Инструкция для Freggia LSB1400

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The fridge is used for storing fresh food for few days.


Do not place food in direct contact with the rear wall of the refrigerator. 

Leave some space around food to allow circulation of air.


Do not place hot food or evaporating liquid in the refrigerator.


Always store food in closed containers or wrapped.


To reduce humidity and avoid formation of frost, never place liquids in 

unsealed containers in the refrigerator.


Meat of all types, wrapped in packages, is recommended to be placed on 

the glass shelf just above the vegetable bin, where the air is colder.


You can put the fruits and vegetables into crisper without packing.


To avoid the cold air escaping, try not to open the door too often, and not 

leave the door open for a long time.




Disconnect the appliance from the power supply 

before cleaning.


Do not wash your fridge by pouring water.


The refrigeratorshould be cleaned periodically using a 

solution of bicarbonate of soda and lukewarm water.


You can wipe the inner and outer sides with a soft 

cloth or a sponge using warm and soapy water.


Clean the accessories separately with 

soap and water. Do not put them in the 



Do not use abrasive products, detergents or soaps. 

After washing, rinse with clean water and dry carefully. 

When the cleaning operations have been completed, 

reconnect the plug with dry hands.


You should clean the condenser with broom at least 

once a year in order to provide energy saving and 

increase the productivity.


Defrosting occurs automatically in refrigerator during operation; the 

defrost water is collected by the evaporating compartment and evaporates 



The defrost water drain hole should be cleaned periodically with defrost 

drain plug to prevent the water from collecting on the bottom of the 

refrigerator instead of flowing out.


You can also pour ½ glass of the water to drain hole to clean inside.





Figure 1    


           Figure 2



Unplug the unit from the power supply,


Press the hook in front of the light cover such as Figure 1 and remove 

the light cover,


Change the present light bulb with a new one of not more than 15 W.


Replace the light cover and after waiting 5 minutes plug the unit.


Transportation and changing of installation position


Original package and foam may be kept for re-transportation (optionally).


You should fasten your fridge with thick package, bands or strong cords 

and follow the instructions for transportation on the package for re-



Remove movable parts (shelves, accessories, vegetable bins etc.) or fix 

them into the fridge against shocks using bands during re-positioning and 


Оглавление инструкции
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    Istruzioni in formato elettronico e` possibile scaricare dal sito www.freggia.com This manual can be downloaded at www.freggia.com Инструкцию в электронном виде можно скачать на сайте www.freggia.com Інструкцію в електронному вигляді можна завантажити на сайті www.freggia.com Instrukcję w formie
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