Инструкция для PEG-PEREGO aria on track

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background image

down on the side braces as shown in the figure.

  8•    To remove the hood, press the side buttons while lifting 

the hood off, as shown in the figure.



  9•    The drink holder can be placed on the left or right hand 

side of the stroller, thanks to the attachment which is 
already fitted on both sides. To fit the drink holder, click it 
on, as in Figure A. See Figure B for a fitted drink holder.

      Do not place hot drinks in the drink-holder.



 10•   Press the brake lever on the rear wheel unit to set the 

brake on the stroller.



 11•   A: Make sure that the brace is properly inserted by 

pushing as shown in the figure. B: Fasten the belt as 
shown in the figure.

 12•   To unfasten the belt, press on the buckle sides and pull 

out the waist strap.

 13•   The new safety belt is now easier to fasten thanks to the 

"snap-open-and-shut" device. Before fastening the safety 
belt, attach the buckle to the backrest by inserting the tab 
through the special holder, as shown in the figure. After 
fastening the safety belt on your child, detach it from the 
backrest to allow the child more freedom of movement. 
The buckle must remain below the child's shoulders.



 14•   To recline the backrest, lower the backrest adjuster button 

while pushing the backrest down. To raise the backrest, 
push the backrest adjuster button upwards, as shown in 
the figure.



 15•   Lower the lever as shown in the figure to allow the front 

wheels to swivel. Lift the lever for fixed wheels.



 16•   The front bar or tray can be opened to make it easier for 

the child to get in and out of the stroller when he or she 
is older.  To open the bar, press the button with one hand 
while pulling the bar upwards with the other hand.

 17•   To remove the front bar-child tray, press the two buttons 

as shown in the figure while pulling the tray upwards.



 18•   If it is necessary to replace the basket, fasten the front of 

the new basket to the hooks as shown in the figure.

 19•   Fasten the back of the basket, closing the buttons as 

shown in the figure.



      The wheels on the stroller are removable.
 20•   To remove the front wheels, set them to swivel, press the 

levers and push the wheel until it comes off, as shown in 
the figure.

 21•   To remove the rear wheels, press button A and pull the 

wheels off, as shown in the figure.



      Before folding up the stroller, pull the side braces upwards 

if the hood is attached.

 22•   To fold up the stroller, raise the two handlebar levers and 

swing the handlebar forwards until it clicks into place.

 23•   Push the backrest and the hood towards the stroller, while 

lowering the handlebar into its housing. Check to make 
sure that the stroller is fastened securely with the safety 
hook. The folded-up stroller will stand upright by itself.



 24•   The stroller can easily be carried by the handle when it is 




 25•   To remove the lining from the stroller, remove the little 

cover on the side by pressing on it. Push the pin upwards 

 26•   then outwards. Slip the pin out of the hole in the sack. 

Repeat on the other side.

 27•   To detach the sack from the seat, remove the leg divider 

from under the seat, and unbutton as shown in the figure.

 28•   Loosen the safety belt from both sides, and slip the sack 

off the stroller.


accessory line

 29•   Diaper-Changing Bag: Satchel with pad for changing 

baby’s diaper. Attaches to the stroller.

 30•   The rain canopy made of transparent with elastic around 

the edge can be fastened over the hood on the Aria 

    cleaning & maintenance

  •    Your product requires only minimal maintenance. 

Cleaning and maintenance operations must be performed 
only by adults.

  •    Be sure to keep all moving parts clean, lubricating them 

with light oil if necessary.

  •    Dry off metal parts to prevent rusting.
  •    Regularly clean the plastic parts with a damp cloth. Do 

not use solvents or similar products.

  •    Brush the fabric parts to remove dust.
  •    Remove any dust and sand from the wheels.
  •    Protect the product against smog, water, rain and snow. 

Continued and extended exposure to sunlight can 
change the colours of many materials.

  •    Store the product in a dry area.
  •    To wash the sack, follow the instructions below.





     If parts of the product are lost or damaged, replace only 

with original Peg-Pérego spare parts. For any repairs, 
replacements, product information and the sale of original 
spare parts and accessories contact the Peg-Pérego 
Assistance Service:

  •   tel.: 0039 039 60 88 213
  •   fax: 0039 039 33 09 992




  •   web site: www.pegperego.com

     Peg-Pérego may modify the products described in this 

publication at any time for technical or commercial 

    what do you think of us?

     Peg-Pérego makes itself available to all its customers in 

order to best satisfy their various needs. Knowing the 
opinion of our customers is extremely important and 
valuable to us. We would therefore be very grateful if, 
after using our product, you would fill in the CONSUMER 
SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE, adding any observations 
or suggestions, on our web site: www.pegperego.com

Оглавление инструкции
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    aria on track IT Istruzioni d’uso EN Instructions for use FR Notice d’emploi DE Gebrauchsanleitung ES Instrucciones de uso PT Instruções para uso NL Gebruiksaanwijzing DK Brugsanvisning FI Käyttöohjeet CZ Návod na použití SK Návod na použitie HU Használati útmutató SL Navodila za uporab RU
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    1 2 A 3 4 5 6
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    19 20 A 21 22 B A 23 24
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    25 26 27 28 29 Accessory 30 Accessory
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    aria on track 3 2 1 5 6 7 8 20 10 4 9 11 12 13 21 14 15 16 17 18 19
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    aria on track IT_Italiano Grazie per aver scelto un prodotto Peg-Pérego. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. è certificata ISO 9001. • La certificazione offre ai clienti e ai consumatori la garanzia di una trasparenza e fiducia nel modo di lavorare dell'impresa. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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    ulteriormente le ruote fino allo scatto d’aggancio. 4• Per inserire le ruote anteriori, infilare la ruota fino al click. 5• Agganciare il frontalino come in figura. CAPOTTINA 6• Per applicare la capottina, inserire gli attacchi nelle apposite sedi. 7• Abbottonare la capottina sul retro dello
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    segnalando eventuali osservazioni o suggerimenti, che troverà nel nostro sito internet: www.pegperego.com EN_English Thank you for choosing a Peg-Pérego product. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. is ISO 9001 certified. • This certification offers customers and consumers a guarantee of transparency and confidence
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    down on the side braces as shown in the figure. 8• To remove the hood, press the side buttons while lifting the hood off, as shown in the figure. DRINK-HOLDER 9• The drink holder can be placed on the left or right hand side of the stroller, thanks to the attachment which is already fitted on both
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    FR_Français Merci d’avoir choisi un produit Peg-Pérego. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. est certifiée ISO 9001. • La certification offre à la clientèle une garantie de transparence et constitue un gage de confiance dans la façon de travailler de l’entreprise. AVERTISSEMENT • IMPORTANT : lire ces instructions
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    20• Pour retirer les blocs roues avant, les mettre en position pivotante, pincer les deux embouts sous le bloc roues tout en extrayant le bloc roues du tube comme indiqué sur la figure correspondante. 21• Pour retirer les blocs roues arrière, appuyer sur le bouton A et simultanément, pousser les
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    DE_Deutsch Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für ein Produkt Peg-Pérego entschieden haben. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. besitzt das Zertifikat ISO 9001. • Die Zertifizierung bietet den Kunden und Konsumenten die Garantie für Transparenz und Vertrauen in die Arbeitsweise des Unternehmens. WARNUNG • WICHTIG: Diese
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    gedrückt halten und gleichzeitig die Räder nach unten drücken, wie in der Abbildung gezeigt. SCHLIESSEN Vor dem Schließen des Sportwagens die Spreizhebel des Verdecks (wenn vorhanden) schließen. 22• Um den Kinderwagen zu schließen, die beiden Hebel am Handgriff nach oben schieben und den Handgriff
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    ES_Español clic. 5• Enganchar la barra frontal como indica la figura. Le agradecemos haber elegido un producto Peg-Pérego. CAPOTA 6• Para aplicar la capota, meter los acoples en sus alojamientos. 7• Abrochar la capota en la parte de detrás del respaldo. Bajar los compases como indica la figura. 8•
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    CIERRE Antes de cerrar la silla de paseo, si está puesta la capota, aflojar los compases. 22• Para cerrar la silla de paseo, levantar los dos pulsadores del manillar y girarlo hacia delante hasta oir un “clic”. 23• Luego empujar el respaldo y la capota hacia la silla de paseo y bajar el manillar
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    PT_Português sentir o clique. 5• Enganchar a parte frontal como resulta na figura. Obrigado por ter escolhido um produto Peg-Pérego. CAPOTA 6• Para aplicar a capota, introduzir os encaixes na própria sede. 7• Abotoar a capota por de trás do encosto. Abaixar os compassos como resulta na figura. 8•
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    FECHO Antes de fechar o carrinho de bebê, se for aplicada a capota, afrouxar os compassos. 22• Para fechar o carrinho de bebé, levantar as duas alavancas do guidão e rodá-lo para frente até sentir o click. 23• Posteriormente empurrar o encosto e a capota na direção do carrinho de bebê e abaixar o
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    NL_Nederlands Wij danken u voor de keuze van een Peg-Pérego product. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. heeft een ISO 9001 certificaat. • De certificering biedt klanten en consumenten de garantie van transparantie en vertrouwen in de werkwijze van de onderneming. WAARSCHUWING • BELANGRIJK: lees deze instructies
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    en tegelijkertijd op het wiel, tot het weggenomen kan worden, zie de afbeelding. 21• Om de achterwielen te verwijderen, op knop A drukken en de wielen op hetzelfde moment omlaag duwen tot ze weggenomen kunnen worden, zoals de afbeelding toont. SLUITEN Voordat u de wandelwagen sluit moet u de
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    DK_Dansk Tak for dit valg af et produkt fra PegPérego. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. heeft een ISO 9001 certificaat. • De certificering biedt klanten en consumenten de garantie van transparantie en vertrouwen in de werkwijze van de onderneming. PAS PÅ! • VIGTIGT: Læs denne brugsanvisning grundigt og gem den
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    kalechen er monteret. 22• Løft styrets to håndtag opad og drej styret frem, indtil der høres et klik, for at lukke klapvognen. 23• Herefter skubbes ryglænet og kalechen ned mod klapvognen, og håndtaget sænkes, indtil det er helt nede på plads. Kontroller at klapvognen er lukket rigtigt sammen på
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    5• Kiinnitä suojakaari kuvassa esitetyllä tavalla. KUOMU 6• Kuomu kiinnitetään asettamalla kiinnittimet paikoilleen. 7• Napita kuomu kiinni selkänojan takaosaan. Laske salvat alas kuvassa esitetyllä tavalla. 8• Kun haluat irrottaa kuomun, paina sivuilla olevia painikkeita ja vedä samanaikaisesti
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    CZ_Čeština Děkujeme, že jste si vybrali ýrobek Peg-Pérego. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. heeft een ISO 9001 certificaat. • De certificering biedt klanten en consumenten de garantie van transparantie en vertrouwen in de werkwijze van de onderneming. UPOZORNĚNÍ • DŮLEŽITÉ: přečtěte si tento návod a uchovejte
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    páčky na polohování stříšky. 22• Pokud chcete golfky složit, zdvihněte obě páčky na řidítkách a přetočte řidítka dopředu, dokud nezacvaknou na své místo. 23• Poté zatlačte na opěrku zad a stříšku směrem ke kočárku a snižte rukojeť až na doraz. Zkontrolujte správné složení kočárku pomocí
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    SK_Slovenčina Ďakujeme, že ste si vybrali výrobok Peg-Pérego. • Peg-Pérego S.p.A. heeft een ISO 9001 certificaat. • De certificering biedt klanten en consumenten de garantie van transparantie en vertrouwen in de werkwijze van de onderneming. UPOZORNENIE • DÔLEŽITÉ: prečítajte si dôkladne tieto
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    21• Ak chcete vytiahnuť zadné kolesá, stlačte tlačidlo A a zároveň zatlačte kolesá smerom nadol a vytiahnite ich tak, ako je to uvedené na obrázku. ZLOŽENIE KOČĺKA Predtým ako kočík zložíte, v prípade, že ste použili striešku, uvoľnite bočné páčky na polohovanie striešky. 22• Ak chcete športový
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    HU_Magyar Köszönjük, hogy a Peg-Pérego termékét választották. • A Peg-Pérego Rt. ISO 9001 tanúsítvánnyal rendelkezik. • A tanúsítvány a vállalati munkamódszer rendszerezettségének és az abban való bizalomnak a garanciáját kínálja az ügyfeleknek és a fogyasztóknak. FIGYELMEZTETÉS • FONTOS:
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    nem veszik az ábra szerint. ÖSSZECSUKÁS A sportkocsi összecsukása előtt, amennyiben a kocsitető rá van erősítve, engedjék ki a támaszkart. 22• A sportkocsi összecsukásához emeljék meg a fogantyún lévő két emeltyűt és kattanásig forgassák előre a fogantyút. 23• Ezt követően nyomják a háttámlát és a
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    SL_Slovenščina Hvala, ker ste izbrali izdelek Peg Perego. • Podjetje Peg Perego S.p.A. je nosilec certifikata ISO 9001. • Certifikat za stranke in porabnike pomeni garancijo transparentnosti in zaupanja v delo podjetja. OPOZORILO • POMEMBNO: natančno preberite ta navodila in jih shranite za
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    Z varnostno zanko preverite, ali je voziček pravilno zaprt. Zaprt voziček bo stal sam. PREVOZ 24• Voziček lahko zaradi ročaja preprosto prenašate. SNEMLJIVOST PREVLEK 25• Da bi z vozička sneli prevleke, odstranite pokrovček na levi in pritisnite. Zatič potisnite navzgor in 26• nato pa ga potisnite
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    инструкции по пользованию РАСКЛАДЫВАНИЕ 1• Для раскладывания коляски отцепите одновременно два крепления, как показано на рисунке. 2• Резко потяните рукоятку вверх, после чего опустите ее вниз до заключительного щелчка. СБОРКА ПРОГУЛОЧНОЙ КОЛЯСКИ 3• Для установки блока задних колес нажмите кнопку А
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    • • • • используйте только фирменные запасные части PegPerego. Для выполнения ремонта, замены деталей, получения справок об изделии, продажи фирменных запчастей и принадлежностей вы можете обращаться в службу обслуживания Peg-Perego: тел.: 0039-039-60.88.213 факс: 0039-039-33.09.992 e-mail:
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    BAŞLIK 6• Başlığı takmak için bağlantı birimlerini karşılık gelen yerlere takın. 7• Başlığı, arkalığın sırt tarafına düğmeleyin. Pergel biçimli bağlantı birimlerini şekildeki gibi aşağı indirin. 8• Başlığı çıkarmak için yanlardaki düğmelere basın ve aynı anda başlığı şekildeki gibi yukarı doğru
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    ΕL_Eλληνικα Σας ευχαριστούμε που επιλέξατε ένα προϊόν Peg-Perego. • H Peg-Pérego S.p.A.είναι πιστοποιημένη κατά ISO 9001. • Η πιστοποίηση παρέχει στους πελάτες και τους καταναλωτές την εγγύηση μιας διαφάνειας και εμπιστοσύνης στον τρόπο με τον οποίο δουλεύει η εταιρία. ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ • ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ:
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    υπηρεσία υποστήριξης 19• Συνδέστε το πίσω, κλείνοντας τα κουμπιά όπως φαίνεται στην εικόνα. ΕΞΑΓΩΓΗ ΤΡΟΧΩΝ Οι τροχοί του καροτσιού μπορούν να βγουν. 20• Για να βγάλετε τους μπροστινούς τροχούς, χρειάζεται να κάνετε τους τροχούς περιστρεφόμενους, πατήστε τους μοχλούς και συγχρόνως σπρώξτε τον τροχό
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    & PEG PEREGO SpA Via De Gasperi, 50 20043 Arcore (MI) Italy www.pegperego.com ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΕΙΔΗ ΒΡΕΦΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙΑ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ Η PEG – PEREGO εγγυάται για τυχόν εργοστασιακά ελαττώματα των προιόντων της για διάστημα έξι μηνών από την ημερομηνία αγοράς. Η προσκόμιση της ανάλογης ταμειακής απόδειξης
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    PEG PEREGO U.S.A. Inc. 3625 INDEPENDENCE DRIVE FORT WAYNE INDIANA 46808 phone 260 482 8191 fax 260 484 2940 Call us toll free: 1 800 671 1701 PEG PEREGO CANADA Inc. 585 GRANITE COURT PICKERING ONTARIO CANADA L1W3K1 phone 905 839 3371 fax 905 839 9542 Call us toll free: 1 800 661 5050
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