Инструкция для BEST KB ASC 180

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motor speed to zero (stopping); in any case however, after approximately 1 minute, the hood resumes automatic
operation at the speed set by the sensor. Whenever the key is pressed during the display of filter alarms,
a RESET occurs, and the counting of the hours resumes again.  Key E : increases motor speed; in any case
however, after approximately 1 minute, the hood resumes automatic operation at the speed set by the sensor.
Modification of sensor sensitivity: sensor sensitivity can be modified by operating as follows:

stop the hood by pressing key B. – Simultaneously press keys D and E (the sensor’s sensitivity index will

appear on the display)  - Pressing keys D or E, the sensor’s sensitivity will either increase or decrease (1
: minimum sensitivity / 9: maximum sensitivity). – whenever the power supply is interrupted, the sensor will
resume operation with a sensitivity index of 5.
Warning: in order to avoid damaging the sensor, never use silicone products near the hood!


Key A : switches the lights on/off. Display C : - indicates the motor speed selected (from 1 to 4); - indicates
the operation of the Timer when the number is flashing; - indicates filter alarms whenever the central segment
is illuminated or flashing. Key D : decreases motor speed  / Stop / Reset;  decreases motor speed to zero
(stopping). Whenever the key is pressing during filter alarm display, a RESET occurs, and the counting of the
hours resumes again.  Key E : enables the motor /  increases motor speed /TIMER. Pressing this key starts
the motor (at the latest speed set); pressing the key again increases motor speed, while keeping the key pressed
down for a few seconds enables the TIMER, and 5 minutes later the motor will stop (while the number of speed
setting selected will simultaneously begin flashing on the display); the Timer will remain enabled if motor speed
is changed. In order to disable the Timer, press the key again.

Controls in Fig. 18:

Button A: Turns the lights on/off. If held down for about 2" when the filter alarm is active, it resets the hour counter.
Button B: Activates/deactivates the “Automatic” function. Light S – Filter alarm: When the light comes on, it indicates
that 30 h of use have elapsed; it remains on for 30". When the light S flashes, it means that about 120 h of operation
have elapsed. The filter reset is indicated only when the motor is off, both in manual and automatic mode.
Automatic operation with sensor:
When the button B is pressed, the automatic function is activated. This is indicated by the corresponding LED coming
on. When the LED B flashes, it means that the sensor is waiting for data.
Modifying sensor sensitivity:
While in manual mode and with the motor off, simultaneously press the buttons B and C. At this point, the set
sensitivity is indicated by the LED C, D or E coming on. To set the desired sensitivity press one of the buttons C, D
or E  (min, med, max). Press B again to store it.
Press button B once again to go to manual mode.
Operation as traditional hood:
If in automatic mode, press the button B to change to manual mode; the LED B goes off.
Press one of the buttons C, D or E to start the motor in 1st, 2nd or 3rd speed, respectively. Hold the same button
down for 2" to turn off the motor.

Controls in Fig. 19:

A) Turns the lights off.
B) Turns the lights on.
C) Reduces the motor speed until reaching zero. If pressed for 2" when the Filter Alarm is active, the HOUR counter is
D) Drives the motor (calling the last speed used) and increases the speed until reaching maximum.
E) Activates/deactivates the sensor (AUTOMATIC or MANUAL mode). In Automatic mode the sensor is active and the
letter “A” appears on the display (L).
L) Display:
- signals the running speed
- signals Automatic mode by displaying the letter “A”. When the motor speed is changed, the running speed is displayed
flashing 3 times, and then the letter “A” reappears.
- signals the filter alarm (with motor off) by displaying the central segment for 30".
FILTER ALARM: Displayed for 30" when the motor is off:
After 30h of operation the central segment lights up on the display; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned.
After 120h of operation, the central segment flashes on the display; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned
and the charcoal filters replaced.
After cleaning the grease filters (and/or replacing the charcoal filters), restart the hour counter (RESET) by pressing the
key C during display of the filter alarm.
GAS SENSOR SENSITIVITY: The sensitivity of the sensor can be modified to suit your requirements. To modify the
sensitivity, the appliance must be in manual mode (i.e. the running speed and not the letter “A” must appear on the display);
If not, press the key E.
Modify the sensitivity by simultaneously pressing the keys D and E. The set sensitivity is indicated on the display. By
means of the buttons C(-) and D(+) the desired sensitivity is set Store the “new” sensitivity by pressing the key E.

Controls in Fig. 20:

Push button  P1: LIGHTS . Switches on and off the lights.

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    ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The unit can be found in filtering hoods, exhaust hoods or in hoods with an outside motor. In the Filtering hoods (Fig.1) the air and steam taken up by the unit are purified with charcoal filters and returned to the environment through the aeration grids on the side of the flue.
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    motor speed to zero (stopping); in any case however, after approximately 1 minute, the hood resumes automatic operation at the speed set by the sensor. Whenever the key is pressed during the display of filter alarms, a RESET occurs, and the counting of the hours resumes again. Key E : increases
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    Push button P2: MOTOR: Switch on and off the motor. Switch on the motor to the latest used speed and if pressed different times changes the speed in a cyclic way (1,2,3,4,1,2…..) The speed set is visualized by the icon D5 and simultaneously the icon D8 switches on ( the speed of the rotational
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    DEUTSCH BESCHREIBUNG Das Gerät kann in Umluftversion, in Abluftversion und in der Version mit externem Motor geliefert werden. In der Umluftversion (Abb. 1) werden die durch das Gerät geleitete Luft und der Dampf durch Kohlefilter gereinigt und dann über die seitlichen Lüftungsgitter der Haube
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    FUNKTIONSWEISE Je nach Version ist das Gerät mit folgenden Bedienung ausgestattet: Bedienung von Abb. 16 / 17: AUTOMATISCHER BETRIEB MIT SENSOR: Taste A: Ein- und Ausschalten der Lampen. Taste B: Ein- und Ausschalten des “automatischen” Betriebs. Das Einschalten dieser Funktion wird durch ein “A”
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    ist der Sensor aktiviert und auf dem Display (L) erscheint der Buchstabe “A”. L) Display: - zeigt die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit an - zeigt den automatischen Betriebsmodus an, wobei der Buchstabe “A” erscheint. Wenn die Motorgeschwindigkeit geändert wird, wird die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit mit
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    außen. Abb. 22: Platte auf der Vorderseite der Haube mit den Händen ergreifen und drehen; Fettfilters entfernen; drücken Sie hierzu die Klammer in Richtung Geräterückseite und drehen Sie die Filter nach außen. Fettfilter mit Neutralreiniger reinigen. Kohlefilter: Wird die Haube als Umluftversion
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    Fixation des tuyaux télescopiques: Conditions essentielles pour le montage: – Prévoyez l’alimentation électrique à l’intérieur du tuyau télescopique. – Si l'appareil doit être installé en version Aspirante ou en version avec moteur extérieur, prévoyer le trou d’évacuation de l’air. Pour obtenir des
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    (en même temps, sur l’afficheur, le chiffre de la vitesse sélectionnée clignote); le minuteur reste activé si l’on modifie la vitesse du moteur. Pour désactiver le Minuteur, appuyer de nouveau sur la touche. Commandes de la Fig. 18: Touche A: Allume / Éteint les lumières, si la touche reste
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    Icône D4: CAPTEUR. Pour activer la fonction capteur, presser la touche P3. Pour désactiver le capteur, répéter la même opération. Avec le capteur activé, la hotte s’actionne automatiquement en présence de n’importe quel type d’odeur, vapeur, fumée ou chaleur provoquée par le processus de cuisson et
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    ITALIANO DESCRIZIONE L’apparecchio può essere in versione filtrante, in versione aspirante e in versione con motore esterno. Nella versione Filtrante (Fig.1) l’aria e i vapori convogliati dall’apparecchio, vengono depurati dai filtri al carbone e rimessi in circolazione nell’ambiente attraverso le
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    FUNZIONAMENTO A seconda delle versioni l'apparecchio è dotato dei seguenti tipi di comandi: COMANDI di Fig. 16 / 17: FUNZIONAMENTO AUTOMATICO CON SENSORE: Tasto A : accende / spegne le luci. Tasto B : attiva / disattiva la funzione “Automatico”. Attivando questa funzione, compare una “A” sul dislay
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    Dopo 30h di funzionamento, sul display si illumina il segmento centrale; indica che devono essere puliti i filtri antigrasso. Dopo 120h di funzionamento, sul display lampeggia il segmento centrale; indica che devono essere puliti i filtri antigrasso e sostituiti i filtri carbone. Una volta puliti i
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    IMPORTANTE : in caso di interruzione dell’alimentazione elettrica, il conteggio delle ore di utilizzo (per la pulizia dei filtri) viene azzerato. Illuminazione: - Per smontare le lampade alogene, svitare la ghiera in senso anti-orario (Fig. 23). Sostituire con lampade dello stesso tipo. ATTENZIONE:
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    Versión aspirante y con motor externo: Unan la brida de la campana extractora al orificio de evacuación de la pared/techo, mediante un flexible. Sólo para la versión con motor exterior (Fig. 11): Conecten la campana extractora a la centralita aspirante exterior utilizando los tableros de bornes a
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    al encenderse el LED C, D o E, se resalta la sensibilidad ya programada, por lo tanto para programar la sensibilidad deseada, pulse una de las teclas C, D, E, (mín, Med. MÁX); Pulse otra vez la Tecla B para memorizarla. Pulsando de nuevo la tecla B se pasa al modo manual. Funcionamiento como
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    Sensibilidad del sensor: La sensibilidad del sensor puede modificarse apretando simultáneamente los pulsadores P3 y P4 (en el display D5 se visualiza el valor programado, que puede ser de 1 a 9); para variar dicho valor apretar el pulsador P3. Para confirmar el valor, apretar el pulsador P4 (de
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    Regular a horizontalidade do exaustor de acordo com o alinhamento dos armários de cozinha, deslocando-o para a direita ou para a esquerda. Se houver necessidade de regular também a altura do exaustor, mexer nos parafusos de regulação específicos (V) (fornecidos com o aparelho). Concluída a
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    indica a activação do Timer quando o número pisca; - indica o alarme filtros quando o segmento central se acende ou pisca. Tecla D : diminui a velocidade do motor / Paragem / Reset; diminui a velocidade do motor até a zero (paragem). Pressionando a tecla durante a visualização do alarme filtros,
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    Ícone D1: FILTROS ANTI-GORDURA. Acende-se quando está na hora de limpar o/os filtro/os anti-gordura (depois de cerca de 30 horas de funcionamento da coifa). Depois de ter limpado o/os filtro/os anti-gordura, para fazer com que a contagem das horas comece novamente pressione a tecla P4. Ícone D3:
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    NEDERLANDS BESCHRIJVING Het apparaat kan in de filterversie, de afzuigversie en in de versie met een externe motor gebruikt worden. In de filterversie (Afb. 1) worden de door het apparaat geleide lucht en dampen gezuiverd door koolstoffilters en via de luchtroosters aan de zijkant van de
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    – Afb. 12 vast. Doe de onderste pijp omhoog en houd hem met tape op zijn plaats en sluit de flexibele pijp aan op het verloopstuk vna de afzuigkap. Breng de elektrische aansluiting van de afzuigkap door middel van de voedingskabel tot stand. Laat de onderste pijp zakken zodat hij op de afzuigkap
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    BEDIENINGEN van Afb. 19: A) verlichting uit. B) verlichting aan. C) Mindert de snelheid van de motor, tot de nulsnelheid wordt bekomen. Indien hij 2" lang wordt ingedrukt wanneer het Filteralarm actief is, zet hij de UREN-telling terug op nul. D) Schakelt de motor in (op de laatst gebruikte
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    Let op: om te voorkomen dat de sensor beschadigd wordt, dient men geen siliconenhoudende producten in de buurt van de afzuigkap te gebruiken! Vetfilters: bijzondere aandacht dient te worden geschonken aan de vetfilters die periodiek schoongemaakt dienen te worden.De afzuigkap geeft door middel van
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    1 A 2 3 4 V M B M1 M
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    5 A 6 B 8 A W = 7 = 9 10
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    11 C A B 12 G 13 14
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    15 16 A B C D E 17 A 18 S A 19 20 B C D E B C D E
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    21 23 24 22
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    04306964/4N- KASC70xx/K71xx/K72xx s.n.
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