτερικό του απορροφητήρα κεντράροντάς τα σε αυτό και στρέφοντάς τα κατά 90 μοίρες μέχρι το στοπ ακινητοποίησης (Εικ.6). Για να κάνετε την εργασία αυτή αφαιρέστε τα πάνελ συγκράτησης λίπους G (Εικ.5). Ο αέρας διοχετεύεται στο περιβάλλον μέσω ενός σωλήνα σύνδεσης διερχόμενου μέσω
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    jelenthetnek. A) Az elszívó működése közben ne ellenőrizze a szűrők állapotát. B) A készülék világításának hosszan tartó használata közben vagy közvetlenül azt követően ne érjen az izzókhoz vagy a mellettük lévő felületekhez. C) Az elszívó alatt tilos nyílt lángon sütni. D)Ne használjon nyílt
  • Страница 25 из 33
    mosószerrel átitatott vizes ruhával tisztítsa meg gyakran az elszívó külsejét és belsejét. • A világítóberendezést főzés közbeni használatra tervezték, és nem a konyha általános, huzamos idejű megvilágítására. A huzamos idejű használat lényegesen lecsökkenti az égők átlag élettartamát. • Ha a
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    strømforskriftene. Tilkobling til strømnettet utføres på følgende måte: BRUN = L strømførende BLÅ = N nulleder. • Avstanden fra støtteoverflaten hvor kokekarene står på kokeoverflaten og laveste punkt på kjøkkenhetten må være minst 65 cm. Dersom det benyttes en avtrekkskanal bestående av to eller
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    POLSKA miejscowymi normami w zakresie utylizacji odpadów. Dla uzyskania dodatkowych informacji na temat traktowania, odzyskiwania i recyklingu tego produktu, należy skontaktować się z odpowiednim lokalnym biurem, służbą odpadów domowych lub ze sklepem, w którym produkt został zakupiony. PL
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    jącej typu zgodnego z obowiązującymi przepisami, niepalnego, i połączenie jej z kołnierzem B znajdującym się w wyposażeniu urządzenia (Rys.3). • Wersja filtrująca: Aby przekształcić okap z wersji wciągowej na filtrującą, należy zwrócić się do Waszego dostawcy z prośbą o filtry na węgiel aktywny.
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    2. Внимание! В некоторых случаях электрические приборы могут быть опасными. А) Не проверяйте состояние фильтров при работающей вытяжке. В) Не прикасайтесь к лампочкам или к прилегающим зонам в процессе работы системы освещения или сразу же после ее выключения. С) Запрещается готовить блюда на
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    - Цвет может измениться, после нескольких промывок. Этот факт не даёт права на жалобу и замену детали. • Фильтры с активированным углём необходимы для очистки воздуха в помещении и удаляют неприятные запахи при приготовлении пищи. - Не регенерируемые фильтры с активированным углём необходимо
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    för ĺtervinning av elektriska och elektroniska apparater. Kassera enligt gällande lokala normer för avfallshantering. För ytterligare information om hantering och ĺtervinning av produkten, kontakta det lokala kontoret, uppsamllingsstation för hushĺllsavfall eller affären där produkten inhandlats.
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    A1 = Avstängningsknapp A2 = Startknapp B = Kontroll av hastigheten B1 = Knapp för hastighet 1 B2 = Knapp för hastighet 2 B3 = Knapp för hastighet 3 Observera! Om fläkthastigheten är inställd på 2 när teleskopvagnen stängs, aktiveras samma hastighet nästa gång som teleskopvagnen öppnas. • Byte av
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