Инструкция для President GEORGE ASC

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Noise Blanker/ Automatic Noise Limiter. These filters allow the reduction of
back ground noise, and some reception interference.

Press once to activate the function. «NB/ANL» appears in the display. To
cancel, press the same key. «NB/ANL» disappears from the display.


This key has several functions :


 Position «S/RF» : for taking a V.U. meter reading of transmission and reception

power ;


 Position «MODE» only works during transmission. Allows modulation

measurement (voice level).



 : calibration of the SWR meter.

See «Adjustment of SWR meter» page 7, § 5.


 Position «SWR» : reading of the SWR value.

See «Adjustment of SWR meter», page 7, § 5.

To use these functions, press the METER key successively in  transmission mode.
In reception mode this key locks itself onto position «S/RF».


When you finish speaking and you release the «push-to-talk» switch to allow
your correspondent to speak, a «beep» sounds. Radio CB is what is known as
a «simplex» method of communication, that is to say, that you cannot listen
and speak at the same time (as you can, for example, with the telephone).
It was custom to say «roger» to indicate to your correspondent that you’d
finished speaking  and that it was his turn to talk. The word «roger» has now
been replaced with  a beep, hence its name, «Roger Beep».

By depressing this key once, the roger beep is activated as well as the
sounding of all the keys and the word BEEP appears in the display. To cancel
out the beep, depress the same key. The sound level of the beep can be
adjusted by using the VOLUME knob.

17)PA (Public Address):

An external loud speaker can be connected to your PRESIDENT GEORGE by
the jack plug situated on the back panel PA.SP (


). By pressing the PA key, the

message transmitted into the microphone will be directed towards the
external speaker and be amplified. PA appears in the display and everything

else disappears. Hold the microphone far enough away from this loud
speaker so as to avoid the Larsen effect.

The PA volume is regulated by the MIC GAIN knob. To cancel PA, press the
«PA» key and the set returns to the previous configuration.


Use of the echo chamber. This function gives a reverberation (echo) effect to
your voice. The level of echo can be adjusted. Ask your dealer to carry out this
adjustment for you. You can check level of echo either by using the PA
function and connecting a loud speaker, or by carrying out a trial transmission
with a correspondent.

To activate this function press the PA key once. «ECHO» appears in the display.
To cancel it simply press the same key. «ECHO» disappears from the display.


The "SELECT" key allows you to go up or down by 10 channels at a time. It is
used in conjunction with the «CH 

» and «CH 

» or with the rotary channel



Configuration You are in channel 22 FM.

- Press «SELECT» :

Underlining appears in order to indicate Channel 22 FM.

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 21
    GEORGE Owner's manual
  • Страница 2 из 21
    Your PRESIDENT GEORGE at a glance 2
  • Страница 3 из 21
  • Страница 4 из 21
    WARNING ! Before using, be careful never to transmit without first having connected the antenna (connection B situated on the back panel of the equipment) or without having set the SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) ! Failure to do so may result in destruction of the power amplifier, which is not covered by
  • Страница 5 из 21
    Welcome to the world of the 3rd generation of CB radios. The new PRESIDENT INTERACTIVE range gives you access to top performance CB equipment. With the use of upto-date technology, which guarantees unprecedented quality, your PRESIDENT GEORGE is a new step in personal communications and is the
  • Страница 6 из 21
    2) ANTENNA INSTALLATION: 3) POWER CONNECTION: a) Choosing your antenna: - For CB radios, the longer the antenna, the better its results. Your dealer will be able to help you with your choice of antenna. Your PRESIDENT GEORGE is protected against an inversion of polarities. However, before switching
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    e) Press the «METER» key, with the «push-to-talk» switch pressed down, so that the equipment is in S/RF mode. 4) BASIC OPERATIONS TO BE CARRIED OUT BEFORE USING YOUR SET FOR THE FIRST TIME (without trans-mitting and without using the «push-to-talk» switch on the microphone): DISPLAY a) Connect the
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    * Using an external SWR meter (e.g. SWR 1 or SWR 2 PRESIDENT): 4) VOLUME: a) To connect the SWR meter: - Connect the SWR meter between the CB radio and the antenna as close as possible to the CB (use a maximum of 40 cm cable, type CA 2C PRESIDENT). b) To adjust the SWR meter: - Set the CB to
  • Страница 9 из 21
    Example: 8) RF POWER: When you turn this knob fully clockwise the RF power (norm peak 4 watts) is at maximum. You should reduce transmission power when the communication is close to someone who does not have RF GAIN. Configuration You are in Channel 22, FM. The normal setting of this knob is on
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    else disappears. Hold the microphone far enough away from this loud speaker so as to avoid the Larsen effect. 14)NB/ANL: Noise Blanker/ Automatic Noise Limiter. These filters allow the reduction of back ground noise, and some reception interference. The PA volume is regulated by the MIC GAIN knob.
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    - Press «CH ▲» (+ 10 channels): Set goes to the channel 32 FM. 20)CH 19 (Channel 19 AM): Channel 19 AM is automatically selected when you depress this key. Configuration You are in Channel 22 FM. - Press «CH ▲» (+ 10 channels): Set goes to the channel 2 FM. - Press «CH19»: Frequency disappears to
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    - - If a signal is detected on Channel 22 your CB listens to the channel and stays there until the end of the signal. Press «CH19» Set goes directly to Channel «CH19». - End of signal on Channel 22 FM. 21)DW (Dual Watch): This function lets you watch over Channel 19 AM and the channel you are
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    By immediately pressing one of the memory keys (M1 - M4) the channel and the modulation mode currently in use will be stored in the memory. The operation is validated with a long beep. (See example after paragraph 23) - Depression of «M1»: stops flashing, appears, long beep sounds to indicate that
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    b) Direct access to one of the memories, Initial configuration Channel 3 LSB. 24)SCAN: This function allows you to “scan” all the memorised channels (16). Scanning stops when a signal is detected on one of the memorised channels. At the end of the signal, scanning continues. By going into
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    - if the 12 volt power supply is deconnected and/or - after a long depression (more than four seconds) of the POWER key (radio on or off). In these two cases, the CB is blocked and it is necessary to enter the correct access code. The access code, established by PRESIDENT in the factory or after
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    D) TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: E) TROUBLE SHOOTING: 1) GENERAL: - Channels - Modulation modes - Frequency ranges - Antenna impedance - Power supply - Dimensions (en mm) - Weight - Accessories supplied : : : : : : : : 40 AM/FM/LSB/USB from 26.965 MHz à 27.405 MHz 50 ohms 13.2 V 200 (L) x 207.5 (H) x
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    Press the «push-to-talk» switch and announce your message «Attention stations, transmission testing» which will allow you to check the clearness and the power of your signal. Release the switch and wait for a reply. You should receive a reply like, «Strong and clear». If you use a calling channel
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    FREQUENCY TABLES CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY Channel Kanal Frequency Frequenzens Channel Kanal Frequency Frequenzens 1 26,965 MHz 21 27,215 MHz 2 26,975 MHz 22 27,225 MHz 3 26,985 MHz 23 27,255 MHz 4 27,005 MHz 24 27,235 MHz 5 27,015 MHz 25 27,245 MHz 6 27,025 MHz 26 27,265 MHz 7 27,035 MHz 27 27,275
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    Pays dans lesquels il existe des limitations particulières (Licence1 / Registre2 / seulement du canal 4 à 123) Countries in which there are particular restrictions Países en los cuales existe algún tipo de limitación (Licencia1 / Registro2 / solo del canal 4 a 123) Länder mit besonderen
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    0233/03-01 SIEGE SOCIAL/HEAD OFFICE - FRANCE Route de Sète - BP 100 - 34540 BALARUC Site Internet : http://www.president-electronics.com E-mail : groupe@president-electronics.com
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