Инструкция для BEHRINGER iNUKE NU1000DSP

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iNUKE NU6000DSP/NU3000DSP/NU1000DSP User Manual


Frequency Curve

—displays the filter curves in visual form, and allows 

click-and-drag manipulation of EQ frequencies and gain.

The Frequency Curve and Control View interact with each other and 

simultaneously shift as you change parameters in either view.

Parametric EQ Control View

The Control View of the Parametric EQ tab contains virtual knob controls for Gain, 

Frequency, Quality (parametric EQ only). Exact parameter values appear in boxes 

below each virtual knob. These parameters may be altered by either adjusting 

the virtual knobs or by entering values directly in the parameter boxes.
To activate an EQ band, click the button (Filter 1, Filter 2, and so on) at the top of 

each channel strip. The channel button will light up to indicate the EQ is active.
Pull-down Type menus for each EQ band contain these additional options:


PEQ (parametric EQ)


LS6 (low shelving EQ, with a 6 dB slope)


LS12 (low shelving EQ, with a 12 dB slope)


HS6 (high shelving EQ, with a 6 dB slope)


HS12 (high shelving EQ, with a 12 dB slope)

Parametric EQ Frequency Curve Display

The Frequency Curve displays a frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, with 15 dB 

of cut/boost displayed on the vertical axis. Within this graphic field, the EQ curve 

appears as a solid fill above and below the 0 dB center line and running from 

left to right. The curve shifts and moves to reflect changing parameter values. 

Dotted vertical lines indicate frequency points for the various EQ bands, 

numbered 1 through 8, and these frequency points can be selected and moved 

through the frequency spectrum using the mouse or trackpad. The gain for each 

EQ band may also be adjusted by using the frequency lines.

Adjusting Parametric EQ frequency via click-and-drag

1.  Click and hold on the numbered box at the top of the desired EQ band 

frequency line.

2.  Drag the frequency line to the desired location on the frequency spectrum.
3.  The EQ curve shown by the solid yellow fill will move and adjust as you shift 

the frequency line. The virtual knob and frequency displayed in the Control 

View will also simultaneously change as you move the frequency line in the 

Frequency Curve.

Adjusting Parametric EQ gain via click-and-drag

1.  Click and hold over the numbered box at the top of the desired EQ band’s 

frequency line.

2.  Move the cursor vertically up or down the frequency line to the desired gain level.

3.  The EQ curve shown by the solid yellow fill will re-size and adjust as you 

move the cursor up and down the frequency line. The virtual gain knob and 

gain dB displayed in the Control View will also simultaneously change as you 

move the cursor up and down frequency line in the Frequency Curve.

4.  Dynamic EQ

The Dynamic EQ tab displays and controls DEQ DSP module settings in two 

formats (similar to the Filter/Crossover  and Parametric EQ tabs):


Frequency Curve

—displays the layered dynamic EQ curves in visual form, 

and allows click-and-drag manipulation of dynamic EQ/filter frequencies 

and gain.


Control View

—allows parameter tweaks via virtual controls, as well 

as pull-down menus for EQ/filter type (Type) and gain reduction/boost 

ratio (Ratio).

The Frequency Curve and Control View interact with each other and 

simultaneously shift as you change parameters in either view.

Dynamic EQ Frequency Curve Display

The Frequency Curve displays a frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, with 

layered dynamic EQ curves. Within this graphic field, the dynamic EQ curves 

appear as solid yellow lines that appear at every 10 dB (0 to -50 dB) threshold on 

the vertical axis. The curves shift and move to reflect changing parameter values. 

Dotted vertical lines indicate frequency points for the various dynamic EQ bands, 

numbered 1 and 2 (per channel), and these frequency points can be selected and 

moved through the frequency spectrum using the mouse or trackpad. The gain 

for each dynamic EQ band may also be adjusted by using the frequency lines.

Adjusting dynamic EQ frequency via click-and-drag

1.  Click and hold on the numbered box at the top of the desired dynamic 

EQ band frequency line.

2.  Drag the frequency line to the desired location on the frequency spectrum.
3.  The layered dynamic EQ curves shown by the layered yellow lines will move 

and adjust as you shift the frequency line. The virtual knob and frequency 

displayed in the Control View will also simultaneously change as you move 

the frequency line in the Frequency Curve.