Инструкция для Bauknecht Atrium BLCE 7103/PT

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How to read the cooking table

The table indicates the best function to use for any given food, to be cooked on one or more shelves at the 
same time. Cooking times start from the moment food is placed in the oven, excluding pre-heating (where 
required). Cooking temperatures and times are purely for guidance and will depend on the amount of food 
and type of accessory used. Use the lowest recommended values to begin with and, if the food is not 
cooked enough, then move on to higher values. Use the accessories supplied and preferably dark coloured 
metal cake tins and oven trays. You can also use pans and accessories in pyrex or stoneware, but bear in 
mind that cooking times will be slightly longer. To obtain best results, carefully follow the advice given in 
the cooking table for the choice of accessories (supplied) to be placed on the various shelves.

Cooking different foods at the same time

Using the “FORCED AIR” function, you can cook different foods which require the same cooking 
temperature at the same time (for example: fish and vegetables), using different shelves. Remove the food 
which requires less cooking time and leave food which requires longer cooking time in the oven.



Cook delicate desserts with the conventional function on one shelf only. Use dark coloured metal 
cake tins and always position them on the wire shelf supplied. To cook on more than one shelf, select 
the forced air function and stagger the position of the cake tins on the shelves, aiding optimum 
circulation of the hot air. 


To check whether a raising cake is cooked, insert a wooden toothpick into the centre of the cake. If 
the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is ready.


If using non-stick cake tins, do not butter the edges as the cake may not rise evenly around the edges.


If the cake “sinks” during cooking, set a lower temperature the next time, perhaps reducing the 
amount of liquid in the mixture and mixing more gently.


For sweets with moist fillings (cheesecake or fruit pies) use the “CONVECTION BAKE” function. If the 
base of the cake is soggy, lower the shelf and sprinkle the bottom of the cake with breadcrumbs or 
biscuit crumbs before adding the filling.



Use any kind of oven tray or pyrex dish suited to the size of the piece of meat being cooked. For roast 
joints, it is best to add some stock to the bottom of the dish, basting the meat during cooking for 
added flavour. When the roast is ready, let it rest in the oven for another 10-15 minutes, or wrap it in 
aluminium foil.


When you want to grill meat, choose cuts with an even thickness all over in order to achieve uniform 
cooking results. Very thick pieces of meat require longer cooking times. To prevent the meat from 
burning on the outside, lower the position of the wire shelf, keeping the food farther away from the 
grill. Turn the meat two thirds of the way through cooking.

To collect the cooking juices it is advisable to place a drip-tray with half a litre of water directly under the 
grill on which the meat is placed. Top-up when necessary.

Turnspit (only in some models)

Use this accessory to evenly roast large pieces of meat and poultry. Place the meat on the turnspit rod, tying 
it with string if chicken, and check that it is secure before inserting the rod in the seat located on the front 
wall of the oven and resting it on the respective support. To prevent smoke and to collect cooking juices, 
it is advisable to place a drip-tray with half a litre of water on the first level. The rod has a plastic handle 
which must be removed before starting to cook, and used at the end of cooking to avoid burns when 
taking the food out of the oven.


Lightly grease the trays to ensure the pizza has a crispy base. Scatter the mozzarella over the pizza two 
thirds of the way through cooking. 

Rising function

It is always best to cover the dough with a damp cloth before placing it in the oven. Dough proving time 
with this function is reduced by approximately one third compared to proving at room temperature 
(20-25°C). Proving time for a 1 Kg batch of pizza dough is around one hour. 


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    EINSCHIEBEN DER ROSTE UND ANDEREN ZUBEHÖRTEILE IN DEN OFEN Der Rost und die anderen Zubehörteile sind mit einem Blockiersystem ausgestattet, das ein versehentliches Herausziehen verhindert. Abb. 1 1. 2. Schieben Sie den Rost mit dem erhöhten Teil „A“ nach oben zeigend waagerecht ein (Abb. 1).
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    BESCHREIBUNG DISPLAY I H G F E A B C D A. B. C. D. E. Anzeigen der aktiven Heizelemente für die verschiedenen Funktionen Symbole für die Zeitverwaltung: Timer, Garzeit, Abschaltzeit, aktuelle Uhrzeit Informationen zu den ausgewählten Funktionen Automatische Funktion BROT/PIZZA gewählt Anzeige
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    SCHNELLES VORHEIZEN 1. 2. 3. 4. Wählen Sie die Funktion Schnelles Vorheizen durch Drehen des „Funktionswahlknopfs“ neben dem Symbol . Bestätigen Sie mit der Taste 3 : Die Einstellungen erscheinen auf dem Display. Wenn die vorgeschlagene der gewünschten Temperatur entspricht, drücken Sie die Taste 3
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    RESTWÄRMEANZEIGE BACKOFENINNENRAUM Am Ende jedes Garvorgangs oder nach dem Ausschalten des Backofens werden, falls die Innenraumtemperatur mehr als 50°C beträgt, die Warnung HOT und die aktuelle Temperatur auf dem Display angezeigt. Sobald die Restwärme auf 50°C gesunken ist, erscheint auf dem
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    AUSWAHL FUNKTION BROT/PIZZA Durch Drehen des Zeigers am „Funktionswahlknopf“ auf das Symbol mit zwei automatischen Backfunktionen für „Brot“ und „Pizza“. gelangen Sie in ein Untermenü Brot 1. 2. 3. 4. Drehen Sie den „Funktionswahlknopf“ auf das Symbol : Auf dem Display erscheint „BREAD“ (Brot) und
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    Helligkeit Um die Helligkeit des Bildschirms zu ändern, gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor: 1. Drehen Sie den „Navigationsknopf“, bis „BRIGHTNESS“ angezeigt wird. 2. Drücken Sie die Taste 3 : Auf dem Display erscheint die Ziffer 1. 3. Drehen Sie den „Navigationsknopf“, um die Helligkeit zu erhöhen oder
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    TABELLE FUNKTIONSBESCHREIBUNGEN FUNKTIONSWAHLKNOPF OFF SPEZIAL-FUNKTIONEN LAMPE Zum Unterbrechen des Garvorgangs und Abschalten des Geräts. Zum Ein-/Ausschalten der Innenbeleuchtung. Zur Beschleunigung des Auftauens von Speisen. Es wird empfohlen, das Gargut auf die mittlere Ebene zu geben. Es wird
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    GRILL GRILL + HEISSLUFT EINSTELLUNGEN FUNKTIONSWAHLKNOPF (Forts.) Zum Grillen von Steaks, Fleischspießen und Bratwurst, zum Überbacken von Gemüse und Rösten von Brot. Es wird empfohlen, das Gargut auf die 4. Ebene zu geben. Zum Grillen von Fleisch. Es wird empfohlen, eine Fettpfanne zu verwenden,
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    GARTABELLE Rezept Betriebsart Vorheizen Einschubebene (von unten) Ja 2 Temp. (°C) 160-180 Zeit Zubehör und (Min.) Hinweise 30-90 Kuchenform auf Rost Hefekuchen Gefüllter Kuchen (Käsekuchen, Strudel, Obstkuchen) Plätzchen, Törtchen Ja 1-3 160-180 30-90 Ja 2 160-200 30-85 Ja 1-3 160-200 35-90 Ja 2
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    Rezept Blätterteigtörtchen, Salziges Blätterteiggebäck Lasagne, überbackene Pasta, Cannelloni, Aufläufe Lamm, Kalb, Rind, Schwein 1 kg Hähnchen, Kaninchen, Ente 1 kg Puter, Gans 3 kg Fisch gebacken / in Folie (Filet, ganz) Gefülltes Gemüse (Tomaten, Zucchini, Auberginen) Röstbrot Betriebsart
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    Rezept Betriebsart Vorheizen Einschubebene (von unten) Temp. (°C) Ofenkartoffeln - 2 2 (Mitte) Gratiniertes Gemüse - 2 3 (oben) Lasagne, Fleisch Ja 1-3 200 Fleisch, Kartoffeln Ja 1-3 200 Fisch, Gemüse Ja 1-3 180 * Zeit Zubehör und (Min.) Hinweise Fettpfanne / Backblech (Gargut bei 45-55 Bedarf nach
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    ERPROBTE REZEPTE in Konformität mit den Richtlinien IEC 50304/60350:2009-03 und DIN 3360-12:07:07 Rezept Betriebsart Vorheizen Einschubebene Temp. (von unten) (°C) IEC 60350:2009-03 § 8.4.1 Mürbteigkekse (Shortbread)** Zeit Zubehör und (Min.) Hinweise Fettpfanne / Kuchenblech Ebene 3: Kuchenblech
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    HINWEISE ZUM GEBRAUCH UND EMPFEHLUNGEN So lesen Sie die Garzeittabelle Die Tabelle gibt die beste Garfunktion für ein bestimmtes Lebensmittel an, das auf einer oder mehreren Ebenen gleichzeitig gegart werden kann. Die Garzeiten gelten ab dem Moment, in dem Sie das Gargut in den Ofen geben, die
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    Pizza Fetten Sie die Bleche, damit auch der Pizzaboden knusprig wird. Verteilen Sie die Mozzarella nach zwei Dritteln der Garzeit auf der Pizza. Funktion Aufgehen lassen Sie sollten den Teig immer mit einem feuchten Tuch abdecken, bevor Sie ihn in den Ofen stellen. Bei dieser Funktion verkürzt sich
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    IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS YOUR SAFETY AND THAT OF OTHERS IS PARAMOUNT This manual and the appliance itself provide important safety warnings, to be read and observed at all times. This is the danger symbol, pertaining to safety, which alerts users to potential risks to themselves and others.
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    - - - - - - - - The accessible parts of the appliance may become very hot during use. Young children should be kept away from the appliance and supervised to ensure that they do not play with it. The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching
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    Scrapping of household appliances - - This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials. Scrap the appliance in accordance with local regulations on waste disposal. Before scrapping, cut off the power cords so that the appliances cannot be connected to the mains. For further
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    Energy saving - Only pre-heat the oven if specified in the cooking table or your recipe. Use dark lacquered or enamelled baking moulds as they absorb heat far better. Switch the oven off 10/15 minutes before the set cooking time. Food requiring prolonged cooking will continue to cook even once the
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    Oven interior IMPORTANT: do not use abrasive sponges or metallic scrapers or scourers. Over time, these can ruin enamelled surfaces and the oven door glass. • After every use, allow the oven to cool then clean it preferably while it is still warm in order to remove built-up dirt and stains caused
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    TO REMOVE THE SIDE GRILLES In some models, the side accessory holder grilles are equipped with fixing screws (Fig. 3) for optimum stability. 1. Remove the screws and relative plates on the right and left with the aid of a coin or tool (Fig. 4). 2. To remove the grilles, lift the up (1) and turn
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    INSTRUCTIONS FOR OVEN USE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTION, SEE THE PARAGRAPH ON INSTALLATION 1. Control panel 2. Upper heating element/grill 3. Cooling fan (not visible) 4. Dataplate (not to be removed) 5. Lamp 6. Circular heating element (not visible) 7. Fan 8. Turnspit (if present) 9. Lower heating
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    INSERTING WIRE SHELVES AND OTHER ACCESSORIES IN THE OVEN The wire shelf and other accessories are provided with a locking mechanism to prevent their unintentional removal. Fig. 1 1. 2. Insert the wire shelf horizontally, with the raised part “A” upwards (Fig. 1). Angle the wire shelf when it
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    DESCRIPTION OF DISPLAY I H G F E A B A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. C D Display of heating elements activated during the various cooking functions Time management symbols: timer, cooking time, end of cooking time, time Information regarding selected functions Automatic BREAD/PIZZA function selected
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    FAST PREHEATING 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn the “Functions” knob to the symbol to select the fast preheating function. Confirm by pressing 3 : the settings are shown on the display. If the proposed temperature is that desired, press button 3 . To change the temperature, proceed as described in previous
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    TIMER This function can be used only with the oven switched off and is useful, for example, for monitoring the cooking time of pasta. The maximum time which can be set is 23 hours and 59 minutes. 1. With the “Functions” knob at zero, turn the “Browse” knob to display the desired time. 2. Press
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    Pizza 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Turn the Functions knob to symbol : the display shows “BREAD”. To select the “PIZZA” function, proceed as follows: Turn the “Browse” knob: “PIZZA” appears on the display. Press 3 to select the function. Turn the “Browse” knob to set the required temperature (between 220°C and
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    OVEN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION TABLE FUNCTIONS KNOB OFF LAMP SPECIALS DEFROST To stop cooking and switch off the oven. To switch the oven interior light on/off. To speed up defrosting of food. Place food on the middle shelf. Leave food in its packaging in order to prevent it from drying out on the
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    FUNCTIONS KNOB (Continued) SETTINGS To set the display. (language, time, brightness, buzzer volume, energy saving) BREAD/PIZZA To bake different types and sizes of pizza and bread. This function contains two programmes with predefined settings. Simply indicate the values required (temperature and
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    COOKING TABLE Recipe Function Pre- Shelf (from heating bottom) Yes 2 Temp. (°C) 160-180 Leavened cakes Filled pies (cheesecake, strudel, apple pie) Shelf 3: cake tin on wire shelf 30-90 Shelf 1: cake tin on wire shelf Drip tray/baking tray or 30-85 cake tin on wire shelf Shelf 3: cake tin on wire
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    Recipe Function Pre- Shelf (from heating bottom) Yes Vols-au-vent / Puff pastry crackers Lasagne / Baked pasta / Cannelloni / Flans Lamb / Veal / Beef / Pork 1 Kg Chicken / Rabbit / Duck 1 Kg Turkey / Goose 3 Kg Baked fish / en papillote (fillet, whole) Stuffed vegetables (tomatoes, courgettes,
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    Recipe Function Pre- Shelf (from heating bottom) Temp. (°C) Lasagna & Meat Yes 1-3 200 Meat & Potatoes Yes 1-3 200 Fish & Vegetables Yes 1-3 180 * Time Accessories and notes (min) Shelf 3: oven tray on wire shelf 50-100* Shelf 1: drip tray or oven tray on wire shelf Shelf 3: oven tray on wire shelf
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    TESTED RECIPES (in compliance with IEC 50304/60350:2009-03 and DIN 3360-12:07:07) Recipe Function Pre- Shelf (from Temp. heating bottom) (°C) Time Accessories and notes (min) IEC 60350:2009-03 § 8.4.1 Yes 2 170 15-25 Drip tray / baking tray Yes 1-3 160 20-30 Yes 2 170 20-30 Drip tray / baking tray
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    RECOMMENDED USE AND TIPS How to read the cooking table The table indicates the best function to use for any given food, to be cooked on one or more shelves at the same time. Cooking times start from the moment food is placed in the oven, excluding pre-heating (where required). Cooking temperatures
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    Printed in Italy 03/2012 5019 410 01121 DE GB Copyright Whirlpool Europe s.r.l. 2012. All rights reserved Bauknecht, Polar and Ignis are registered trademarks of the Whirlpool group of companies. http://www.bauknecht.eu
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