Инструкция для SHARP GX-BT7

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Stel het toestel niet bloot aan druipend of spattend 

water om brand en elektrische schokken te voorkomen. 

Met vloeistoffen gevulde voorwerpen, zoals vazen, 

mogen niet op het toestel geplaatst worden.


Para evitar incêndio ou choque elétrico, n


o exponha 

este aparelho a gotejamento ou salpicamento de 

água. N


o coloque objetos com água como, por 

exemplo, um vaso de 


 ores, em cima do aparelho.


Tulipalon tai sähköiskun välttämiseksi laitetta ei saa 

altistaa tippuvalle tai roiskuvalle vedelle. Nestettä 

sisältäviä astioita kuten esim kukkamaljakoita ei saa 

asettaa laitteen päälle.


To prevent 


 re or shock hazard, do not expose this 

appliance to dripping or splashing. No objects 



with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the 



Til at forbygge ild og st


d risiko, lad vaere med at undsaette 

denne indretning for drypning eller overstaenkning. Der 

må ikke anbringes nogen genstande fyldt med vand, 

som for eksempel vaser, på dette apparat.


For å unngå brann eller kortslutning, utsett ikke 

produktet for vann eller fuktighet. Gjenstander som 

inneholder vaeske, feks. en blomstervase, må ikke 

plasseres oppå apparatet.


Älä vie laitetta sateeseen tai kosteisiin tiloihin. Jos laite 

on kostunut, anna sen kuivua ennen kuin käytät sitä 

verkkovirralla. Nestettä sisältäviä astioita kuten esim. 

kukkamaljakoita ei saa asettaa laitteen päälle.

„Made for iPod“,  „Made for iPhone“ und „Made for iPad“ bedeutet, 
dass ein elektronisches Zubehörteil speziell für den Anschluss an 
einen iPod, iPhone oder iPad konzipiert wurde und der Entwickler 
sich dafür verbürgt, dass das Gerät den Leistungsstandards 
von Apple entspricht. Apple ist nicht verantwortlich für den 
Betrieb dieses Gerätes oder dafür, dass es Sicherheits- und 
Regulierungsstandards einhält. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die 
Nutzung dieses Zubehörteils mit einem iPod, iPhone oder iPad zu 
einer Beeinträchtigung der drahtlosen Leistung führen kann.

Les termes « Made for iPod » , « Made for iPhone » et « Made for 
iPad » indiquent qu’un accessoire électronique a été spéci



conçu pour se raccorder respectivement à un iPod, iPhone ou 
iPad, et satisfait, sous certi


 cation du développeur, aux normes 

de performance d’Apple. Apple n’est pas responsable de l’emploi 
de cet appareil ni de sa conformité aux normes réglementaires et 
de sécurité. Veuillez noter que l’utilisation de cet accessoire avec 
l’iPod, l’iPhone ou iPad peut affecter les performances sans 



“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” y “Made for iPad” signi



que se ha diseñado un accesorio electrónico para conectar 


 camente al iPod, iPhone o iPad, respectivamente, 

y el fabricante ha certi


 cado que cumple con las normas 

de desempeño de Apple. Apple no se responsabiliza por el 
funcionamiento de este dispositivo ni por su cumplimiento con las 
normas de seguridad y regulatorias. Tenga en cuenta que el uso 
de este accesorio con el iPod, el iPhone o el iPad puede afectar el 
funcionamiento del inalámbrico.

”Made for iPod”, ”Made for iPhone” och ”Made for iPad” innebär 
att ett elektroniskt tillbehör har designats för att kopplas speci



till en iPod, iPhone eller iPad och har certi


 erats av utvecklaren 

för att tillfredsställa Apples prestandanormer. Apple ansvarar inte 
för användning av denna apparat eller dess överensstämmelse 
med säkerhetsnormer och föreskrifter. Observera att användning 
av detta tillbehör med iPod, iPhone eller iPad kan påverka den 
trådlösa prestandan.

“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” e “Made for iPad” signi



che un accessorio elettronico è stato progettato per essere 


 camente collegato iPod, iPhone o iPad, rispettivamente; 

inoltre, il produttore ne ha certi


 cato la conformità agli standard 

di funzionamento Apple. Apple non si ritiene responsabile circa 
il funzionamento del presente dispositivo o la sua conformità 
con gli standard normativi e relativi alla sicurezza. L’utilizzo di 
questo accessorio con iPod, iPhone o iPad potrebbe in


 uire sulle 

prestazioni wireless.

„Made for iPod”, „Made for iPhone” en „Made for iPad” betekent 
dat een electronische accessoire ontworpen is om speci



aangesloten te worden op de iPod, iPhone of iPad respectievelijk 
en gecerti


 ceerd is door de ontwerper om aan de Apple prestatie 

maatstaven te voldoen. Apple is niet verantwoordelijk voor de 
werking van dit apparaat of zijn naleving aan veiligheids- en 
regelgevende maatstaven. Realiseer u, dat het gebruik van 
dit accessoire een negatieve invloed kan hebben op draadloos 
gebruik van uw iPod, iPhone of iPad.

A indicação “Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” e “Made for iPad” 


 ca que um acessório electrónico foi concebido para se 

ligar especi


 camente ao iPod, iPhone ou iPad, respectivamente, 

e foi certi


 cado pelo fabricante para satisfazer os padrões 

de desempenho da Apple. A Apple não é responsável pelo 
funcionamento deste aparelho ou pelo cumprimento das 
normas de segurança e regulamentares. De salientar que o uso 
deste acessório com o iPod,  iPhone ou iPad pode afectar o 
desempenho sem 



”Made for iPod”, ”Made for iPhone” ja ”Made for iPad” tarkoittavat 
sitä, että elektroninen lisälaite on suunniteltu nimenomaisesti iPod,  
iPhone tai iPad. Valmistaja on serti


 oinut laitteen niin, että se vastaa 

Applen standardeja. Apple ei ole vastuussa laitteen toiminnasta 
tai sen yhdenmukaisuudesta turvallisuus- ja sääntelystandardien 
kanssa. Huomaa, että tämän lisälaitteen käyttö iPodin, iPhonen  tai 
iPadin kanssa saattaa vaikuttaa langattoman verkon toimintaan.

“Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” mean that 
an electronic accessory has been designed to connect speci



to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respectively, and has been certi


 ed by 

the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is 
not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance 
with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use 
of this accessory with iPod, iPhone, or iPad may affect wireless 

GX-BT7_COMMON.indd   iii

GX-BT7_COMMON.indd   iii

2013-07-19   06:59:17

2013-07-19   06:59:17

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 25
  • Страница 2 из 25
    ● Hereby, SHARP Electronics declares that this SHARP Wireless Bluetooth Speaker System GX-BT7 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The declaration of conformity may be consulted at: http://www.sharp.de/doc/GX-BT7.pdf BESONDERE
  • Страница 3 из 25
    ● Audio-visuelles Material kann Urheberrechte umfassen, die ohne Genehmigung des Eigentümers dieser Urheberrechte nicht aufgenommen werden dürfen. Siehe die entsprechenden nationalen Gesetze. ● Wanneer de ON/STAND-BY toets in de STAND-BY stand staat, loopt er nog steeds stroom (netspanning) in het
  • Страница 4 из 25
    ● Waarschuwing: Stel het toestel niet bloot aan druipend of spattend water om brand en elektrische schokken te voorkomen. Met vloeistoffen gevulde voorwerpen, zoals vazen, mogen niet op het toestel geplaatst worden. “Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” y “Made for iPad” significa que se ha diseñado
  • Страница 5 из 25
    Die Wortmarke Bluetooth® und die zugehörigen Logos sind Eigentum der Bluetooth SIG, Inc. und werden von SHARP unter Lizenz verwendet. Andere Marken und Produktnamen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Rechteinhaber. Die Markierung N ist ein Markenzeichen oder von NFC Forum, Inc. in den USA und in anderen
  • Страница 6 из 25
    Entsorgungsinformationen A. Entsorgungsinformationen für Benutzer aus Privathaushalten 1. In der Europäischen Union Achtung: Werfen Sie dieses Gerät zur Entsorgung bitte nicht in den normalen Hausmüll! Gemäß einer neuen EU-Richtlinie, die die ordnungsgemäße Rücknahme, Behandlung und Verwertung von
  • Страница 7 из 25
    Informazioni per un corretto smaltimento Attenzione: Il dispositivo è contrassegnato da questo simbolo, che segnala di non smaltire le apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche insieme ai normali rifiuti domestici. Per tali prodotti è previsto un sistema di raccolta a parte. Informaçăo sobre
  • Страница 8 из 25
    Information on Proper Disposal Attention: Your product is marked with this symbol. It means that used electrical and electronic products should not be mixed with general household waste. There is a separate collection system for these products. A. Information on Disposal for Users (private
  • Страница 9 из 25
    Informationen zur Batterieentsorgung Die für dieses Produkt mitgelieferte Batterie kann Spuren von Blei enthalten. Für die EU: Die durchgestrichene Abfalltonne bedeutet, dass gebrauchte Batterien nicht mit dem Haushaltsmüll entsorgt werden sollten! Es gibt getrennte Sammelsysteme für gebrauchte
  • Страница 10 из 25
    ENGLISH Introduction Thank you for purchasing this SHARP product. To obtain the best performance from this product, please read this manual carefully. It will guide you in operating your SHARP product. Special Notes Supply of this product does not convey a license nor imply any right to distribute
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    Precautions (continued)  If your system does not work properly, disconnect the AC power lead from the wall socket. Plug the AC power lead back in, and then turn on your system.  In case of an electrical storm, unplug the unit for safety.  Hold the AC power plug by the head when removing it from
  • Страница 12 из 25
    Controls and indicators (continued)  Remote control 1 MUTE 2 3 4 5 6 ON/ ECO MODE STAND-BY 14 15 BASS TREBLE 16 E SOUND PAIRING 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 VOL 17 BLUETOOTH AUDIO IN USB 18 19 DIMMER RRMCGA342AWSA Remote control Plastic shield Page 1. Eco Mode Button
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    Power Source ECO MODE MUTE BASS ON/ ECO MODE STAND-BY VOL TREBLE PAIRING E SOUND BLUETOOTH AUDIO IN USB DIMMER RRMCGA342AWSA Wall socket AC 100 - 240 V ~ 50/60 Hz  AC power connection Notes:  Unplug the AC power lead from the wall socket if the unit will not be in use for a prolonged period of
  • Страница 14 из 25
    General control  Auto power off function ON/ STAND-BY MUTE BASS The unit will enter the stand-by mode if: Bluetooth: No connection for 60 seconds. USB: In the stop mode or no media for 20 minutes Audio In: No detection of input signal after 20 minutes Note: However, if iPod, iPhone, iPad or
  • Страница 15 из 25
    Bluetooth one touch connection via NFC Unlike other wireless technology, NFC requires no discovery or pairing. Simply tap the source device to the NFC tag to instantly enjoy seamless connectivity between your smart device and the audio system. ■ About NFC technology Near Field Communication (NFC)
  • Страница 16 из 25
    Listening to Bluetooth enabled devices ■ Bluetooth ■ Pairing with other Bluetooth source devices Bluetooth wireless technology is a short-range radio technology that enables wireless communication between various types of digital devices, such as mobile phone or computer. It operates within a range
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    Listening to Bluetooth enabled devices (continued) ■ Listening to the sound ■ To disconnect the Bluetooth device Check that: ● The source device Bluetooth functionality is ON. ● Pairing of this unit and the source device is completed. ● Unit is in connected mode (pairing indicator (BLUE) lights
  • Страница 18 из 25
    Listening on Android™ devices ■ Android device playback ■ Introduction : Open Accessory Open Accessory support allows external USB hardware (an Android USB accessory) to interact with an Androidpowered device in a special accessory mode. When an Android-powered device is in accessory mode, the
  • Страница 19 из 25
    Listening to the iPod, iPhone or iPad Made for: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● iPhone 5 iPhone 4S iPhone 4 iPhone 3GS iPhone 3G iPhone iPad (4th generation) iPad mini iPad (3rd generation) iPad 2 iPad iPod touch (5th generation) iPod touch (4th generation) iPod touch (3rd generation)
  • Страница 20 из 25
    Listening to USB mass storage device/MP3 player  To remove USB memory device 1 Press the button to stop playback. 2 Unplug USB memory device from the USB terminal. MUTE ON/ ECO MODE STAND-BY USB BASS VOL TREBLE PAIRING E SOUND BLUETOOTH AUDIO IN USB DIMMER RRMCGA342AWSA Note: This product is not
  • Страница 21 из 25
    Connecting other equipment 1 Use a connection lead to plug in the portable audio player, etc. to the AUDIO IN socket. When using video equipment, plug in the audio output to this unit and the video output to a television. 2 Press the ON/STAND-BY button to turn the power on. 3 Press the AUDIO IN
  • Страница 22 из 25
    Troubleshooting chart (continued)  iPod, iPhone or iPad Symptom  No sound is produced.  If problem occurs When this product is subjected to strong external interference (mechanical shock, excessive static electricity, abnormal supply voltage due to lightning, etc.) or if it is operated
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    Specifications As part of our policy of continuous improvement, SHARP reserves the right to make design and specification changes for product improvement without prior notice. The performance specification figures indicated are nominal values of production units. There may be some deviations from these
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    *TINSZB592AWZZ-F*| TINSZB592AWZZ GX-BT7_OM_BACK.indd 1 13H R KI 1 2013-07-18 22:39:57
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