Инструкция для BEST K ASC 1288

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Depending on the model, the unit is equipped with the following controls:

CONTROLS shown in Fig.19:

A) Turns the LIGHTS off
B) Turns the LIGHTS on.
C) Decreases speed down to minimum speed. If pressed for 2" the motor is turned off.
D) Activates the motor (calling the last speed used) and increases the speed until reaching maximum..
E) FILTER ALARM/TIMER RESET: when pressing the key during display of the filter alarm (motor off) it resets the
hour counter. When pressing the key when the motor is running, the TIMER is activated and the hood will automatically
be switched off after 5  minutes.
L1) The 4 green LEDs indicate the running speed.
L2) When the LED is red (motor off) it indicates the FILTER ALARM. When the LED is green (flashing) it indicates
that the TIMER has been activated with the key E.
After 30h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED. It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned.
After 120h of operation, the LED L2 turns RED and flashes; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned and
the charcoal filters replaced.
After cleaning the grease filters (and/or replacing the charcoal filters), restart the hour counter (RESET) by pressing
the key E during display of the filter alarm.

CONTROLS shown in Fig.20:

P1) OFF/- Lights: Decreases light intensity down to minimum intensity. If pressed for 2 seconds, the lights are switched
P2) ON/+ Lights: Switches on the lights using the last brightness level set (prior to the last time the lights were switched
off).Increases light intensity up to maximum intensity.
P3) OFF/- Engine:  Decreases speed down to minimum speed. If pressed for 2 seconds, the engine is switched off.
If pressed for 2 seconds when FILTER ALARM is active,  HOUR metering is reset.
P4)  ON/+  Engine: Switches on the engine using the speed set (prior to the last time the engine was switched
off).Increases the speed of the engine up to maximum speed (NON INTENSIVE). If pressed for 2 seconds, the 5-minute
Timer is activated and HIGHLIGHTED by flashing speed indication LEDs. If pressed for 2 seconds when the Timer
is active, it is ELIMINATED.
P5) INT: Only functions with ENGINE ON. If pressed once, it activates the FIRST intensive speed; if pressed for a
second times, the SECOND intensive is activated; if pressed for a THIRD time, the speed set prior to the intensive
(that is one of the first 4) is set again.
L1) The 4 green LEDs indicate the running speed.
L2)  2-colour LED: GREEN indicates the First Intensive Speed RED indicates the Second Intensive Speed.
After 30h of operation, the first 2 leds  (L1) flash; it indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned.
After 120h of operation, - the last 2 leds (L1) flash;  It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned and the charcoal
filters replaced. After cleaning the grease filters (and/or replacing the charcoal filters), restart the hour counter
(RESET) by pressing the key P3 during display of the filter alarm.

CONTROLS of Fig.21:

A) Turns the lights off.
B) Turns the lights on.
C) Reduces the motor speed until reaching zero. If pressed for 2" when the Filter Alarm is active, the HOUR counter
is reset.
D) Drives the motor (calling the last speed used) and increases the speed until reaching maximum.
E) Activates/deactivates the sensor (AUTOMATIC or MANUAL mode). In Automatic mode the sensor is active and
the letter “A” appears on the display (L).
L) Display:
- signals the running speed
- signals Automatic mode by displaying the letter “A”. When the motor speed is changed, the running speed is displayed
flashing 3 times, and then the letter “A” reappears.
- signals the filter alarm (with motor off) by displaying the central segment for 30".
FILTER ALARM: Displayed for 30" when the motor is off:
After 30h of operation the central segment lights up on the display; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned.
After 120h of operation, the central segment flashes on the display; It indicates that the grease filters need to be cleaned
and the charcoal filters replaced. After cleaning the grease filters (and/or replacing the charcoal filters), restart the hour
counter (RESET) by pressing the key C during display of the filter alarm.
GAS SENSOR SENSITIVITY: The sensitivity of the sensor can be modified to suit your requirements. To modify the
sensitivity, the appliance must be in manual mode (i.e. the running speed and not the letter “A” must appear on the display);
If not, press the key E. Modify the sensitivity by simultaneously pressing the keys D and E. The set sensitivity is indicated

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    ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The hood may be in the filtering or the ducting version. Filtering version (Fig. 1): The hood aspirates the kitchen air saturated with fumes and odours, purifies it through the grease filters and charcoal filter and returns clean air into the room. For constant efficiency, the
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    OPERATION Depending on the model, the unit is equipped with the following controls: CONTROLS shown in Fig.19: A) Turns the LIGHTS off B) Turns the LIGHTS on. C) Decreases speed down to minimum speed. If pressed for 2" the motor is turned off. D) Activates the motor (calling the last speed used) and
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    on the display. By means of the buttons C(-) and D(+) the desired sensitivity is set Store the “new” sensitivity by pressing the key E. ATTENTION: TO PREVENT DAMAGING THE SENSOR, DO NOT USE SILICONE PRODUCTS NEAR THE HOOD! CONTROLS of Fig. 22: Key A : Turns the LIGHTS off Key B : Turns the LIGHTS
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    150 mm). Für die Luftabführung nach außen alle weiteren Angaben im Blatt “Hinweise” befolgen. Die Stromzufuhr innerhalb des vom dekorativen Rohr benötigten Raums vorbereiten (für den elektrischen Anschluss alle weiteren im Blatt “Hinweise” aufgeführten Angaben befolgen). 1. Die Platte der
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    FILTERALARM: Nach einer Betriebszeit von 30h leuchtet LED L2 stets ROT, um anzuzeigen, dass die Fettfilter gereinigt werden müssen. Nach einer Betriebszeit von 120h blinkt LED L2 ROT, um anzuzeigen, dass die Fettfilter gereinigt und die Kohlenfilter ausgetauscht werden müssen. Nach der Reinigung
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    wird der Motor gestoppt, die Geschwindigkeit bleibt jedoch gespeichert. Taste D : Motor betätigen (durch Aufrufen der zuletzt eingestellten Geschwindigkeit) und Geschwindigkeit bis zum Erreichen der Höchststufe hochfahren. L Display: - zeigt die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit an. - gibt Hinweis auf
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    1. Monter la plaque de l’installation électrique (selon les modèles) en la fixant avec 2 vis et 2 rondelles métalliques (Fig. 4). 2. Fixation au mur: Tracez une ligne sur le mur, à la verticale de votre plan de cuisson. Tracez sur le mur les 2 premiers trous que vous devrez percer, en respectant
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    COMMANDES de la Fig.20: P1) OFF/- Eclairages: Diminue l’intensité lumineuse pour arriver à l’intensité minimum. Si pressé pendant 2" les lumières s’éteignent. P2) ON/+ Eclairages: Allume les éclairages en rappelant le dernier niveau de luminosité programmé (avant le dernier arrêt). Augmente
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    Touche E : active la MINUTERIE (lorsque le moteur fonctionne) et la hotte s’arrête automatiquement après 5'. En outre remet à zéro le comptage des heures lorsque l’alarme des filtres est activée (avec le moteur arrêté). ALARME FILTRES : elle est signalée avec le Moteur Arrêté : Après 30h de
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    secondo le esigenze di allineamento ai pensili. Se avete l'esigenza di regolare la cappa anche in altezza, operare sulle apposite viti (B) di regolazione (in dotazione). A regolazione avvenuta, senza togliere la cappa, segnare sul muro gli altri 4 fori da fare (C); sganciare la cappa ed effettuare
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    Incrementa la velocità del motore fino ad arrivare alla massima velocità (NON INTENSIVE). Se premuto per 2" si attiva il TIMER di 5 minuti (evidenziato con il lampeggio dei led relativi alla velocità in esecuzione). Se premuto per 2" quando il Timer è attivo, questo viene ELIMINATO. P5) INT:
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    il fitro antigrasso spingendo il fermo e ruotandolo verso l’esterno (Fig. 17). Filtro carbone: nel caso d'uso dell'apparecchio in versione filtrante, sarà necessario sostituire il filtro al carbone periodicamente, quando compare l’allarme filtri carbone. Per istruzioni sull’Allarme filtri, fare
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    inferior se encastren bien (Fig. 12); levantar el tubo superior hasta el techo y asegurarlo con 2 tornillos (H) - Fig.12. INSTALACION DE LA VERSION FILTRANTE: Preparar los cables de alimentación eléctrica dentro de las dimensiones del tubo decorativo (para la conexión eléctrica, seguir las
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    En cuanto los filtros antigrasa estén limpios (o sustituidos los filtros de carbón), presione la tecla P3 durante la visualización de la alarma de filtros, para que se reanude el conteo de las horas (RESET). MANDOS de la Fig.21: A) apaga las luces. B) enciende las luces. C) Disminuye la velocidad
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    algunos segundos. ADVERTENCIA En caso de fuertes concentraciones de vapores, podría producirse la formación de condensado en la parte inferior de la campana; esto no indica defecto alguno ni altera el funcionamiento normal de la campana. PORTUGUÊS DESCRIÇÃO O aparelho pode ser instalado na versão
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    - Montar a redução por cima do exaustor, na posição correspondente ao ponto de saída de ar (Fig.13). - Agarrar no deflector de ar e fixar nele um tubo flexível (com 125 mm de diâmetro), imobilizando-o com uma braçadeira metálica (o tubo e as braçadeiras não são fornecidos com o exaustor); fixar o
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    E) Activa/desactiva o Sensor( modo de funcionamento AUTOMÁTICO ou MANUAL). No modo Automático o sensor está activo e no Display (L) aparece a letra “A”. L) Display: - indica a velocidade em execução - indica o modo Automático através da visualização da letra “A”. Ao mudar a velocidade do motor, a
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    NEDERLANDS BESCHRIJVING De wasemkap kan worden gebruikt in de filter- of afzuigversie. Filterversie (Afb. 1): de afzuigkap zuigt de met verbrandingsgassen en onaangename luchtjes doordrongen kooklucht af en zuivert de lucht via de vetfilters en het koolstoffilter waarna de schone lucht weer in de
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    schroeven. - Verbind de slang met de reductie op de luchtuitgangsopening (Afb.15). - Breng de elektrische aansluiting van de afzuigkap tot stand met de voedingskabel. - Monteer de telescopische buizen door ze op de kap te laten rusten. Let erop dat de vleugels van de onderste buis goed passen (Afb.
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    actief en verschijnt op de Display (L) de letter “A”. L) Display: - geeft de huidige snelheid weer - geeft de Automatische bediening weer aan de hand van de letter “A”. Indien de snelheid van de motor wordt gewijzigd, wordt de huidige snelheid 3-maal knipperend weergegeven, waarna opnieuw de letter
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    04307387/2S - K1288s.n.
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