Инструкция для ARISTON SI 150 M

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Personal injury from the
falling splinters or fragments,
inhalation of dust, shocks,
cuts, pricks and abrasions.

Damage to the appliance or
surrounding objects from
falling splinters, knocks and


Use manual tools and
equipment suitable for the
intended use (in particular,
make sure that the tool is not
worn and that the handle is
intact and fully fastened to the
rest of the tool); use them
correctly and make sure they
don’t fall from a height. Put them
safely back in place after use.


Personal injury from electrocution,
falling splinters or fragments,
inhalation of dust, shocks, cuts,
pricks, abrasions, noise and

Damage to the appliance or
surrounding objects from falling
splinters, knocks and incisions.


Use electrical equipment suitable
for the intended use (in particular,
make sure that the power supply
cable and plug are intact and that
the par ts featuring rotary or
reciprocating motion are fastened
correctly); use this equipment
correctly; do not obstruct
passageways with the power
supply cable, make sure no
equipment could fall from a
height. Disconnect it and put it
safely back in place after use.


Personal injury from falling from a
height or from cuts (stepladders
shutting accidentally).


Make sure any por table ladders
are positioned securely, and that
they are suitably resistant and
that the steps are intact and not
slippery and do not slide around
when someone climbs them and
ensure someone supervises at all


Personal injury from falling from
a height.


Make sure any rolling ladders
are positioned securely, that they
are suitably resistant, that the
steps are intact and not slippery,
that they are fitted with handrails
on either side of the ladder and
parapets on the landing.






Personal injury from falling from a


During all work carried out at a
cer tain height (generally with a
difference in height of more than
two metres), make sure that
parapets are used to surround
the works area or individual har
nesses designed to prevent
falls, and that the space covered
during any accidental fall is free
from dangerous obstacles, and
that any impact upon falling is
cushioned by semi-rigid or de
formable surfaces.


Personal injury due to knocks,
stumbling and injuries


Make sure the place of work has
suitable hygiene and sanitary
conditions in terms of lighting,
ventilation, the solidity of the
structures and emergency exits.


Personal injury from electrocution,
falling splinters or fragments,
inhalation of dust, shocks, cuts,
pricks, abrasions, noise and


During all work, wear individual
protective clothing and


Personal injury from cuts, pricks and


All operations on the inside of
the appliance must be per
formed with the necessary
caution in order to avoid abrupt
contact with the sharp par ts.


Damage to the plastic and painted


Do not use any insecticides,
solvents or aggressive
detergents to clean the

Damage to the appliance due to
operation overload.
Damage to objects treated


Do not use the appliance for any
use other than normal domestic

Damage to the appliance due to
improper use.


Do not allow children or
inexperienced people to use
the appliance.



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    WE MAKES USE OF RECYCLED PAPER 1A0001EX40100 / alpha arts Ariston Thermo Group SpA Viale Aristide Merioni, 45 60044 Fabriano (AN) Tel. 0732.6011 Telefax. 0732.602331 Telex 560160 www.aristonthermo.com
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    Ññûëêà Ïðåäóïðåæäåíèå Îïàñíîñòü Ïàäåíèå ïðåäìåòîâ èç-çà âèáðàöèé àãðåãàòà 5. Íå îñòàâëÿéòå ïîñòîðîííèå ïðåäìåòû Ïîâðåæäåíèå àãðåãàòà íà àãðåãàòå èëè íàõîäÿùèõñÿ ñíèçó ïðåäìåòîâ ïî ïðè÷èíå ïàäåíèÿ ïðåäìåòîâ èç-çà âèáðàöèé àãðåãàòà Îïàñíîñòü ïàäåíèÿ ñ àãðåãàòà 6 Íå çàëåçàéòå íà àãðåãàò SimboloÑèìâîë
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    Ïðè îáðàòíîé óñòàíîâêå ôëàíöà ñ 5 áîëòàìè (Ñ 6) îáðàùàéòå Ñ ðèñ. 6 âíèìàíèå, ÷òîáû çàêðóòèòü ãàéêè íàäëåæàùèì îáðàçîì. Îáÿçàòåëüíî ñîáëþäàéòå ïîðÿäîê çàêðóòêè ïåðåêðåñòíîãî òèïà. ÈÍÑÒÐÓÊÖÈÈ ÏÎ ÝÊÑÏËÓÀÒÀÖÈÈ ÄËß ÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÒÅËß ! ATTENZIONE! Seguire scrupolosamente le avvertenze generali e le norme di
  • Страница 10 из 26
    ÏÎËÅÇÍÛÅ ÑÂÅÄÅÍÈß GENERAL WARNINGS Åñëè èç êðàíà âûõîäèò õîëîäíàÿ âîäà Ïðîâåðüòå: - çàïèòàíû ëè çàæèìû òåðìîñòàòà; - òåðìîâûêëþ÷àòåëü òåðìîñòàòà; - íàãðåâàòåëüíûå ýëåìåíòû ñîïðîòèâëåíèÿ. Åñëè èç êðàíà âûõîäèò êèïÿòîê (ïðèñóòñòâèå ïàðà) Îòêëþ÷èòå ýëåêòðîïèòàíèå àãðåãàòà è âûçîâèòå óïîëíîìî÷åííîãî
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    Ref. GENERAL SAFETY NORMS Warning Symbol Meaning 6 Failure to comply with this warning implies the risk of personal injury, in 7 circumstances even serious, to property, plants or animals. Ref. 1 Obligation to keep to the general safety norms and appliance specifications Warning Risk 8
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    Ref. 13 14 15 16 Warning Use manual tools and equipment suitable for the intended use (in particular, make sure that the tool is not worn and that the handle is intact and fully fastened to the rest of the tool); use them correctly and make sure they don’t fall from a height. Put them safely back
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    Ref. Warning 26 27 28 SimboloSymbol Make all electrical connections Fire due to overheating from using conductors with a suitable electrical current passing through undersized cables section 24 25 Risk Protect the appliance and all areas in the vicinity of the work place using suitable material.
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    The installation, set-up, maintenance and possible replacement of the water heater must be carried out by qualified personnel in conformity with the applicable norms in force and with any provisions set for th by local authorities and public health bodies. Before carrying out any maintenance work
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    - small-size tubes - taps with ceramic plates, it is necessary to install pressure stabilisers, ram stabilisers or an expansion vessel that is suited to the installation as close as possible to the taps. The working life of the water heater is affected by the operation of the galvanic
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    keep the hot water tap open for a few minutes before using any electric household appliance; do not smoke in the vicinity of the point of use; do not light free flames or gas hob flames near the point of use. However water must be drained from a tap connected to the appliance at least every 3
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    Pressure safety device The pressure safety device must be enabled regularly (once a month) to remove the limescale deposits and to check that it is not clogged. AVVERTENZE GENERALI 1. Il presente libretto costituisce parte integrante ed essenziale del prodotto. Va conservato con cura e dovrà sempre
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    Ref. NORME DI SICUREZZA GENERALI Warning Risk SimboloSymbol Legenda simboli: Simbolo Significato 6 Non salire sull’apparecchio circostanze anche mor tali, per le persone Il mancato rispetto dell’avver tenza compor ta rischio di danneggiamenti, in determinate 7 circostanze anche gravi, per oggetti,
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    Ref. 13 14 15 16 17 Warning Risk Adoperare utensili ed attrezzature manuali adeguati all’uso (in particolare assicurarsi che l’utensile non sia deteriorato e che il manico sia integro e correttamente fissato), utilizzarli correttamente, assicurarli da eventuale caduta dall’alto, riporli dopo l’uso
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    Ref. 27 28 Warning Risk Organizzare la dislocazione del materiale e delle attrezzature in modo da renderne agevole e sicura la movimentazione, evitando cataste che possano essere soggetto a cedimenti o crolli Danneggiamento dell’apparecchio o di oggetti circostanti per urti, colpi, incisioni,
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    - Umidità: non installare l’apparecchio in locali chiusi (non ventilati) ed umidi. Gelo: non installare l’apparecchio in ambienti in cui è probabile l’abbassamento di temperature a livelli critici. Raggi solari: non esporre l’apparecchio direttamente ai raggi solari, anche in presenza di vetrate.
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    alle norme vigenti, in quanto il costruttore dell’apparecchio non è responsabile per eventuali danni causati dalla mancanza di messa a terra dell’impianto o per anomalie di alimentazione elettrica. ! Vedi avvertenza rif. 24 Verificare che l’impianto sia adeguato alla potenza massima assorbita dallo
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    dopo ogni rimozione della flangia è consigliabile la sostituzione della guarnizione (Z fig.7). Per il rimontaggio della flangia a 5 bulloni (C fig.6),fare attenzione a serrare adeguatamente i dadi. E’ obbligatorio rispettare il serraggio di tipo “incrociato”. NORME D’USO PER L’UTENTE ! ATTENZIONE!
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    lo stato del tubo di prelievo dell’acqua calda; i componenti elettrici. Fuoriuscita d’acqua dal dispositivo contro le sovrapressioni Un gocciolamento di acqua dal dispositivo è da ritenersi normale durante la fase di riscaldamento. Se la fuoriuscita continua durante il periodo di non riscaldamento,
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    COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO PRODOTTI MONOFASE 3kW Cavo 3x1,5 mm 2 A = Cavo di alimentazione C = Termostato monofase E = Flangia a chinque bulloni J = Involucro estemo K = Lampada spia Zona X Fig. 8 COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO PRODOTTI TRIFASE 3kW Cavo 4x1,5 mm 2 Fig. 4A Fig. 4B Zona X Fig. 9 A = Cavo di
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