Инструкция для Involight AD1000

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background image


“Fixture control area” then <B>, the currently selected attribute values 
of all the selected fixtures will be aligned to the values of the first 




  Fan mode 

Fan mode automatically spreads out the values on a selected range of 
fixtures. If used on pan and tilt, the result is spreading out “rays” of light 
beams. The first and last fixtures of the range are affected most, and the 
central fixtures are affected least. The amount of fan can be set using the 
wheels. As with shapes, the order in which you select the fixtures sets how 
the fan effect works. The fixtures you select first and last will be the ones 
which change most. If you use a group to select the fixtures, the order is 
that in which the fixtures in the group were selected when it was created. 
The fan effect, while normally used on pan or tilt attributes, can be applied 
to any attribute. 


Select fixtures; 



Select attributes; 



Press <Fan> in “Function area” (indicator on); 



Set the amount of fan using the wheels; 



Press <Fan> in “Function area” (indicator off) again to close the fan 
shape mode when you’ve finished. 



  Clear the Programmer 


Clear the Programmer

: Press <Clear> in the menu area.



Clear a certain fixture of a certain attribute from the 

: Select a desired fixture. Press <Off> in the function 

area then <B>[OFF Selected Fixtures] to delete the fixture from the 
Programmer; or, press <OFF> then <C>/<D> to delete the attributes 
of the fixture from the Programmer.



Оглавление инструкции
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    INVOLIGHT AD1000 DMX Console User Manual
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    1 Overview AD1000 1024 DMX controller can control up to 96 fixtures. It is compatible with the library in Avolite Pearl R20 format and featured with built-in shape effects of pan/tilt circle, RGB rainbow, beam dimming wave, etc. 10 scenes and 5 built-in shapes can be output simultaneously. Faders
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    2 Operation 2.1 Front Panel
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    The front panel consists of several areas:  Fixture area: including 16 <Fixture> buttons, 16 faders and 6 <Page> buttons. There are 6 pages of fixtures supporting up to 96 fixtures. The <Swap Preset Fader Function> button with 2 LED indicators can be used to switch the functions of the 16 faders.
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     Playback area: Including 10 <Playback> buttons, 10 <Palette> buttons, 10 playback Faders, 5 <Page> buttons and 1 <DBO> button, 3 Master Faders    The Page Of Playback lets you select different pages of playbacks, <1>, <2>, <3> Buttons and <A>, <B> Buttons combine 6 pages. The Blackout lets
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     Attribute area: Including 8 <Attributes> buttons and 3 <Attribute Banks> buttons. Each < Attributes> button carries two attributes, respectively controlled by <Wheel A> and <Wheel B>. When <Attribute/Level> button is switched at <Attribute> side, the faders in the fixture area can be used to
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     Playback control area: Including 5 playback control buttons: <Connect>, <Stop>, <Go->, <Go+> and <Playback Parameters>.      The Connect Button lets you connect a running chase you want to control. The Stop Button let you stop the chase you have connected. The Go+ button let you play the
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     Function area: Operations about scene storage and copy or fixture patch can be implemented in this area. The LED indicators on these buttons are to show the status of the buttons.  Fixture control area: including buttons of <Previous>, <Next>, <HiLight>, <All>, <Odd>, <Even>, <Locate> and <ML>,
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     LCD area: The LCD is to display the menu, implement the menu operations and clear the Programmer.  The Menu softkeys (labelled A – E) are used to select control options. The display next to the buttons shows what each one will do. The options for each key change depending on what the console is
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    3.1 Glossaries           HTP: The type of the channels with the highest output (highest takes precedence), normally for dimmer channels. LTP: The type of the channels with the latest output (latest takes precedence), for non-dimmer channels. Fade in: The intensity of the light changes
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    3. Patch 3.1 Create 3.1.1 Patch dimmer 1) Press and hold <Patch>, then, press <A>[Patch Dimmer]. 2) An address will be displayed at Line 2 on the screen for patching. Roll <Wheel Value> to change the address; Press <D>[Auto calculate Addr.] to automatically achieve a suitable address. 3) To patch a
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    3) An address will be displayed at Line 2 on the screen for patching. Roll <Wheel Value> to change the address. 4) Once the address code is set, press a desired <Fixture> button to patch. 5) Press <Enter> to confirm. 3.2.2 Deleting a patched fixture 1) If not in the Patch menu, press <Patch> to
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    4. Controlling fixtures 4.1       Select fixtures Select a single fixture: Press the handle Fixture buttons for the fixtures you want. The LED in the Fixture button comes on for selected fixtures Select a range of fixtures: To select a range of fixtures, hold down the Fixture button for the
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    “Fixture control area” then <B>, the currently selected attribute values of all the selected fixtures will be aligned to the values of the first fixture. 4.4 Fan mode Fan mode automatically spreads out the values on a selected range of fixtures. If used on pan and tilt, the result is spreading out
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    5. Shapes A shape is simply a sequence of values which can be applied to any attribute of a fixture. A “circle” shape, for example, applied to the pan and tilt attributes, would cause the fixture to move its beam around in a circular pattern. You can set the centre point of the circle, the size of
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    5.3 1) 2) 3) 4) Delete a shape Press <Shape> in “Function area”; Press <Delete> in “Function area”; Highlight the shape that you want to delete; Press <Enter> to confirm. 5.4 Playback Parameters This option lets you set parameters for a shape stored in a playback / scene. When a scene fades in, you
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    6. Palette When programming a show you will find that you frequently use certain positions, colours, etc. Like an artist’s palette, the Pearl lets you store these settings so you can recall them at the touch of a button rather than having to find them on the wheels every time. There are 6 pages of
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    7. Scene There are many functions in the controller to create a complicated lighting effect; and, the most fundamental part is a scene, in which you can store a “look” you have created using your light. There are 60 playbacks on 5 pages, each page with 12, which can be used to store scenes and
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    7.3 Copying a Scene 1) Press <Copy>, then, press a <Playback> button that stores a scene; 2) Press an empty <Playback> button to copy. 7.4 Delete a Scene 1) Press <Delete> to enter the Delete menu; 2) Press a desired <Playback> button to delete; press it again to confirm. 7.5 Time Press <Time>,
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    times are set to zero. LTP channels are controlled by the fader position (except Instant channels). Set the LTP fade time to 0 to use this mode. 7.6 Run scenes Raise fader, the corresponding scene on the current page will be output. At the first Menu, press a <Playback> button, the selected scene
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    8. Chase A sequence of one or more pre recorded steps programmed using the CHASE button. It can be replayed automatically if desired. Sometimes known as SEQUENCE, STACK or Linked Cues. The chase can include 600 steps in this console. 8.1 Create 1) Press <Chase> In the Playback area, the LED
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    Under the Chase editing menu, press a desired <Playback> button of the step, then, scene data will be imported. 8.5 Global Time 1) Under the first level menu, press <Time>; 2) Then, press a desired scene. Press <Up> or <Down> to turn the pages; press a soft key to select the options for editing;
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    8.10 Advanced Option Each chase has options which can be set to affect the way it runs. Press <P.b. Par>. You need to have a chase “connected”, or the button will not do anything. The options you set are individual for each chase. The options are: A[Save Speed] – saves the current speed of the
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    9. Setup 9.1 Manage USB memory At first menu, press <Setup> button, then press <A> - "U-Disk". Then you can select "Save Data" or "Read Data". In "Save Data" Menu, use Wheel V to change character, up and down to move the curse. Then press Enter to save. 9.2 Wipe data At first menu, press <Setup>
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    11. Appendix: Personality Builder Personality Builder is software for library edit. A CD with Personality Builder installation program is enclosed in each AD1000 1024 package. You can install it into your PC and use it to edit your library. The library files can be saved in a USB memory (FAT32
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    ООО «ИНВАСК» Адрес: 143406, Московская область, Красногорск, ул. Ленина, дом 3-Б Тел. (495) 565-0161 (многоканальный) Факс (495) 565-0161, доб. 105 http://www.invask.ru e-mail: invask@invask.ru Сервис-центр «ИНВАСК» Адрес: 143400, Московская область, Красногорск, Коммунальный квартал, дом. 20 Тел.
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