Инструкция для INDESIT K3C557

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Precautions and tips


 This appliance has been designed and

manufactured in compliance with international safety
The following warnings are provided for safety
reasons and must be read carefully.

General safety

• The glass ceramic hob is resistant to temperature

fluctuations and shocks. It is, however, wise to
remember that blades or cooking utensils may
ruin the surface of the hob. If this happens,
remove the plug of the cooker from the electricity
socket and contact an authorised Technical
Assistance Centre in order to request original
spare parts. Failure to comply with the above may
compromise the safety of the appliance.

• If the surface of the hob is cracked, switch off the

appliance to prevent electric shocks from

• The appliance was designed for domestic use

inside the home and is not intended for
commercial or industrial use.

• The appliance must not be installed outdoors, even

in covered areas. It is extremely dangerous to
leave the appliance exposed to rain and storms.

• Do not touch the appliance with bare feet or with

wet or damp hands and feet.

The appliance must be used by adults only for

the preparation of food, in accordance with the
instructions outlined in this booklet. Any other
use of the appliance (e.g. for heating the room)
constitutes improper use and is dangerous.
The manufacturer may not be held liable for
any damage resulting from improper, incorrect
and unreasonable use of the appliance.

• The instruction booklet accompanies a class 1

(insulated) or class 2 - subclass 1 (recessed
between 2 cupboards) appliance.

When the appliance is in use, the heating

elements and some parts of the oven door
become extremely hot. Make sure you don't
touch them and keep children well away.

• Make sure that the power supply cables of other

electrical appliances do not come into contact
with the hot parts of the oven.

• The openings used for the ventilation and

dispersion of heat must never be covered.

• Always use oven gloves when placing cookware

in the oven or when removing it.

• Do not use flammable liquids (alcohol, petrol,

etc...) near the appliance while it is in use.

• Do not place flammable material in the lower

storage compartment or in the oven itself. If the
appliance is switched on accidentally, it could
catch fire.

• Always make sure the knobs are in the 


when the appliance is not in use.

• When unplugging the appliance, always pull the

plug from the mains socket; do not pull on the

• Never perform any cleaning or maintenance work

without having disconnected the appliance from
the electricity mains.

• If the appliance breaks down, under no

circumstances should you attempt to repair the
appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by
inexperienced persons may cause injury or further
malfunctioning of the appliance. Contact

• Do not rest heavy objects on the open oven door.

• Do not let children play with the appliance.

• The appliance should not be operated by people

(including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capacities, by inexperienced
individuals or by anyone who is not familiar with
the product. These individuals should, at the very
least, be supervised by someone who assumes
responsibility for their safety or receive
preliminary instructions relating to the operation of
the appliance.


• When disposing of packaging material: observe

local legislation so that the packaging may be

• The European Directive 2002/96/EC relating to

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) states that household appliances should
not be disposed of using the normal solid urban
waste cycle. Exhausted appliances should be
collected separately in order to optimise the cost
of re-using and recycling the materials inside the
machine, while preventing potential damage to
the atmosphere and to public health. The
crossed-out dustbin is marked on all products to
remind the owner of their obligations regarding
separated waste collection.

Exhausted appliances may be collected by the

public waste collection service, taken to suitable
collection areas in the area or, if permitted by
current national legislation, they may be returned
to the dealers as part of an exchange deal for a
new equivalent product.

All major manufacturers of household appliances

participate in the creation and organisation of
systems for the collection and disposal of old and
disused appliances.

Оглавление инструкции
  • Страница 1 из 29
    Руководство по эксплуатации КУХОННАЯ ПЛИТА С ДУХОВЫМ ШКАФОМ RS РУССКИЙ,1 GB English, 15 Содержание Монтаж, 2-3 Расположение и нивелировка Электрическое подсоединение Технические данные Описание изделия, 4 Общии вид Панель управления Включение и эксплуатация, 5-9 Включение духового шкафа Программы
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    Установка ! Важно сохранить данное руководство для его последующих консультации. В случае продажи, передачи или переезда проверьте, чтобы данное руководство сопровождало изделие. Выравнивание При необходимости выровнять изделие вкрутите в специальные отверстия по углам в основании кухоннои плиты
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    расположена в нижнеи части зажимнои коробки. 3. подсоедините провода N и 6 в соответствии со схемои (см. рисунок) и до упора закрутите винты зажимов. 4. подсоедините оставшиеся провода к зажимам 1-2-3 и закрутите винты. 5. закрепите кабель электропитания в специальном кабельном сальнике. 6.
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    Описание изделия RS Общии вид Панель управления Ðóêîÿòêè ÝËÅÊÒÐÈ×ÅÑÊÈÕ ÊÎÍÔÎÐÎÊ * * *Имеется только в некоторых моделях 4
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    Включение и эксплуатация ! При первом включении духового шкафа рекомендуем прокалить его примерно в течение 30 минут при максимальнои температуре с закрытои дверцеи. Затем выключите духовои шкаф, откроите дверцу и проветрите помещение. Запах, которыи вы можете почувствовать, вызван испарением
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    RS Программы приготовления ! Для всех программ можно задать температуру от 50°C до МАКС кроме: • ГРИЛЬ и ДВОИНОИ ГРИЛЬ (рекомендуется устанавливать только МАКС. температуру); • ДВОИНОИ ВЕНТИЛИРОВАННЫИ ГРИЛЬ (рекомендуется не превышать температуру 200°C). Выбор различных функций кухонной плиты
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    Положение рукоятки термостата Между 50°C и Макс. Включаются нагревательные элементы и вентилятор. Так как жар является постоянным и однородным во всем духовом шкафу, воздух обеспечивает однородное приготовление и зажаривание продукта. Кроме того можно одновременно приготовить разные виды продуктов,
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    RS Электронныи таимер* Вертел Показывает время и выполняет функцию таимера с обратным отсчетом. ! Все функции включаются примерно через 7 секунд после их выбора. Порядок включения вертела (см. рисунок): 1. установите противень на 1-ыи уровень; 2. установите держатель вертела на 4-ыи уровень и
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    Таблица приготовления в духовом шкафу RS 9
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    Электрическая варочная панель RS ! на стекляннои поверхности варочнои панели могут быть видны сальные следы от клея, нанесенного на прокладки. Перед началом эксплуатации изделия следует удалить следы клея при помощи специального неабразивного моющего средства. В первые часы работы вы можете
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    Предосторожности и рекомендации ! Изделие спроектировано и изготовлено в соответствии с международными нормативами по безопасности. Необходимо внимательно прочитать настоящие предупреждения, составленные в целях вашеи безопасности. Общие требования к безопасности • Не тяните за провод
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    RS Экономия электроэнергии и охрана окружающеи среды • Если вы будете пользоваться духовым шкафом вечером и до раннего утра, это поможет сократить нагрузку потребления электроэнергии электростанциями. • При использовании режимов ГРИЛЬ, ДВОИНОИ ГРИЛЬ и ДВОИНОИ ВЕНТИЛИРОВАННЫИ ГРИЛЬ дверца духового
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    Техническое обслуживание и уход Отключение электропитания Перед началом какои-либо операции по обслуживанию или чистке отсоедините изделие от сети электропитания. ! Никогда не используйте паровые чистящие агрегаты или агрегаты под высоким давлением для чистки изделия. Чистка духового шкафа •
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    RS Мы заботимся о своих покупателях и стараемся сделать сервисное обслуживание наиболее качественным. Мы постоянно совершенствуем наши продукты, чтобы сделать Ваше общение с техникой простым и приятным. Уход за техникой Продлите срок эксплуатации и снизьте вероятность поломки техники.
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    Operating Instructions COOKER AND OVEN GB RS РУССКИЙ,1 GB English, 15 Contents Installation, 16-17 Positioning and levelling Electrical connections Technical data Description of the appliance,18 Overall view Control panel Start-up and use, 19-23 Starting the oven Cooking modes Electronic timer Oven
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    Installation ! Before operating your new appliance please read this instruction booklet carefully. It contains important information concerning the safe installation and operation of the appliance. The legs* provided with the appliance fit into the slots on the underside of the base of the cooker.
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    5. Fix the power supply cable in place by fastening the cable clamp screw. 6. Close the terminal board cover by tightening the screws V. Connecting the supply cable to the mains Install a standardised plug corresponding to the load indicated on the data plate located on the appliance. The appliance
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    Description of the appliance GB Overall view Glass ceramic hob GUIDE RAILS for the sliding racks position 5 position 4 position 3 position 2 position 1 Control panel GRILL rack DRIPPING PAN Adjustable foot Adjustable foot Control panel THERMOSTAT knob THERMOSTAT indicator light ACTIVE HOTPLATE
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    Start-up and use ! The first time you use your appliance, heat the empty oven with its door closed at its maximum temperature for at least half an hour. Ensure that the room is well ventilated before switching the oven off and opening the oven door. The appliance may emit a slightly unpleasant
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    GB Cooking modes ! A temperature value can be set for all cooking modes between 50°C and Max, except for the following modes • GRILL (recommended: set only to MAX power level). • FAN-ASSISTED GRILL (recommended: do not exceed 200°C). The various features of cooker may be controlled using the knobs
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    TOP OVEN mode Turn the thermostat knob between 50°C and Max. The top heating element comes on. This mode can be used to brown food at the end of cooking. GRILL mode Position the thermostat knob between 50°C and Max. The central top heating element and the turnspit will be activated. The extremely
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    GB Cooking on several shelves simultaneously If it is necessary to use two racks, use the FAN OVEN cooking mode b, as this is the only cooking mode suited to this type of cooking. We also recommend that: • Positions 1 and 5 are not used. This is because excessive direct heat can burn temperature
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    Oven cooking advice table GB Selector knob Food to be cooked setting Weight (in kg) Cooking rack position from bottom Preheating time (minutes) Thermostat knob setting Cooking time (minutes) 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 15 15 15 15 15 200 200 200 180 180 65-75 70-75 70-80 15-20 30-35 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
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    Using the glass ceramic hob GB !The glue applied on the gaskets leaves traces of grease on the glass. Before using the appliance, we recommend you remove these with a special nonabrasive cleaning product. During the first few hours of use there may be a smell of rubber which will disappear very
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    Precautions and tips ! This appliance has been designed and manufactured in compliance with international safety standards. The following warnings are provided for safety reasons and must be read carefully. General safety • The glass ceramic hob is resistant to temperature fluctuations and shocks.
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    GB Respecting and conserving the environment • You can help to reduce the peak load of the electricity supply network companies by using the oven in the hours between late afternoon and the early hours of the morning. • Always keep the oven door closed when using the GRILL, DOUBLE GRILL and
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    Care and maintenance Switching the appliance off Disconnect your appliance from the electricity supply before carrying out any work on it. ! Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners on the appliance. Cleaning the oven • The stainless steel or enamel-coated external parts and the rubber seals
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    05/2011 - 195079726.04 XEROX FABRIANO GB 28
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