Инструкция для ARCHOS Ondio SP

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3  Browser Mode (file system) 

This section explains 

How to…


Typical Browser Mode Screen 

Battery Level   Directory level   Mode Indicator 

Subfolder (directory) icon 


Text file icon 


Playlist file icon 


MP3 Music file icon






Currently selected file 


Navigate the file structure 


Recognize file types 

3.3   Display file information 


Delete a file or folder 


Create a new folder 


Use the Text Input mode 


Read Text files 

Notice the vertical scroll bar on the left of the screen. This indicates that there are more files at 

this level. Use the Up and Down buttons to see the files. 

**Although the Ondio will store any type of file, only the files with extentions.mp3,.m3u,.txt and 

folders will be displayed on the screen.



How to Navigate the file structure 

Notice carefully the directory level 


on the top of the screen in the example above. This tells you at what depth you are in the file system. 

When you turn on the Ondio, you are at the root level, level 0. From there, each time you enter a folder (Click Right button to enter a folder), you 

go down one level. This indicator gives you a sense of how deep in the file system hierarchy you are. To go back up one level, you will click on 

the left button 

. If, for example, you are at level 02, then you should click on the Left button two times to return to the root level of the file 



How to Recognize file types 

The Browser mode allows you to view all your MP3 files. The Ondio will store any type of file (think of it as a 128MB hard drive). However, 

when you go into the Browser Mode, you will only see the files with the extensions.mp3 (music), .m3u (Playlist), and .txt (text file). As shown in 

the screen above, each of these recognized file types has its specific icon type. 


How to Display file information 

If you would like to view information about an MP3 file, you must first play it. While it is playing or is paused, you can hold down the Mode 


 which will bring you to a 


 screen. Scroll down using the Down button to the option 

File info

. When you execute this option, 

you will see information about the file such as bit rate, sample resolution, size, and file name.



How to Delete a file or folder 

While in the browser mode, navigate to the file you want to delete. Once highlighted, hold down on the Mode button 

 until the question screen 

appears. You can then scroll down (using the down button) to the delete option. Click on the right button to make the delete happen. You will then 

be asked to validate your response. 

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 21
    English User Manual ONDIO™ SP 128 MB MP3 Player USB 1.1 PC/Mac compatible ARCHOS Ondio™ SP User Manual version 1.0 Please visit our web site to download the most recent manual and firmware for this product
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    Warranty and Limited Liability This product is sold with a limited warranty and specific remedies are available to the original purchaser in the event the product fails to conform to the limited warranty. Manufacturer’s liability may be further limited in accordance with its sales contract. In
  • Страница 3 из 21
    Table of Contents 1 2 Technical Specifications............................................................................................... 4 Product Introduction ................................................................................................... 5 2.1 2.2 3 Browser Mode (file
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    1 Technical Specifications Capacity* Interface and transfer to computer 128 MB Flash memory (2 hours of MP3 music at 128 kbps). * Memory capacity can be enhanced by adding MultimediaCards (MMC). USB 1.1 (PC and Mac) Supported formats MP3 playback (30 to 320 kbps - VBR). Display Audio specifications
  • Страница 5 из 21
    2 Product Introduction We hope you receive years of enjoyment from your Ondio™ SP. Dear Customer, Thanks again for purchasing our product. Thank you for purchasing the new Ondio™ SP 128MB MP3 player. Please take the time to read through this user manual in order to get the Wishing you the best
  • Страница 6 из 21
    2.2 Starting up the Ondio Opening the battery cover First install the three included AAA batteries. As shown in the photo, press downward on the top of the battery cover and pull outward. The bottom will hinge outward and then snap out. Be sure to install the batteries with the + positive and –
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    3 Browser Mode (file system) This section explains Typical Browser Mode Screen How to… 3.1 Navigate the file structure 3.2 Recognize file types 3.3 Display file information 3.4 Delete a file or folder 3.5 Create a new folder 3.6 Use the Text Input mode 3.7 Read Text files Battery Level Directory
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    3.5 How to Create a new folder Go to the folder (directory) where you would like to create a new folder. Hold down the Mode button until the questions screen appears. You can then scroll down (using the down button) to the Make directory option. Click on the right button to select this option. You
  • Страница 9 из 21
    4 Playing MP3 Music files This section explains Typical MP3 File Playing Screen How to… 4.1 Play an MP3 file 4.2 Play a Playlist Battery Level Current Volume level Mode Indicator Artist name (ID 3 tag) 4.3 Create a Playlist 4.4 Adjust the Sound Quality Album name (ID 3 tag) Song name* (ID 3 tag)
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    4.3 How to Create a Playlist The Playlist exists in the Ondio’s internal memory first, then it is saved for later use. If you create a Playlist without saving it, it will be lost the next time you turn on the Ondio. To put a song into the Playlist, first you will highlight it in the Browser mode.
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    4.4 How to Adjust the Sound Settings As shown to the left, the sound settings can be reached by going to the Settings mode. Typically however, you will want to change your sound settings while you are listening to your music. While listening to an MP3 file, press and hold the Mode button until the
  • Страница 12 из 21
    5 Settings and MultiMediaCard (MMC) Expansion This section explains Typical Settings Screen How to… 5.1 Adjust the Settings 5.2 Expand the capacity of the Ondio with Battery Level a MultiMediaCard Mode Indicator Vertical scroll indicates there are more items in the list Setting value Selected line
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    6 Connecting the ONDIO to a PC or Mac This section explains How to… 6.1 Connecting the Ondio to a PC 6.2 Disconnecting the Ondio from a PC 6.3 Use the Ondio file format 6.4 Connect the Ondio to a Macintosh® Data is being Ondio is connected transferred to your computer between the Ondio and your
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    6.2 Disconnecting the Ondio from a PC If you are running Windows 98 SE, you can simply disconnect the USB cable from the Ondio and then use the Ondio as normal. Attention: Make sure you do not disconnect the Ondio while data is being 1. Safe remove icon here transferred to or from it. Ondio
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    7 MusicMatch™ Software The best way to use your Ondio is by employing the included MusicMatch™ software. This software will help you to create Playlists, rename files, change ID 3 tag information (Artist, Album, Song title), and execute other useful MP3 related functions such as transforming your
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    8 Technical Support  If technical support determines that your product needs to be returned, please contact the place of purchase to have your product repaired or replaced (depending on problem type). Customers who purchased directly from the Archos web site should fill out the form on the web
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    9 Appendix A - Settings Table Numeric values can be changed with Left and Right buttons Settings (in order) 1. Music Submenu 2. Language Multiple Choice Values Goes to Music settings submenu English, Français, Deutsche 3. Open Playlist Opens playlist 4. Firmware current value 5. Flash Diagnostic &
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    10 Appendix B - Screen & Button Descriptions Scroll down one line of text Hold: scroll down high speed Scroll up one line of text Hold: scroll up high speed Reading Text Files Screen You arrive here via the browser mode with the user having clicked on a text file. Ondio will default to RAW mode.
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    Settings Mode Move the highlight up On settings with numeric values, adjust the values directly. Changes take effect immediately. Move the highlight down If the setting is a value, then decrease value If the setting is a value, then increase value. If a non-value setting, go to list of choices.
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    Playlist Screen Move the cursor up the list You arrive at this screen from item 3 of the Settings mode (Open Playlist). Move the cursor down the list Click to delete current song. Hold to clear the entire Playlist. 1 click: go to question screen “You would like to…” 1. Save current Playlist 2. Move
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