Инструкция для DIMPLEX ECW 937 T

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450 MIN

3. Electrical Connection


The heater is supplier with an attached plug.


If the connecting lead is damaged, it must be replaced; a 

special new lead can be obtained from the manufacturer or 

from after-sales service.


The heater must not be located directly beneath a wall 

socket outlet. 

The plug must be accessible after installation. 

4. Heater Operation 

All switch functions are explained below.  

ECW 934  

ECW 937 T 















The heater is equipped with a thermostat, by means of 

which the desired room temperature can be set. 


The setting * represents a room temperature of about 6°C 

(protection against freezing).


Turning the thermostat knob to the right (clockwise) 

increases the temperature setting, while turning to the left 

(anticlockwise) reduces the desired temperature. 


Depending on the size of the room, heat requirement and 
thermostat setting, rooms may overheat if the heating is not 
controlled. This can be dangerous for people who are not 
able to leave the room as it gets too hot.



4.1. Fan Operation (only ECW 937 T)


The ECW 937 T heater has an 

additional fan for faster air 

circulation and quicker heat 


The fan can also be used as a cold 

air blower. 





Fan on/off 


5. Anti-Overheat


The heater is protected against overheating. If the air 

circulation is impeded (e.g. by covering or blocking of the air 

grille), the unit automatically switches off.


If this occurs, switch the heater off for a few minutes (turn 

the switch to “0” or pull the plug out), so that the unit can 

cool down sufficiently. Before switching the unit on again, 

remove the cause of overheating. 

Keep the air inlets and outlets free of dust to ensure that 

maximum heat output is available. Before the start of the 

heating season, vacuum-clean the heater to remove any dirt 

or dust. 

6. Possible Faults


If the heater does not give out any warmth, check that it is 

switched on and that the thermostat is set to the 


correct temperature. Then check the fuse or miniature circuit 



If the cause of the fault cannot be identified, contact the 
nearest after-sales service center.  
You must state the unit E-number and FD-number, as 
indicated on the type plate (wiring compartment cover).


Any examination of the heater or repair work may only be 
carried out by a qualified electrician or after-sales service 


7. Cleaning


Before cleaning, ensure that the heater is disconnected from 

the power supply and that it has cooled down. The outer 

surface can be wiped with a soft damp cloth. Do not use 

scouring powder or furniture polish, as these can damage 

the surface.


Dust that collects within the unit can be removed from the 

outside using a vacuum cleaner. 


8. Technical Data


Power supply voltage 

1/N/PE~ 230V, 50Hz


Heat output


2000 W 

Protection class I


Protective earth terminal




ECW 934: 


3.5 kg 


ECW 937 T:  4.0 kg 














9. Warranty


Authorized dealers can provide information on the terms and 
conditions of warranty. The warranty is not valid without a 
sales receipt marked with the date of purchase. 


Disposal Notice


The product should not be disposed of with 
your other household waste 







1000 W, 
2000 W 


1000 W 

1000 W 


Оглавление инструкции
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